Stop a model customization job - Amazon Bedrock

Stop a model customization job

You can stop an Amazon Bedrock model customization job while it's in progress. Select the tab corresponding to your method of choice and follow the steps:


You can't resume a stopped job. Amazon Bedrock charges for the tokens that it used to train the model before you stopped the job. Amazon Bedrock doesn't create an intermediate custom model for a stopped job.

To stop a model customization job
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using an IAM role with Amazon Bedrock permissions, and open the Amazon Bedrock console at

  2. From the left navigation pane, choose Custom models under Foundation models.

  3. In the Training Jobs tab, choose the radio button next to the job to stop or select the job to stop to navigate to the details page.

  4. Select the Stop job button. You can only stop a job if its status is Training.

  5. A modal appears to warn you that you can't resume the training job if you stop it. Select Stop job to confirm.


To stop a model customization job, send a StopModelCustomizationJob (see link for request and response formats and field details) request with a Amazon Bedrock control plane endpoint, using the jobArn of the job.

You can only stop a job if its status is IN_PROGRESS. Check the status with a GetModelCustomizationJob request. The system marks the job for termination and sets the state to STOPPING. Once the job is stopped, the state becomes STOPPED.

See code examples