Monitor Amazon Bedrock Studio using CloudWatch Logs - Amazon Bedrock

Monitor Amazon Bedrock Studio using CloudWatch Logs

Amazon Bedrock Studio creates 3 Amazon CloudWatch log groups in your AWS account. These log groups persist after the corresponding components, projects, and workspaces have been deleted. If you no longer need the logs, use the CloudWatch console to delete them. For more information, see Working with log groups and log streams.

Amazon Bedrock StudioWorkspace members don't have access to these log groups.

Knowledge bases logging in Amazon Bedrock Studio

When workspace members create a knowledge base component, Amazon Bedrock Studio creates the following log groups.

  • /aws/lambda/br-studio-<appId>-<envId>-kbIngestion — Stores logs from a Lambda function in the knowledge base component. Amazon Bedrock Studio uses the Lambda function to start ingestion of data files to the knowledge base.

  • /aws/lambda/br-studio-<appId>-<envId>-opensearchIndex — Stores logs from a Lambda function in the knowledge base component. Amazon Bedrock Studio uses the Lambda function to create an index on the component’s Opensearch collection.

Functions logging in Amazon Bedrock Studio

When workspace members create a function component, Amazon Bedrock Studio creates the following log group.

  • /aws/lambda/br/studio-<appId>-<envId>-executor — Stores logs from a Lambda function in the Amazon Bedrock Studio functions component. Amazon Bedrock Studio uses the Lambda function to invoke the API that the function schema defines.

    Sensitive parameters that you pass to a function component might show up in this log group. To mitigate, consider using masking to protect sensitive log data. Alternatively, use a customer managed key to encrypt the workspace. For more information, see Create an Amazon Bedrock Studio workspace.