Monitor knowledge bases using CloudWatch Logs - Amazon Bedrock

Monitor knowledge bases using CloudWatch Logs

Amazon Bedrock supports a monitoring system to help you understand the execution of any data ingestion jobs for your knowledge bases. The following sections cover how to enable and configure the logging system for Amazon Bedrock knowledge bases using both the AWS Management Console and CloudWatch API. You can gain visibility into the data ingestion of your knowledge base resources with this logging system.

Knowledge bases logging using the console

To enable logging for an Amazon Bedrock knowledge base using the AWS Management Console:

  1. Create a knowledge base: Use the AWS Management Console for Amazon Bedrock to create a new knowledge base.

  2. Add a log delivery option: After creating the knowledge base, edit or update your knowledge base to add a log delivery option.

    Configure log delivery details: Enter the details for the log delivery, including:

    • Logging destination (either CloudWatch Logs, Amazon S3, Amazon Data Firehose)

    • (If using CloudWatch Logs as the logging destination) Log group name

    • (If using Amazon S3 as the logging destination) Bucket name

    • (If using Amazon Data Firehose as the logging destination) Firehose stream

  3. Include access permissions: The user who is signed into the console must have the necessary permissions to write the collected logs to the chosen destination.

    The following example IAM policy can be attached to the user signed into the console to grant the necessary permissions when using CloudWatch Logs

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "logs:CreateDelivery", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:logs:your-region:your-account-id:delivery-source:*", "arn:aws:logs:your-region:your-account-id:delivery:*", "arn:aws:logs:your-region:your-account-id:delivery-destination:*" ] }] }
  4. Confirm delivery status: Verify that the log delivery status is "Delivery active" in the console.

Knowledge bases logging using the CloudWatch API

To enable logging for an Amazon Bedrock knowledge base using the CloudWatch API:

  1. Get the ARN of your knowledge base: After creating a knowledge base using either the Amazon Bedrock API or the Amazon Bedrock console, get the Amazon Resource Name of the knowledge base. You can get the Amazon Resource Name by calling GetKnowledgeBase API. A knowledge base Amazon Resource Name follows this format: arn:aws:bedrock:your-region:your-account-id:knowledge-base/knowledge-base-id

  2. Call PutDeliverySource: Use the PutDeliverySource API provided by Amazon CloudWatch to create a delivery source for the knowledge base. Pass the knowledge base Amazon Resource Name as the resourceArn. logType specifies APPLICATION_LOGS as the type of logs that are collected. APPLICATION_LOGS track the current status of files during an ingestion job.

    { "logType": "APPLICATION_LOGS", "name": "my-knowledge-base-delivery-source", "resourceArn": "arn:aws:bedrock:your-region:your-account-id:knowledge-base/knowledge_base_id" }
  3. Call PutDeliveryDestination: Use the PutDeliveryDestination API provided by Amazon CloudWatch to configure where the logs will be stored. You can choose either CloudWatch Logs, Amazon S3, or Amazon Data Firehose as the destination for storing logs. You must specify the Amazon Resource Name of one of the destination options for where your logs will be stored. You can choose the outputFormat of the logs to be one of the following: json, plain, w3c, raw, parquet. The following is an example of configuring logs to be stored in an Amazon S3 bucket and in JSON format.

    { "deliveryDestinationConfiguration": { "destinationResourceArn": "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name" }, "name": "string", "outputFormat": "json", "tags": { "key" : "value" } }

    Note that if you are delivering logs cross-account, you must use the PutDeliveryDestinationPolicy API to assign an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy to the destination account. The IAM policy allows delivery from one account to another account.

  4. Call CreateDelivery: Use the CreateDelivery API call to link the delivery source to the destination that you created in the previous steps. This API operation associates the delivery source with the end destination.

    { "deliveryDestinationArn": "string", "deliverySourceName": "string", "tags": { "string" : "string" } }

If you want to use AWS CloudFormation, you can use the following:

The ResourceArn is the KnowledgeBaseARN, and LogType must be APPLICATION_LOGS as the supported log type.

Supported log types

Amazon Bedrock knowledge bases support the following log types:

  • APPLICATION_LOGS: Logs that track the current status of a specific file during a data ingestion job.

User permissions and limits

To enable logging for an Amazon Bedrock knowledge base, the following permissions are required for the user account signed into the console:

  1. bedrock:AllowVendedLogDeliveryForResource – Required to allow logs to be delivered for the knowledge base resource.

    You can view an example IAM role/permissions policy with all the required permissions for your specific logging destination. See Vended logs permissions for different delivery destinations, and follow the IAM role/permission policy example for your logging destination, including allowing updates to your specific logging destination resource (whether CloudWatch Logs, Amazon S3, or Amazon Data Firehose).

You can also check if there are any quota limits for making CloudWatch logs delivery-related API calls in the CloudWatch Logs service quotas documentation. Quota limits set a maximum number of times you can call an API or create a resource. If you exceed a limit, it will result in a ServiceQuotaExceededException error.

Examples of knowledge base logs

There are data ingestion level logs and resource level logs for Amazon Bedrock knowledge bases.

The following is an example of a data ingestion job log.

{ "event_timestamp": 1718683433639, "event": { "ingestion_job_id": "<IngestionJobId>", "data_source_id": "<IngestionJobId>", "ingestion_job_status": "INGESTION_JOB_STARTED" | "COMPLETE" | "FAILED" | "CRAWLING_COMPLETED" "knowledge_base_arn": "arn:aws:bedrock:<region>:<accountId>:knowledge-base/<KnowledgeBaseId>", "resource_statistics": { "number_of_resources_updated": int, "number_of_resources_ingested": int, "number_of_resources_scheduled_for_update": int, "number_of_resources_scheduled_for_ingestion": int, "number_of_resources_scheduled_for_metadata_update": int, "number_of_resources_deleted": int, "number_of_resources_with_metadata_updated": int, "number_of_resources_failed": int, "number_of_resources_scheduled_for_deletion": int } }, "event_version": "1.0", "event_type": "StartIngestionJob.StatusChanged", "level": "INFO" }

The following is an example of a resource level log.

{ "event_timestamp": 1718677342332, "event": { "ingestion_job_id": "<IngestionJobId>", "data_source_id": "<IngestionJobId>", "knowledge_base_arn": "arn:aws:bedrock:<region>:<accountId>:knowledge-base/<KnowledgeBaseId>", "document_location": { "type": "S3", "s3_location": { "uri": "s3:/<BucketName>/<ObjectKey>" } }, "status": "<ResourceStatus>" "status_reasons": String[], "chunk_statistics": { "ignored": int, "created": int, "deleted": int, "metadata_updated": int, "failed_to_create": int, "failed_to_delete": int, "failed_to_update_metadata": int }, }, "event_version": "1.0", "event_type": "StartIngestionJob.ResourceStatusChanged", "level": "INFO" | "WARN" | "ERROR" }

The status for the resource can be one of the following:

  • SCHEDULED_FOR_INGESTION, SCHEDULED_FOR_DELETION, SCHEDULED_FOR_UPDATE, SCHEDULED_FOR_METADATA_UPDATE: These status values indicate that the resource is scheduled for processing after calculating the difference between the current state of the knowledge base and the changes made in the data source.

  • RESOURCE_IGNORED: This status value indicates that the resource was ignored for processing, and the reason is detailed inside status_reasons property.

  • EMBEDDING_STARTED and EMBEDDING_COMPLETED: These status values indicate when the vector embedding for a resource started and completed.

  • INDEXING_STARTED and INDEXING_COMPLETED: These status values indicate when the indexing for a resource started and completed.

  • DELETION_STARTED and DELETION_COMPLETED: These status values indicate when the deletion for a resource started and completed.

  • METADATA_UPDATE_STARTED and METADATA_UPDATE_COMPLETED: These status values indicate when the metadata update for a resource started and completed.

  • EMBEDDING_FAILED, INDEXING_FAILED, DELETION_FAILED, and METADATA_UPDATE_FAILED: These status values indicate that the processing of a resource failed, and the reasons are detailed inside status_reasons property.

  • INDEXED, DELETED, PARTIALLY_INDEXED, METADATA_PARTIALLY_INDEXED, FAILED: Once the processing of a document is finalized, a log is published with the final status of the document, and the summary of the processing inside chunk_statistics property.

Examples of common queries to debug knowledge base logs

You can interact with logs using queries. For example, you can query for all documents with the event status RESOURCE_IGNORED during ingestion of documents or data.

The following are some common queries that can be used to debug the logs generated using CloudWatch Logs Insights:

  • Query for all the logs generated for a specific S3 document.

    filter event.document_location.s3_location.uri = "s3://<bucketName>/<objectKey>"

  • Query for all documents ignored during the data ingestion job.

    filter event.status = "RESOURCE_IGNORED"

  • Query for all the exceptions that occurred while vector embedding documents.

    filter event.status = "EMBEDDING_FAILED"

  • Query for all the exceptions that occurred while indexing documents into the vector database.

    filter event.status = "INDEXING_FAILED"

  • Query for all the exceptions that occurred while deleting documents from the vector database.

    filter event.status = "DELETION_FAILED"

  • Query for all the exceptions that occurred while updating the metadata of your document in the vector database.

    filter event.status = "DELETION_FAILED"

  • Query for all the exceptions that occurred during the execution of a data ingestion job.

    filter level = "ERROR" or level = "WARN"