Uses of Package
AWS APIGatewayv2 Integrations
AWS App Mesh Construct Library
Amazon ECS Construct Library
Amazon ECS Service Discovery Construct Library
ClassDescriptionExample:Define a CloudMap Service.
ClassDescriptionInstance that uses Route 53 Alias record type.A fluent builder for
.Example:A builder forAliasTargetInstanceProps
Used when the resource that's associated with the service instance is accessible using values other than an IP address or a domain name (CNAME), i.e.A builder forBaseInstanceProps
Example:A builder forBaseNamespaceProps
Basic props needed to create a service in a given namespace.A builder forBaseServiceProps
A CloudFormationAWS::ServiceDiscovery::HttpNamespace
.A fluent builder forCfnHttpNamespace
.Properties for defining aCfnHttpNamespace
.A builder forCfnHttpNamespaceProps
A CloudFormationAWS::ServiceDiscovery::Instance
.A fluent builder forCfnInstance
.Properties for defining aCfnInstance
.A builder forCfnInstanceProps
A CloudFormationAWS::ServiceDiscovery::PrivateDnsNamespace
.A fluent builder forCfnPrivateDnsNamespace
.DNS properties for the private DNS namespace.Properties for the private DNS namespace.A builder forCfnPrivateDnsNamespace.PropertiesProperty
Start of Authority (SOA) properties for a public or private DNS namespace.A builder forCfnPrivateDnsNamespace.SOAProperty
Properties for defining aCfnPrivateDnsNamespace
.A builder forCfnPrivateDnsNamespaceProps
A CloudFormationAWS::ServiceDiscovery::PublicDnsNamespace
.A fluent builder forCfnPublicDnsNamespace
.Properties for the public DNS namespace.A builder forCfnPublicDnsNamespace.PropertiesProperty
DNS properties for the public DNS namespace.A builder forCfnPublicDnsNamespace.PublicDnsPropertiesMutableProperty
Start of Authority (SOA) properties for a public or private DNS namespace.A builder forCfnPublicDnsNamespace.SOAProperty
Properties for defining aCfnPublicDnsNamespace
.A builder forCfnPublicDnsNamespaceProps
A CloudFormationAWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service
.A fluent builder forCfnService
.A complex type that contains information about the Amazon RouteĀ 53 DNS records that you want AWS Cloud Map to create when you register an instance.A builder forCfnService.DnsConfigProperty
A complex type that contains information about the RouteĀ 53 DNS records that you want AWS Cloud Map to create when you register an instance.A builder forCfnService.DnsRecordProperty
Public DNS and HTTP namespaces only. A complex type that contains settings for an optional health check.A builder forCfnService.HealthCheckConfigProperty
A complex type that contains information about an optional custom health check.A builder forCfnService.HealthCheckCustomConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnService
.A builder forCfnServiceProps
Instance that is accessible using a domain name (CNAME).A fluent builder forCnameInstance
.Example:A builder forCnameInstanceBaseProps
Example:A builder forCnameInstanceProps
Example:Service props needed to create a service in a given namespace.A builder forDnsServiceProps
Settings for an optional Amazon Route 53 health check.A builder forHealthCheckConfig
Specifies information about an optional custom health check.A builder forHealthCheckCustomConfig
Example:Define an HTTP Namespace.A fluent builder forHttpNamespace
.Example:A builder forHttpNamespaceAttributes
Example:A builder forHttpNamespaceProps
Internal default implementation forIHttpNamespace
.Internal default implementation forIInstance
.Internal default implementation forINamespace
.Instance that is accessible using an IP address.A fluent builder forIpInstance
.Example:A builder forIpInstanceBaseProps
Example:A builder forIpInstanceProps
Internal default implementation forIPrivateDnsNamespace
.Internal default implementation forIPublicDnsNamespace
.Internal default implementation forIService
.Instance accessible using values other than an IP address or a domain name (CNAME).A fluent builder forNonIpInstance
.Example:A builder forNonIpInstanceBaseProps
Example:A builder forNonIpInstanceProps
Define a Service Discovery HTTP Namespace.A fluent builder forPrivateDnsNamespace
.Example:A builder forPrivateDnsNamespaceAttributes
Example:A builder forPrivateDnsNamespaceProps
Define a Public DNS Namespace.A fluent builder forPublicDnsNamespace
.Example:A builder forPublicDnsNamespaceAttributes
Example:A builder forPublicDnsNamespaceProps
Define a CloudMap Service.A fluent builder forService
.Example:A builder forServiceAttributes
Example:A builder forServiceProps