AWS CodeDeploy Construct Library
AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on 2023-06-01. This package is no longer being updated, and users should migrate to AWS CDK v2.
For more information on how to migrate, see the Migrating to AWS CDK v2 guide.
AWS CodeDeploy is a deployment service that automates application deployments to Amazon EC2 instances, on-premises instances, serverless Lambda functions, or Amazon ECS services.
The CDK currently supports Amazon EC2, on-premise and AWS Lambda applications.
EC2/on-premise Applications
To create a new CodeDeploy Application that deploys to EC2/on-premise instances:
ServerApplication application = ServerApplication.Builder.create(this, "CodeDeployApplication") .applicationName("MyApplication") .build();
To import an already existing Application:
IServerApplication application = ServerApplication.fromServerApplicationName(this, "ExistingCodeDeployApplication", "MyExistingApplication");
EC2/on-premise Deployment Groups
To create a new CodeDeploy Deployment Group that deploys to EC2/on-premise instances:
import*; import*; ServerApplication application; AutoScalingGroup asg; Alarm alarm; ServerDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = ServerDeploymentGroup.Builder.create(this, "CodeDeployDeploymentGroup") .application(application) .deploymentGroupName("MyDeploymentGroup") .autoScalingGroups(List.of(asg)) // adds User Data that installs the CodeDeploy agent on your auto-scaling groups hosts // default: true .installAgent(true) // adds EC2 instances matching tags .ec2InstanceTags(new InstanceTagSet(Map.of( // any instance with tags satisfying // key1=v1 or key1=v2 or key2 (any value) or value v3 (any key) // will match this group "key1", List.of("v1", "v2"), "key2", List.of(), "", List.of("v3")))) // adds on-premise instances matching tags .onPremiseInstanceTags(new InstanceTagSet(Map.of( "key1", List.of("v1", "v2")), Map.of( "key2", List.of("v3")))) // CloudWatch alarms .alarms(List.of(alarm)) // whether to ignore failure to fetch the status of alarms from CloudWatch // default: false .ignorePollAlarmsFailure(false) // auto-rollback configuration .autoRollback(AutoRollbackConfig.builder() .failedDeployment(true) // default: true .stoppedDeployment(true) // default: false .deploymentInAlarm(true) .build()) .build();
All properties are optional - if you don't provide an Application, one will be automatically created.
To import an already existing Deployment Group:
ServerApplication application; IServerDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = ServerDeploymentGroup.fromServerDeploymentGroupAttributes(this, "ExistingCodeDeployDeploymentGroup", ServerDeploymentGroupAttributes.builder() .application(application) .deploymentGroupName("MyExistingDeploymentGroup") .build());
Load balancers
You can specify a load balancer
with the loadBalancer
property when creating a Deployment Group.
is an abstract class with static factory methods that allow you to create instances of it from various sources.
With Classic Elastic Load Balancer, you provide it directly:
import*; LoadBalancer lb; lb.addListener(LoadBalancerListener.builder() .externalPort(80) .build()); ServerDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = ServerDeploymentGroup.Builder.create(this, "DeploymentGroup") .loadBalancer(LoadBalancer.classic(lb)) .build();
With Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer, you provide a Target Group as the load balancer:
import*; ApplicationLoadBalancer alb; ApplicationListener listener = alb.addListener("Listener", BaseApplicationListenerProps.builder().port(80).build()); ApplicationTargetGroup targetGroup = listener.addTargets("Fleet", AddApplicationTargetsProps.builder().port(80).build()); ServerDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = ServerDeploymentGroup.Builder.create(this, "DeploymentGroup") .loadBalancer(LoadBalancer.application(targetGroup)) .build();
Deployment Configurations
You can also pass a Deployment Configuration when creating the Deployment Group:
ServerDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = ServerDeploymentGroup.Builder.create(this, "CodeDeployDeploymentGroup") .deploymentConfig(ServerDeploymentConfig.ALL_AT_ONCE) .build();
The default Deployment Configuration is ServerDeploymentConfig.ONE_AT_A_TIME
You can also create a custom Deployment Configuration:
ServerDeploymentConfig deploymentConfig = ServerDeploymentConfig.Builder.create(this, "DeploymentConfiguration") .deploymentConfigName("MyDeploymentConfiguration") // optional property // one of these is required, but both cannot be specified at the same time .minimumHealthyHosts(MinimumHealthyHosts.count(2)) .build();
Or import an existing one:
IServerDeploymentConfig deploymentConfig = ServerDeploymentConfig.fromServerDeploymentConfigName(this, "ExistingDeploymentConfiguration", "MyExistingDeploymentConfiguration");
Lambda Applications
To create a new CodeDeploy Application that deploys to a Lambda function:
LambdaApplication application = LambdaApplication.Builder.create(this, "CodeDeployApplication") .applicationName("MyApplication") .build();
To import an already existing Application:
ILambdaApplication application = LambdaApplication.fromLambdaApplicationName(this, "ExistingCodeDeployApplication", "MyExistingApplication");
Lambda Deployment Groups
To enable traffic shifting deployments for Lambda functions, CodeDeploy uses Lambda Aliases, which can balance incoming traffic between two different versions of your function. Before deployment, the alias sends 100% of invokes to the version used in production. When you publish a new version of the function to your stack, CodeDeploy will send a small percentage of traffic to the new version, monitor, and validate before shifting 100% of traffic to the new version.
To create a new CodeDeploy Deployment Group that deploys to a Lambda function:
LambdaApplication myApplication; Function func; Version version = func.getCurrentVersion(); Alias version1Alias = Alias.Builder.create(this, "alias") .aliasName("prod") .version(version) .build(); LambdaDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = LambdaDeploymentGroup.Builder.create(this, "BlueGreenDeployment") .application(myApplication) // optional property: one will be created for you if not provided .alias(version1Alias) .deploymentConfig(LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE) .build();
In order to deploy a new version of this function:
- Reference the version with the latest changes
const version = func.currentVersion
. - Re-deploy the stack (this will trigger a deployment).
- Monitor the CodeDeploy deployment as traffic shifts between the versions.
Create a custom Deployment Config
CodeDeploy for Lambda comes with built-in configurations for traffic shifting. If you want to specify your own strategy, you can do so with the CustomLambdaDeploymentConfig construct, letting you specify precisely how fast a new function version is deployed.
LambdaApplication application; Alias alias; CustomLambdaDeploymentConfig config = CustomLambdaDeploymentConfig.Builder.create(this, "CustomConfig") .type(CustomLambdaDeploymentConfigType.CANARY) .interval(Duration.minutes(1)) .percentage(5) .build(); LambdaDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = LambdaDeploymentGroup.Builder.create(this, "BlueGreenDeployment") .application(application) .alias(alias) .deploymentConfig(config) .build();
You can specify a custom name for your deployment config, but if you do you will not be able to update the interval/percentage through CDK.
CustomLambdaDeploymentConfig config = CustomLambdaDeploymentConfig.Builder.create(this, "CustomConfig") .type(CustomLambdaDeploymentConfigType.CANARY) .interval(Duration.minutes(1)) .percentage(5) .deploymentConfigName("MyDeploymentConfig") .build();
Rollbacks and Alarms
CodeDeploy will roll back if the deployment fails. You can optionally trigger a rollback when one or more alarms are in a failed state:
import*; Alias alias; // or add alarms to an existing group Alias blueGreenAlias; Alarm alarm = Alarm.Builder.create(this, "Errors") .comparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD) .threshold(1) .evaluationPeriods(1) .metric(alias.metricErrors()) .build(); LambdaDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = LambdaDeploymentGroup.Builder.create(this, "BlueGreenDeployment") .alias(alias) .deploymentConfig(LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE) .alarms(List.of(alarm)) .build(); deploymentGroup.addAlarm(Alarm.Builder.create(this, "BlueGreenErrors") .comparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD) .threshold(1) .evaluationPeriods(1) .metric(blueGreenAlias.metricErrors()) .build());
Pre and Post Hooks
CodeDeploy allows you to run an arbitrary Lambda function before traffic shifting actually starts (PreTraffic Hook) and after it completes (PostTraffic Hook). With either hook, you have the opportunity to run logic that determines whether the deployment must succeed or fail. For example, with PreTraffic hook you could run integration tests against the newly created Lambda version (but not serving traffic). With PostTraffic hook, you could run end-to-end validation checks.
Function warmUpUserCache; Function endToEndValidation; Alias alias; // pass a hook whe creating the deployment group LambdaDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = LambdaDeploymentGroup.Builder.create(this, "BlueGreenDeployment") .alias(alias) .deploymentConfig(LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE) .preHook(warmUpUserCache) .build(); // or configure one on an existing deployment group deploymentGroup.addPostHook(endToEndValidation);
Import an existing Deployment Group
To import an already existing Deployment Group:
Deprecated: AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on 2023-06-01. This package is no longer being updated, and users should migrate to AWS CDK v2. For more information on how to migrate, see application; ILambdaDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = LambdaDeploymentGroup.fromLambdaDeploymentGroupAttributes(this, "ExistingCodeDeployDeploymentGroup", LambdaDeploymentGroupAttributes.builder() .application(application) .deploymentGroupName("MyExistingDeploymentGroup") .build());
ClassDescriptionThe configuration for automatically rolling back deployments in a given Deployment Group.A builder for
An implementation forAutoRollbackConfig
A CloudFormationAWS::CodeDeploy::Application
.A fluent builder forCfnApplication
.Properties for defining aCfnApplication
.A builder forCfnApplicationProps
An implementation forCfnApplicationProps
A CloudFormationAWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentConfig
.A fluent builder forCfnDeploymentConfig
is a property of the DeploymentConfig resource that defines how many instances must remain healthy during an AWS CodeDeploy deployment.A builder forCfnDeploymentConfig.MinimumHealthyHostsProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentConfig.MinimumHealthyHostsProperty
A configuration that shifts traffic from one version of a Lambda function or Amazon ECS task set to another in two increments.A builder forCfnDeploymentConfig.TimeBasedCanaryProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentConfig.TimeBasedCanaryProperty
A configuration that shifts traffic from one version of a Lambda function or ECS task set to another in equal increments, with an equal number of minutes between each increment.A builder forCfnDeploymentConfig.TimeBasedLinearProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentConfig.TimeBasedLinearProperty
The configuration that specifies how traffic is shifted from one version of a Lambda function to another version during an AWS Lambda deployment, or from one Amazon ECS task set to another during an Amazon ECS deployment.A builder forCfnDeploymentConfig.TrafficRoutingConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentConfig.TrafficRoutingConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnDeploymentConfig
.A builder forCfnDeploymentConfigProps
An implementation forCfnDeploymentConfigProps
A CloudFormationAWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup
property type configures CloudWatch alarms for an AWS CodeDeploy deployment group.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.AlarmConfigurationProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.AlarmConfigurationProperty
property type specifies a CloudWatch alarm to use for an AWS CodeDeploy deployment group.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.AlarmProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.AlarmProperty
property type configures automatic rollback for an AWS CodeDeploy deployment group when a deployment is not completed successfully.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.AutoRollbackConfigurationProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.AutoRollbackConfigurationProperty
Information about blue/green deployment options for a deployment group.An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.BlueGreenDeploymentConfigurationProperty
Information about whether instances in the original environment are terminated when a blue/green deployment is successful.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.BlueInstanceTerminationOptionProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.BlueInstanceTerminationOptionProperty
A fluent builder forCfnDeploymentGroup
is a property of the DeploymentGroup resource that specifies an AWS CodeDeploy application revision to be deployed to instances in the deployment group.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.DeploymentProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.DeploymentProperty
Information about how traffic is rerouted to instances in a replacement environment in a blue/green deployment.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.DeploymentReadyOptionProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.DeploymentReadyOptionProperty
Information about the type of deployment, either in-place or blue/green, you want to run and whether to route deployment traffic behind a load balancer.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.DeploymentStyleProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.DeploymentStyleProperty
Information about an Amazon EC2 tag filter.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.EC2TagFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.EC2TagFilterProperty
property type specifies information about groups of tags applied to Amazon EC2 instances.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.EC2TagSetListObjectProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.EC2TagSetListObjectProperty
property type specifies information about groups of tags applied to Amazon EC2 instances.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.EC2TagSetProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.EC2TagSetProperty
Contains the service and cluster names used to identify an Amazon ECS deployment's target.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.ECSServiceProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.ECSServiceProperty
property type specifies information about the Elastic Load Balancing load balancer used for an CodeDeploy deployment group.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.ELBInfoProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.ELBInfoProperty
is a property of the CodeDeploy DeploymentGroup Revision property that specifies the location of an application revision that is stored in GitHub.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.GitHubLocationProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.GitHubLocationProperty
Information about the instances that belong to the replacement environment in a blue/green deployment.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.GreenFleetProvisioningOptionProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.GreenFleetProvisioningOptionProperty
property type specifies information about the load balancer or target group used for an AWS CodeDeploy deployment group.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.LoadBalancerInfoProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.LoadBalancerInfoProperty
property type specifies lists of on-premises instance tag groups.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.OnPremisesTagSetListObjectProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.OnPremisesTagSetListObjectProperty
property type specifies a list containing other lists of on-premises instance tag groups.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.OnPremisesTagSetProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.OnPremisesTagSetProperty
is a property that defines the location of the CodeDeploy application revision to deploy.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.RevisionLocationProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.RevisionLocationProperty
is a property of the CodeDeploy DeploymentGroup Revision property that specifies the location of an application revision that is stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service ( Amazon S3 ).A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.S3LocationProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.S3LocationProperty
is a property type of the AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup resource that specifies which on-premises instances to associate with the deployment group.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.TagFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.TagFilterProperty
property type specifies information about a target group in Elastic Load Balancing to use in a deployment.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.TargetGroupInfoProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.TargetGroupInfoProperty
Example:A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.TargetGroupPairInfoProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.TargetGroupPairInfoProperty
Example:A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.TrafficRouteProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.TrafficRouteProperty
Information about notification triggers for the deployment group.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroup.TriggerConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroup.TriggerConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnDeploymentGroup
.A builder forCfnDeploymentGroupProps
An implementation forCfnDeploymentGroupProps
A custom Deployment Configuration for a Lambda Deployment Group.A fluent builder forCustomLambdaDeploymentConfig
.Properties of a reference to a CodeDeploy Lambda Deployment Configuration.A builder forCustomLambdaDeploymentConfigProps
An implementation forCustomLambdaDeploymentConfigProps
Lambda Deployment config type.A CodeDeploy Application that deploys to an Amazon ECS service.A fluent builder forEcsApplication
.Construction properties forEcsApplication
.A builder forEcsApplicationProps
An implementation forEcsApplicationProps
A custom Deployment Configuration for an ECS Deployment Group.Note: This class currently stands as a namespaced container for importing an ECS Deployment Group defined outside the CDK app until CloudFormation supports provisioning ECS Deployment Groups.Properties of a reference to a CodeDeploy ECS Deployment Group.A builder forEcsDeploymentGroupAttributes
An implementation forEcsDeploymentGroupAttributes
Represents a reference to a CodeDeploy Application deploying to Amazon ECS.Internal default implementation forIEcsApplication
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.The Deployment Configuration of an ECS Deployment Group.Internal default implementation forIEcsDeploymentConfig
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.Interface for an ECS deployment group.Internal default implementation forIEcsDeploymentGroup
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.Represents a reference to a CodeDeploy Application deploying to AWS Lambda.Internal default implementation forILambdaApplication
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.The Deployment Configuration of a Lambda Deployment Group.Internal default implementation forILambdaDeploymentConfig
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.Interface for a Lambda deployment groups.Internal default implementation forILambdaDeploymentGroup
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.Represents a set of instance tag groups.Represents a reference to a CodeDeploy Application deploying to EC2/on-premise instances.Internal default implementation forIServerApplication
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.The Deployment Configuration of an EC2/on-premise Deployment Group.Internal default implementation forIServerDeploymentConfig
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.Internal default implementation forIServerDeploymentGroup
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.A CodeDeploy Application that deploys to an AWS Lambda function.A fluent builder forLambdaApplication
.Construction properties forLambdaApplication
.A builder forLambdaApplicationProps
An implementation forLambdaApplicationProps
A custom Deployment Configuration for a Lambda Deployment Group.Properties of a reference to a CodeDeploy Lambda Deployment Configuration.A builder forLambdaDeploymentConfigImportProps
An implementation forLambdaDeploymentConfigImportProps
Example:A fluent builder forLambdaDeploymentGroup
.Properties of a reference to a CodeDeploy Lambda Deployment Group.A builder forLambdaDeploymentGroupAttributes
An implementation forLambdaDeploymentGroupAttributes
Construction properties forLambdaDeploymentGroup
.A builder forLambdaDeploymentGroupProps
An implementation forLambdaDeploymentGroupProps
An interface of an abstract load balancer, as needed by CodeDeploy.The generations of AWS load balancing solutions.Minimum number of healthy hosts for a server deployment.A CodeDeploy Application that deploys to EC2/on-premise instances.A fluent builder forServerApplication
.Construction properties forServerApplication
.A builder forServerApplicationProps
An implementation forServerApplicationProps
A custom Deployment Configuration for an EC2/on-premise Deployment Group.A fluent builder forServerDeploymentConfig
.Construction properties ofServerDeploymentConfig
.A builder forServerDeploymentConfigProps
An implementation forServerDeploymentConfigProps
A CodeDeploy Deployment Group that deploys to EC2/on-premise instances.A fluent builder forServerDeploymentGroup
.Properties of a reference to a CodeDeploy EC2/on-premise Deployment Group.A builder forServerDeploymentGroupAttributes
An implementation forServerDeploymentGroupAttributes
Construction properties forServerDeploymentGroup
.A builder forServerDeploymentGroupProps
An implementation forServerDeploymentGroupProps