Cohere Command model customization hyperparameters - Amazon Bedrock

Cohere Command model customization hyperparameters

The Cohere Command and Cohere Command Light models support the following hyperparameters for model customization. For more information, see Customize your model to improve its performance for your use case.

For information about fine tuning Cohere models, see the Cohere documentation at


The epochCount quota is adjustable.

Hyperparameter (console) Hyperparameter (API) Definition Type Minimum Maximum Default
Epochs epochCount The number of iterations through the entire training dataset integer 1 100 1
Batch size batchSize The number of samples processed before updating model parameters integer 8 8 (Command)

32 (Light)

Learning rate learningRate The rate at which model parameters are updated after each batch. If you use a validation dataset, we recommend that you don't provide a value for learningRate. float 5.00E-6 0.1 1.00E-5
Early stopping threshold earlyStoppingThreshold The minimum improvement in loss required to prevent premature termination of the training process float 0 0.1 0.01
Early stopping patience earlyStoppingPatience The tolerance for stagnation in the loss metric before stopping the training process integer 1 10 6
Evaluation percentage evalPercentage

The percentage of the dataset allocated for model evaluation, if you don't provide a separate validation dataset

float 5 50 20