Delete a version of a guardrail - Amazon Bedrock

Delete a version of a guardrail

To learn how to delete a version of a guardrail, select one of the tabs below and follow the steps indicated:


If you no longer need a version, you can delete it with the following steps.

To delete a version
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using an IAM role with Amazon Bedrock permissions, and open the Amazon Bedrock console at

  2. Choose Guardrails from the left navigation pane. Then, select a guardrail in the Guardrails section.

  3. In the Versions section, select the version you want to delete and choose Delete.

  4. A modal appears to warn you about resources that are dependent on this version of the guardrail. Disassociate the version from the resources before you delete to avoid errors.

  5. Enter delete in the user input field and choose Delete to delete the guardrail version.


To delete a version of a guardrail, send a DeleteGuardrail request. Specify the ARN of the guardrail in the guardrailIdentifier field and the version in the guardrailVersion field.

The following is the request format:

DELETE /guardrails/guardrailIdentifier?guardrailVersion=guardrailVersion HTTP/1.1

If the deletion is successful, the response returns an HTTP 200 status code.