- class aws_cdk.aws_ec2.OperatingSystemType(value)
The OS type of a particular image.
- ExampleMetadata:
lit=test/example.images.lit.ts infused
# Pick the right Amazon Linux edition. All arguments shown are optional # and will default to these values when omitted. amzn_linux = ec2.MachineImage.latest_amazon_linux( generation=ec2.AmazonLinuxGeneration.AMAZON_LINUX, edition=ec2.AmazonLinuxEdition.STANDARD, virtualization=ec2.AmazonLinuxVirt.HVM, storage=ec2.AmazonLinuxStorage.GENERAL_PURPOSE, cpu_type=ec2.AmazonLinuxCpuType.X86_64 ) # Pick a Windows edition to use windows = ec2.MachineImage.latest_windows(ec2.WindowsVersion.WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_ENGLISH_FULL_BASE) # Read AMI id from SSM parameter store ssm = ec2.MachineImage.from_ssm_parameter("/my/ami", os=ec2.OperatingSystemType.LINUX) # Look up the most recent image matching a set of AMI filters. # In this case, look up the NAT instance AMI, by using a wildcard # in the 'name' field: nat_ami = ec2.MachineImage.lookup( name="amzn-ami-vpc-nat-*", owners=["amazon"] ) # For other custom (Linux) images, instantiate a `GenericLinuxImage` with # a map giving the AMI to in for each region: linux = ec2.MachineImage.generic_linux({ "us-east-1": "ami-97785bed", "eu-west-1": "ami-12345678" }) # For other custom (Windows) images, instantiate a `GenericWindowsImage` with # a map giving the AMI to in for each region: generic_windows = ec2.MachineImage.generic_windows({ "us-east-1": "ami-97785bed", "eu-west-1": "ami-12345678" })
Used when the type of the operating system is not known (for example, for imported Auto-Scaling Groups).