Get information about foundation models - Amazon Bedrock

Get information about foundation models

In the Amazon Bedrock console, you can find overarching information about Amazon Bedrock foundation model providers and the models they provide in the Providers and Base models sections.

Use the API to retrieve information about Amazon Bedrock foundation model, including its ARN, model ID, modalities and features it supports, and whether it is deprecated or not, in a FoundationModelSummary object.

Select a tab to see code examples in an interface or language.


List the Amazon Bedrock foundation models.

aws bedrock list-foundation-models

Get information about Anthropic Claude v2.

aws bedrock get-foundation-model --model-identifier anthropic.claude-v2

List the Amazon Bedrock foundation models.

import boto3 bedrock = boto3.client(service_name='bedrock') bedrock.list_foundation_models()

Get information about Anthropic Claude v2.

import boto3 bedrock = boto3.client(service_name='bedrock') bedrock.get_foundation_model(modelIdentifier='anthropic.claude-v2')