Modify a Provisioned Throughput - Amazon Bedrock

Modify a Provisioned Throughput

You can edit the name or tags of an existing Provisioned Throughput.

The following restrictions apply to changing the model that the Provisioned Throughput is associated with:

  • You can't change the model for a Provisioned Throughput associated with a base model.

  • If the Provisioned Throughput is associated with a custom model, you can change the association to the base model that it's customized from, or to another custom model that was derived from the same base model.

While a Provisioned Throughput is updating, you can run inference using the Provisioned Throughput without disrupting the on-going traffic from your end customers. If you changed the model that the Provisioned Throughput is associated with, you might receive output from the old model until the update is fully deployed.

To learn how to edit a Provisioned Throughput, choose the tab for your preferred method, and then follow the steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using an IAM role with Amazon Bedrock permissions, and open the Amazon Bedrock console at

  2. Select Provisioned Throughput from the left navigation pane.

  3. From the Provisioned Throughput section, select a Provisioned Throughput.

  4. Choose Edit. You can edit the following fields:

    • Provisioned Throughput name – Change the name of the Provisioned Throughput.

    • Select model – If the Provisioned Throughput is associated with a custom model, you can change the associated model.

  5. You can edit the tags associated with your Provisioned Throughput in the Tags section. For more information, see Tagging Amazon Bedrock resources.

  6. To save your changes, choose Save edits.

  7. The console displays the Provisioned Throughput overview page. The Status of the Provisioned Throughput in the Provisioned Throughput table becomes Updating. When the Provisioned Throughput is finished being update, the Status becomes In service. If the update fails, the Status becomes Failed.


To edit a Provisioned Throughput, send an UpdateProvisionedModelThroughput request with an Amazon Bedrock control plane endpoint.

The following table briefly describes the parameters and request body UpdateProvisionedModelThroughput request syntax):

Variable Required? Use case
provisionedModelId Yes To specify the name or ARN of the Provisioned Throughput to update
desiredModelId No To specify a new model to associate with the Provisioned Throughput (unavailable for Provisioned Throughputs associated with base models).
desiredProvisionedModelName No To specify a new name for the Provisioned Throughput

If the action is successful, the response returns an HTTP 200 status response. To check when the Provisioned Throughput is ready for use, send a GetProvisionedModelThroughput request and check that the status is InService. You can't update or delete a Provisioned Throughput while its status is Updating. If the update fails, its status will be Failed, and the GetProvisionedModelThroughput response will contain a failureMessage.

To add tags to a Provisioned Throughput, send a TagResource request with an Amazon Bedrock control plane endpoint and include the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Provisioned Throughput. The request body contains a tags field, which is an object containing a key-value pair that you specify for each tag.

To remove tags from a Provisioned Throughput, send an UntagResource request with an Amazon Bedrock control plane endpoint and include the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Provisioned Throughput. The tagKeys request parameter is a list containing the keys for the tags that you want to remove.

See code examples