Anthropic Claude 3 model customization hyperparameters - Amazon Bedrock

Anthropic Claude 3 model customization hyperparameters

Anthropic Claude 3 models support the following hyperparameters for model customization:

Console Name API Name Definition Default Minimum Maximum
Epoch count epochCount The maximum number of iterations through the entire training dataset 2 1 10
Batch size batchSize Number of samples processed before updating model parameters 32 4 256
Learning rate multiplier learningRateMultiplier Multiplier that influences the learning rate at which model parameters are updated after each batch 1 0.1 2
Early stopping threshold earlyStoppingThreshold Minimum improvement in validation loss required to prevent premature termination of the training process 0.001 0 0.1
Early stopping patience earlyStoppingPatience Tolerance for stagnation in the validation loss metric before stopping the training process 2 1 10