Delete a version of an agent in Amazon Bedrock - Amazon Bedrock

Delete a version of an agent in Amazon Bedrock

To learn how to delete a version of an agent, choose the tab for your preferred method, and then follow the steps:

To delete a version of an agent
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using an IAM role with Amazon Bedrock permissions, and open the Amazon Bedrock console at

  2. Select Agents from the left navigation pane. Then, choose an agent in the Agents section.

  3. To choose the version for deletion, in the Versions section, choose the option button next to the version that you want to delete.

  4. Choose Delete.

  5. A dialog box appears warning you about the consequences of deletion. To confirm that you want to delete the version, enter delete in the input field and choose Delete.

  6. A banner appears to inform you that the version is being deleted. When deletion is complete, a success banner appears.


To delete a version of an agent, send a DeleteAgentVersion request with an Agents for Amazon Bedrock build-time endpoint. By default, the skipResourceInUseCheck parameter is false and deletion is stopped if the resource is in use. If you set skipResourceInUseCheck to true, the resource will be deleted even if the resource is in use.