- class aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint.CfnCampaign(scope, id, *, application_id, name, schedule, segment_id, additional_treatments=None, campaign_hook=None, custom_delivery_configuration=None, description=None, holdout_percent=None, is_paused=None, limits=None, message_configuration=None, priority=None, segment_version=None, tags=None, template_configuration=None, treatment_description=None, treatment_name=None)
A CloudFormation
.Specifies the settings for a campaign. A campaign is a messaging initiative that engages a specific segment of users for an Amazon Pinpoint application.
- CloudformationResource:
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint # attributes: Any # custom_config: Any # metrics: Any # tags: Any cfn_campaign = pinpoint.CfnCampaign(self, "MyCfnCampaign", application_id="applicationId", name="name", schedule=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.ScheduleProperty( end_time="endTime", event_filter=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignEventFilterProperty( dimensions=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.EventDimensionsProperty( attributes=attributes, event_type=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.SetDimensionProperty( dimension_type="dimensionType", values=["values"] ), metrics=metrics ), filter_type="filterType" ), frequency="frequency", is_local_time=False, quiet_time=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.QuietTimeProperty( end="end", start="start" ), start_time="startTime", time_zone="timeZone" ), segment_id="segmentId", # the properties below are optional additional_treatments=[pinpoint.CfnCampaign.WriteTreatmentResourceProperty( custom_delivery_configuration=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CustomDeliveryConfigurationProperty( delivery_uri="deliveryUri", endpoint_types=["endpointTypes"] ), message_configuration=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageConfigurationProperty( adm_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), apns_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), baidu_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), custom_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignCustomMessageProperty( data="data" ), default_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), email_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignEmailMessageProperty( body="body", from_address="fromAddress", html_body="htmlBody", title="title" ), gcm_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), in_app_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignInAppMessageProperty( content=[pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageContentProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", body_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageBodyConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", body="body", text_color="textColor" ), header_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageHeaderConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", header="header", text_color="textColor" ), image_url="imageUrl", primary_btn=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageButtonProperty( android=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), default_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.DefaultButtonConfigurationProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", border_radius=123, button_action="buttonAction", link="link", text="text", text_color="textColor" ), ios=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), web=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ) ), secondary_btn=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageButtonProperty( android=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), default_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.DefaultButtonConfigurationProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", border_radius=123, button_action="buttonAction", link="link", text="text", text_color="textColor" ), ios=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), web=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ) ) )], custom_config=custom_config, layout="layout" ), sms_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignSmsMessageProperty( body="body", entity_id="entityId", message_type="messageType", origination_number="originationNumber", sender_id="senderId", template_id="templateId" ) ), schedule=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.ScheduleProperty( end_time="endTime", event_filter=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignEventFilterProperty( dimensions=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.EventDimensionsProperty( attributes=attributes, event_type=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.SetDimensionProperty( dimension_type="dimensionType", values=["values"] ), metrics=metrics ), filter_type="filterType" ), frequency="frequency", is_local_time=False, quiet_time=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.QuietTimeProperty( end="end", start="start" ), start_time="startTime", time_zone="timeZone" ), size_percent=123, template_configuration=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateConfigurationProperty( email_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ), push_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ), sms_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ), voice_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ) ), treatment_description="treatmentDescription", treatment_name="treatmentName" )], campaign_hook=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignHookProperty( lambda_function_name="lambdaFunctionName", mode="mode", web_url="webUrl" ), custom_delivery_configuration=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CustomDeliveryConfigurationProperty( delivery_uri="deliveryUri", endpoint_types=["endpointTypes"] ), description="description", holdout_percent=123, is_paused=False, limits=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.LimitsProperty( daily=123, maximum_duration=123, messages_per_second=123, session=123, total=123 ), message_configuration=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageConfigurationProperty( adm_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), apns_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), baidu_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), custom_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignCustomMessageProperty( data="data" ), default_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), email_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignEmailMessageProperty( body="body", from_address="fromAddress", html_body="htmlBody", title="title" ), gcm_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), in_app_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignInAppMessageProperty( content=[pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageContentProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", body_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageBodyConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", body="body", text_color="textColor" ), header_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageHeaderConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", header="header", text_color="textColor" ), image_url="imageUrl", primary_btn=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageButtonProperty( android=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), default_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.DefaultButtonConfigurationProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", border_radius=123, button_action="buttonAction", link="link", text="text", text_color="textColor" ), ios=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), web=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ) ), secondary_btn=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageButtonProperty( android=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), default_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.DefaultButtonConfigurationProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", border_radius=123, button_action="buttonAction", link="link", text="text", text_color="textColor" ), ios=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), web=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ) ) )], custom_config=custom_config, layout="layout" ), sms_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignSmsMessageProperty( body="body", entity_id="entityId", message_type="messageType", origination_number="originationNumber", sender_id="senderId", template_id="templateId" ) ), priority=123, segment_version=123, tags=tags, template_configuration=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateConfigurationProperty( email_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ), push_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ), sms_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ), voice_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ) ), treatment_description="treatmentDescription", treatment_name="treatmentName" )
Create a new
.- Parameters:
scope (
) –scope in which this resource is defined.
id (
) –scoped id of the resource.
application_id (
) – The unique identifier for the Amazon Pinpoint application that the campaign is associated (
) – The name of the campaign.schedule (
]]) – The schedule settings for the campaign.segment_id (
) – The unique identifier for the segment to associate with the campaign.additional_treatments (
]) – An array of requests that defines additional treatments for the campaign, in addition to the default treatment for the campaign.campaign_hook (
]) – Specifies the Lambda function to use as a code hook for a campaign.custom_delivery_configuration (
]) –AWS::Pinpoint::Campaign.CustomDeliveryConfiguration
.description (
]) – A custom description of the campaign.holdout_percent (
]) – The allocated percentage of users (segment members) who shouldn’t receive messages from the campaign.is_paused (
]) – Specifies whether to pause the campaign. A paused campaign doesn’t run unless you resume it by changing this value tofalse
. If you restart a campaign, the campaign restarts from the beginning and not at the point you paused it. If a campaign is running it will complete and then pause. Pause only pauses or skips the next run for a recurring future scheduled campaign. A campaign scheduled for immediate can’t be paused.limits (
]) – The messaging limits for the campaign.message_configuration (
]) – The message configuration settings for the campaign.priority (
]) – An integer between 1 and 5, inclusive, that represents the priority of the in-app message campaign, where 1 is the highest priority and 5 is the lowest. If there are multiple messages scheduled to be displayed at the same time, the priority determines the order in which those messages are displayed.segment_version (
]) – The version of the segment to associate with the campaign.tags (
]) – An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource. For more information, see Tag .template_configuration (
]) –AWS::Pinpoint::Campaign.TemplateConfiguration
.treatment_description (
]) – A custom description of the default treatment for the campaign.treatment_name (
]) – A custom name of the default treatment for the campaign, if the campaign has multiple treatments. A treatment is a variation of a campaign that’s used for A/B testing.
- add_deletion_override(path)
Syntactic sugar for
addOverride(path, undefined)
.- Parameters:
path (
) – The path of the value to delete.- Return type:
- add_depends_on(target)
Indicates that this resource depends on another resource and cannot be provisioned unless the other resource has been successfully provisioned.
This can be used for resources across stacks (or nested stack) boundaries and the dependency will automatically be transferred to the relevant scope.
- Parameters:
target (
)- Return type:
- add_metadata(key, value)
Add a value to the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
- Parameters:
key (
)value (
- See:
- Return type:
Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
- add_override(path, value)
Adds an override to the synthesized CloudFormation resource.
To add a property override, either use
or prefixpath
with “Properties.” (i.e.Properties.TopicName
).If the override is nested, separate each nested level using a dot (.) in the path parameter. If there is an array as part of the nesting, specify the index in the path.
To include a literal
in the property name, prefix with a\
. In most programming languages you will need to write this as"\\."
because the\
itself will need to be escaped.For example:
cfn_resource.add_override("Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.0.Projection.NonKeyAttributes", ["myattribute"]) cfn_resource.add_override("Properties.GlobalSecondaryIndexes.1.ProjectionType", "INCLUDE")
would add the overrides Example:
"Properties": { "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [ { "Projection": { "NonKeyAttributes": [ "myattribute" ] ... } ... }, { "ProjectionType": "INCLUDE" ... }, ] ... }
argument toaddOverride
will not be processed or translated in any way. Pass raw JSON values in here with the correct capitalization for CloudFormation. If you pass CDK classes or structs, they will be rendered with lowercased key names, and CloudFormation will reject the template.- Parameters:
path (
) –The path of the property, you can use dot notation to override values in complex types. Any intermdediate keys will be created as needed.
value (
) –The value. Could be primitive or complex.
- Return type:
- add_property_deletion_override(property_path)
Adds an override that deletes the value of a property from the resource definition.
- Parameters:
property_path (
) – The path to the property.- Return type:
- add_property_override(property_path, value)
Adds an override to a resource property.
Syntactic sugar for
addOverride("Properties.<...>", value)
.- Parameters:
property_path (
) – The path of the property.value (
) – The value.
- Return type:
- apply_removal_policy(policy=None, *, apply_to_update_replace_policy=None, default=None)
Sets the deletion policy of the resource based on the removal policy specified.
The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops being managed by CloudFormation, either because you’ve removed it from the CDK application or because you’ve made a change that requires the resource to be replaced.
The resource can be deleted (
), or left in your AWS account for data recovery and cleanup later (RemovalPolicy.RETAIN
).- Parameters:
policy (
])apply_to_update_replace_policy (
]) – Apply the same deletion policy to the resource’s “UpdateReplacePolicy”. Default: truedefault (
]) – The default policy to apply in case the removal policy is not defined. Default: - Default value is resource specific. To determine the default value for a resoure, please consult that specific resource’s documentation.
- Return type:
- get_att(attribute_name)
Returns a token for an runtime attribute of this resource.
Ideally, use generated attribute accessors (e.g.
), but this can be used for future compatibility in case there is no generated attribute.- Parameters:
attribute_name (
) – The name of the attribute.- Return type:
- get_metadata(key)
Retrieve a value value from the CloudFormation Resource Metadata.
- Parameters:
key (
)- See:
- Return type:
Note that this is a different set of metadata from CDK node metadata; this metadata ends up in the stack template under the resource, whereas CDK node metadata ends up in the Cloud Assembly.
- inspect(inspector)
Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
- Parameters:
inspector (
) –tree inspector to collect and process attributes.
- Return type:
- override_logical_id(new_logical_id)
Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
- Parameters:
new_logical_id (
) – The new logical ID to use for this stack element.- Return type:
- to_string()
Returns a string representation of this construct.
- Return type:
- Returns:
a string representation of this resource
- CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME = 'AWS::Pinpoint::Campaign'
- additional_treatments
An array of requests that defines additional treatments for the campaign, in addition to the default treatment for the campaign.
- application_id
The unique identifier for the Amazon Pinpoint application that the campaign is associated with.
- attr_arn
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the campaign.
- CloudformationAttribute:
- attr_campaign_id
The unique identifier for the campaign.
- CloudformationAttribute:
- campaign_hook
Specifies the Lambda function to use as a code hook for a campaign.
- cfn_options
Options for this resource, such as condition, update policy etc.
- cfn_resource_type
AWS resource type.
- creation_stack
the stack trace of the point where this Resource was created from, sourced from the +metadata+ entry typed +aws:cdk:logicalId+, and with the bottom-most node +internal+ entries filtered.
- custom_delivery_configuration
- description
A custom description of the campaign.
- holdout_percent
The allocated percentage of users (segment members) who shouldn’t receive messages from the campaign.
- is_paused
Specifies whether to pause the campaign.
A paused campaign doesn’t run unless you resume it by changing this value to
. If you restart a campaign, the campaign restarts from the beginning and not at the point you paused it. If a campaign is running it will complete and then pause. Pause only pauses or skips the next run for a recurring future scheduled campaign. A campaign scheduled for immediate can’t be paused.
- limits
The messaging limits for the campaign.
- logical_id
The logical ID for this CloudFormation stack element.
The logical ID of the element is calculated from the path of the resource node in the construct tree.
To override this value, use
.- Returns:
the logical ID as a stringified token. This value will only get resolved during synthesis.
- message_configuration
The message configuration settings for the campaign.
- name
The name of the campaign.
- node
The construct tree node associated with this construct.
- priority
An integer between 1 and 5, inclusive, that represents the priority of the in-app message campaign, where 1 is the highest priority and 5 is the lowest.
If there are multiple messages scheduled to be displayed at the same time, the priority determines the order in which those messages are displayed.
- ref
Return a string that will be resolved to a CloudFormation
{ Ref }
for this element.If, by any chance, the intrinsic reference of a resource is not a string, you could coerce it to an IResolvable through
Lazy.any({ produce: resource.ref })
- schedule
The schedule settings for the campaign.
- segment_id
The unique identifier for the segment to associate with the campaign.
- segment_version
The version of the segment to associate with the campaign.
- stack
The stack in which this element is defined.
CfnElements must be defined within a stack scope (directly or indirectly).
- template_configuration
- treatment_description
A custom description of the default treatment for the campaign.
- treatment_name
A custom name of the default treatment for the campaign, if the campaign has multiple treatments.
A treatment is a variation of a campaign that’s used for A/B testing.
Static Methods
- classmethod is_cfn_element(x)
if a construct is a stack element (i.e. part of the synthesized cloudformation template).Uses duck-typing instead of
to allow stack elements from different versions of this library to be included in the same stack.- Parameters:
x (
)- Return type:
- Returns:
The construct as a stack element or undefined if it is not a stack element.
- classmethod is_cfn_resource(construct)
Check whether the given construct is a CfnResource.
- Parameters:
construct (
)- Return type:
- classmethod is_construct(x)
Return whether the given object is a Construct.
- Parameters:
x (
)- Return type:
- class CfnCampaign.AttributeDimensionProperty(*, attribute_type=None, values=None)
Specifies attribute-based criteria for including or excluding endpoints from a segment.
- Parameters:
attribute_type (
]) – The type of segment dimension to use. Valid values are:. -INCLUSIVE
– endpoints that have attributes matching the values are included in the segment. -EXCLUSIVE
– endpoints that have attributes matching the values are excluded from the segment. -CONTAINS
– endpoints that have attributes’ substrings match the values are included in the segment. -BEFORE
– endpoints with attributes read as ISO_INSTANT datetimes before the value are included in the segment. -AFTER
– endpoints with attributes read as ISO_INSTANT datetimes after the value are included in the segment. -BETWEEN
– endpoints with attributes read as ISO_INSTANT datetimes between the values are included in the segment. -ON
– endpoints with attributes read as ISO_INSTANT dates on the value are included in the segment. Time is ignored in this comparison.values (
]]) – The criteria values to use for the segment dimension. Depending on the value of theAttributeType
property, endpoints are included or excluded from the segment if their attribute values match the criteria values.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint attribute_dimension_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.AttributeDimensionProperty( attribute_type="attributeType", values=["values"] )
- attribute_type
– endpoints that have attributes matching the values are included in the segment.EXCLUSIVE
– endpoints that have attributes matching the values are excluded from the segment.CONTAINS
– endpoints that have attributes’ substrings match the values are included in the segment.BEFORE
– endpoints with attributes read as ISO_INSTANT datetimes before the value are included in the segment.AFTER
– endpoints with attributes read as ISO_INSTANT datetimes after the value are included in the segment.BETWEEN
– endpoints with attributes read as ISO_INSTANT datetimes between the values are included in the segment.ON
– endpoints with attributes read as ISO_INSTANT dates on the value are included in the segment. Time is ignored in this comparison.
- Link:
- Type:
The type of segment dimension to use. Valid values are
- values
The criteria values to use for the segment dimension.
Depending on the value of the
property, endpoints are included or excluded from the segment if their attribute values match the criteria values.
- class CfnCampaign.CampaignCustomMessageProperty(*, data=None)
- Parameters:
data (
]) –CfnCampaign.CampaignCustomMessageProperty.Data
.- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint campaign_custom_message_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignCustomMessageProperty( data="data" )
- data
- class CfnCampaign.CampaignEmailMessageProperty(*, body=None, from_address=None, html_body=None, title=None)
Specifies the content and “From” address for an email message that’s sent to recipients of a campaign.
- Parameters:
body (
]) – The body of the email for recipients whose email clients don’t render HTML content.from_address (
]) – The verified email address to send the email from. The default address is theFromAddress
specified for the email channel for the application.html_body (
]) – The body of the email, in HTML format, for recipients whose email clients render HTML content.title (
]) – The subject line, or title, of the email.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint campaign_email_message_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignEmailMessageProperty( body="body", from_address="fromAddress", html_body="htmlBody", title="title" )
- body
The body of the email for recipients whose email clients don’t render HTML content.
- from_address
The verified email address to send the email from.
The default address is the
specified for the email channel for the application.
- html_body
The body of the email, in HTML format, for recipients whose email clients render HTML content.
- title
The subject line, or title, of the email.
- class CfnCampaign.CampaignEventFilterProperty(*, dimensions=None, filter_type=None)
Specifies the settings for events that cause a campaign to be sent.
- Parameters:
dimensions (
]) – The dimension settings of the event filter for the campaign.filter_type (
]) – The type of event that causes the campaign to be sent. Valid values are:SYSTEM
, sends the campaign when a system event occurs; and,ENDPOINT
, sends the campaign when an endpoint event (Events resource) occurs.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint # attributes: Any # metrics: Any campaign_event_filter_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignEventFilterProperty( dimensions=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.EventDimensionsProperty( attributes=attributes, event_type=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.SetDimensionProperty( dimension_type="dimensionType", values=["values"] ), metrics=metrics ), filter_type="filterType" )
- dimensions
The dimension settings of the event filter for the campaign.
- filter_type
The type of event that causes the campaign to be sent.
Valid values are:
, sends the campaign when a system event occurs; and,ENDPOINT
, sends the campaign when an endpoint event (Events resource) occurs.
- class CfnCampaign.CampaignHookProperty(*, lambda_function_name=None, mode=None, web_url=None)
Specifies settings for invoking an Lambda function that customizes a segment for a campaign.
- Parameters:
lambda_function_name (
]) – The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function that Amazon Pinpoint invokes to customize a segment for a campaign.mode (
]) – The mode that Amazon Pinpoint uses to invoke the Lambda function. Possible values are:. -FILTER
- Invoke the function to customize the segment that’s used by a campaign. -DELIVERY
- (Deprecated) Previously, invoked the function to send a campaign through a custom channel. This functionality is not supported anymore. To send a campaign through a custom channel, use theCustomDeliveryConfiguration
objects of the campaign.web_url (
]) – The web URL that Amazon Pinpoint calls to invoke the Lambda function over HTTPS.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint campaign_hook_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignHookProperty( lambda_function_name="lambdaFunctionName", mode="mode", web_url="webUrl" )
- lambda_function_name
The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function that Amazon Pinpoint invokes to customize a segment for a campaign.
- mode
- Invoke the function to customize the segment that’s used by a campaign.DELIVERY
- (Deprecated) Previously, invoked the function to send a campaign through a custom channel. This functionality is not supported anymore. To send a campaign through a custom channel, use theCustomDeliveryConfiguration
objects of the campaign.
- Link:
- Type:
The mode that Amazon Pinpoint uses to invoke the Lambda function. Possible values are
- web_url
The web URL that Amazon Pinpoint calls to invoke the Lambda function over HTTPS.
- class CfnCampaign.CampaignInAppMessageProperty(*, content=None, custom_config=None, layout=None)
Specifies the appearance of an in-app message, including the message type, the title and body text, text and background colors, and the configurations of buttons that appear in the message.
- Parameters:
content (
]) – An array that contains configurtion information about the in-app message for the campaign, including title and body text, text colors, background colors, image URLs, and button configurations.custom_config (
]) – Custom data, in the form of key-value pairs, that is included in an in-app messaging payload.layout (
]) – A string that describes how the in-app message will appear. You can specify one of the following:. -BOTTOM_BANNER
– a message that appears as a banner at the bottom of the page. -TOP_BANNER
– a message that appears as a banner at the top of the page. -OVERLAYS
– a message that covers entire screen. -MOBILE_FEED
– a message that appears in a window in front of the page. -MIDDLE_BANNER
– a message that appears as a banner in the middle of the page. -CAROUSEL
– a scrollable layout of up to five unique messages.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint # custom_config: Any campaign_in_app_message_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignInAppMessageProperty( content=[pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageContentProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", body_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageBodyConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", body="body", text_color="textColor" ), header_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageHeaderConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", header="header", text_color="textColor" ), image_url="imageUrl", primary_btn=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageButtonProperty( android=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), default_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.DefaultButtonConfigurationProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", border_radius=123, button_action="buttonAction", link="link", text="text", text_color="textColor" ), ios=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), web=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ) ), secondary_btn=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageButtonProperty( android=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), default_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.DefaultButtonConfigurationProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", border_radius=123, button_action="buttonAction", link="link", text="text", text_color="textColor" ), ios=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), web=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ) ) )], custom_config=custom_config, layout="layout" )
- content
An array that contains configurtion information about the in-app message for the campaign, including title and body text, text colors, background colors, image URLs, and button configurations.
- custom_config
Custom data, in the form of key-value pairs, that is included in an in-app messaging payload.
- layout
– a message that appears as a banner at the bottom of the page.TOP_BANNER
– a message that appears as a banner at the top of the page.OVERLAYS
– a message that covers entire screen.MOBILE_FEED
– a message that appears in a window in front of the page.MIDDLE_BANNER
– a message that appears as a banner in the middle of the page.CAROUSEL
– a scrollable layout of up to five unique messages.
- Link:
- Type:
A string that describes how the in-app message will appear. You can specify one of the following
- class CfnCampaign.CampaignSmsMessageProperty(*, body=None, entity_id=None, message_type=None, origination_number=None, sender_id=None, template_id=None)
Specifies the content and settings for an SMS message that’s sent to recipients of a campaign.
- Parameters:
body (
]) – The body of the SMS message.entity_id (
]) – The entity ID or Principal Entity (PE) id received from the regulatory body for sending SMS in your country.message_type (
]) – The SMS message type. Valid values areTRANSACTIONAL
(for messages that are critical or time-sensitive, such as a one-time passwords) andPROMOTIONAL
(for messsages that aren’t critical or time-sensitive, such as marketing messages).origination_number (
]) – The long code to send the SMS message from. This value should be one of the dedicated long codes that’s assigned to your AWS account. Although it isn’t required, we recommend that you specify the long code using an E.164 format to ensure prompt and accurate delivery of the message. For example, +12065550100.sender_id (
]) – The alphabetic Sender ID to display as the sender of the message on a recipient’s device. Support for sender IDs varies by country or region. To specify a phone number as the sender, omit this parameter and useOriginationNumber
instead. For more information about support for Sender ID by country, see the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide .template_id (
]) – The template ID received from the regulatory body for sending SMS in your country.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint campaign_sms_message_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignSmsMessageProperty( body="body", entity_id="entityId", message_type="messageType", origination_number="originationNumber", sender_id="senderId", template_id="templateId" )
- body
The body of the SMS message.
- entity_id
The entity ID or Principal Entity (PE) id received from the regulatory body for sending SMS in your country.
- message_type
The SMS message type.
Valid values are
(for messages that are critical or time-sensitive, such as a one-time passwords) andPROMOTIONAL
(for messsages that aren’t critical or time-sensitive, such as marketing messages).
- origination_number
The long code to send the SMS message from.
This value should be one of the dedicated long codes that’s assigned to your AWS account. Although it isn’t required, we recommend that you specify the long code using an E.164 format to ensure prompt and accurate delivery of the message. For example, +12065550100.
- sender_id
The alphabetic Sender ID to display as the sender of the message on a recipient’s device.
Support for sender IDs varies by country or region. To specify a phone number as the sender, omit this parameter and use
instead. For more information about support for Sender ID by country, see the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide .
- template_id
The template ID received from the regulatory body for sending SMS in your country.
- class CfnCampaign.CustomDeliveryConfigurationProperty(*, delivery_uri=None, endpoint_types=None)
- Parameters:
delivery_uri (
]) –CfnCampaign.CustomDeliveryConfigurationProperty.DeliveryUri
.endpoint_types (
]]) –CfnCampaign.CustomDeliveryConfigurationProperty.EndpointTypes
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint custom_delivery_configuration_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CustomDeliveryConfigurationProperty( delivery_uri="deliveryUri", endpoint_types=["endpointTypes"] )
- delivery_uri
- endpoint_types
- class CfnCampaign.EventDimensionsProperty(*, attributes=None, event_type=None, metrics=None)
Specifies the dimensions for an event filter that determines when a campaign is sent or a journey activity is performed.
- Parameters:
attributes (
]) – One or more custom attributes that your application reports to Amazon Pinpoint. You can use these attributes as selection criteria when you create an event filter.event_type (
]) – The name of the event that causes the campaign to be sent or the journey activity to be performed. This can be a standard event that Amazon Pinpoint generates, such as_email.delivered
. For campaigns, this can also be a custom event that’s specific to your application. For information about standard events, see Streaming Amazon Pinpoint Events in the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide .metrics (
]) – One or more custom metrics that your application reports to Amazon Pinpoint . You can use these metrics as selection criteria when you create an event filter.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint # attributes: Any # metrics: Any event_dimensions_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.EventDimensionsProperty( attributes=attributes, event_type=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.SetDimensionProperty( dimension_type="dimensionType", values=["values"] ), metrics=metrics )
- attributes
One or more custom attributes that your application reports to Amazon Pinpoint.
You can use these attributes as selection criteria when you create an event filter.
- event_type
The name of the event that causes the campaign to be sent or the journey activity to be performed.
This can be a standard event that Amazon Pinpoint generates, such as
. For campaigns, this can also be a custom event that’s specific to your application. For information about standard events, see Streaming Amazon Pinpoint Events in the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide .
- metrics
One or more custom metrics that your application reports to Amazon Pinpoint .
You can use these metrics as selection criteria when you create an event filter.
- class CfnCampaign.InAppMessageBodyConfigProperty(*, alignment=None, body=None, text_color=None)
Specifies the configuration of main body text of the in-app message.
- Parameters:
alignment (
]) – The text alignment of the main body text of the message. Acceptable values:LEFT
.body (
]) – The main body text of the message.text_color (
]) – The color of the body text, expressed as a string consisting of a hex color code (such as “#000000” for black).
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint in_app_message_body_config_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageBodyConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", body="body", text_color="textColor" )
- alignment
The text alignment of the main body text of the message.
Acceptable values:
- body
The main body text of the message.
- text_color
The color of the body text, expressed as a string consisting of a hex color code (such as “#000000” for black).
- class CfnCampaign.InAppMessageContentProperty(*, background_color=None, body_config=None, header_config=None, image_url=None, primary_btn=None, secondary_btn=None)
Specifies the configuration and contents of an in-app message.
- Parameters:
background_color (
]) – The background color for an in-app message banner, expressed as a hex color code (such as #000000 for black).body_config (
]) – Specifies the configuration of main body text in an in-app message template.header_config (
]) – Specifies the configuration and content of the header or title text of the in-app message.image_url (
]) – The URL of the image that appears on an in-app message banner.primary_btn (
]) – An object that contains configuration information about the primary button in an in-app message.secondary_btn (
]) – An object that contains configuration information about the secondary button in an in-app message.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint in_app_message_content_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageContentProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", body_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageBodyConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", body="body", text_color="textColor" ), header_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageHeaderConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", header="header", text_color="textColor" ), image_url="imageUrl", primary_btn=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageButtonProperty( android=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), default_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.DefaultButtonConfigurationProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", border_radius=123, button_action="buttonAction", link="link", text="text", text_color="textColor" ), ios=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), web=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ) ), secondary_btn=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageButtonProperty( android=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), default_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.DefaultButtonConfigurationProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", border_radius=123, button_action="buttonAction", link="link", text="text", text_color="textColor" ), ios=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), web=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ) ) )
- background_color
The background color for an in-app message banner, expressed as a hex color code (such as #000000 for black).
- body_config
Specifies the configuration of main body text in an in-app message template.
- header_config
Specifies the configuration and content of the header or title text of the in-app message.
- image_url
The URL of the image that appears on an in-app message banner.
- primary_btn
An object that contains configuration information about the primary button in an in-app message.
- secondary_btn
An object that contains configuration information about the secondary button in an in-app message.
- class CfnCampaign.InAppMessageHeaderConfigProperty(*, alignment=None, header=None, text_color=None)
Specifies the configuration and content of the header or title text of the in-app message.
- Parameters:
alignment (
]) – The text alignment of the title of the message. Acceptable values:LEFT
.header (
]) – The header or title text of the in-app message.text_color (
]) – The color of the body text, expressed as a string consisting of a hex color code (such as “#000000” for black).
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint in_app_message_header_config_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageHeaderConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", header="header", text_color="textColor" )
- alignment
The text alignment of the title of the message.
Acceptable values:
- header
The header or title text of the in-app message.
- text_color
The color of the body text, expressed as a string consisting of a hex color code (such as “#000000” for black).
- class CfnCampaign.LimitsProperty(*, daily=None, maximum_duration=None, messages_per_second=None, session=None, total=None)
Specifies the limits on the messages that a campaign can send.
- Parameters:
daily (
]) – The maximum number of messages that a campaign can send to a single endpoint during a 24-hour period. The maximum value is 100.maximum_duration (
]) – The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that a campaign can attempt to deliver a message after the scheduled start time for the campaign. The minimum value is 60 seconds.messages_per_second (
]) – The maximum number of messages that a campaign can send each second. The minimum value is 1. The maximum value is 20,000.session (
]) –CfnCampaign.LimitsProperty.Session
.total (
]) – The maximum number of messages that a campaign can send to a single endpoint during the course of the campaign. The maximum value is 100.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint limits_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.LimitsProperty( daily=123, maximum_duration=123, messages_per_second=123, session=123, total=123 )
- daily
The maximum number of messages that a campaign can send to a single endpoint during a 24-hour period.
The maximum value is 100.
- maximum_duration
The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that a campaign can attempt to deliver a message after the scheduled start time for the campaign.
The minimum value is 60 seconds.
- messages_per_second
The maximum number of messages that a campaign can send each second.
The minimum value is 1. The maximum value is 20,000.
- session
- total
The maximum number of messages that a campaign can send to a single endpoint during the course of the campaign.
The maximum value is 100.
- class CfnCampaign.MessageConfigurationProperty(*, adm_message=None, apns_message=None, baidu_message=None, custom_message=None, default_message=None, email_message=None, gcm_message=None, in_app_message=None, sms_message=None)
Specifies the message configuration settings for a campaign.
- Parameters:
adm_message (
]) – The message that the campaign sends through the ADM (Amazon Device Messaging) channel. If specified, this message overrides the default message.apns_message (
]) – The message that the campaign sends through the APNs (Apple Push Notification service) channel. If specified, this message overrides the default message.baidu_message (
]) – The message that the campaign sends through the Baidu (Baidu Cloud Push) channel. If specified, this message overrides the default message.custom_message (
]) –CfnCampaign.MessageConfigurationProperty.CustomMessage
.default_message (
]) – The default message that the campaign sends through all the channels that are configured for the campaign.email_message (
]) – The message that the campaign sends through the email channel. If specified, this message overrides the default message.gcm_message (
]) – The message that the campaign sends through the GCM channel, which enables Amazon Pinpoint to send push notifications through the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), formerly Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), service. If specified, this message overrides the default message.in_app_message (
]) – The default message for the in-app messaging channel. This message overrides the default message (DefaultMessage
).sms_message (
]) – The message that the campaign sends through the SMS channel. If specified, this message overrides the default message.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint # custom_config: Any message_configuration_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageConfigurationProperty( adm_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), apns_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), baidu_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), custom_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignCustomMessageProperty( data="data" ), default_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), email_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignEmailMessageProperty( body="body", from_address="fromAddress", html_body="htmlBody", title="title" ), gcm_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), in_app_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignInAppMessageProperty( content=[pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageContentProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", body_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageBodyConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", body="body", text_color="textColor" ), header_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageHeaderConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", header="header", text_color="textColor" ), image_url="imageUrl", primary_btn=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageButtonProperty( android=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), default_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.DefaultButtonConfigurationProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", border_radius=123, button_action="buttonAction", link="link", text="text", text_color="textColor" ), ios=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), web=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ) ), secondary_btn=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageButtonProperty( android=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), default_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.DefaultButtonConfigurationProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", border_radius=123, button_action="buttonAction", link="link", text="text", text_color="textColor" ), ios=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), web=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ) ) )], custom_config=custom_config, layout="layout" ), sms_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignSmsMessageProperty( body="body", entity_id="entityId", message_type="messageType", origination_number="originationNumber", sender_id="senderId", template_id="templateId" ) )
- adm_message
The message that the campaign sends through the ADM (Amazon Device Messaging) channel.
If specified, this message overrides the default message.
- apns_message
The message that the campaign sends through the APNs (Apple Push Notification service) channel.
If specified, this message overrides the default message.
- baidu_message
The message that the campaign sends through the Baidu (Baidu Cloud Push) channel.
If specified, this message overrides the default message.
- custom_message
- default_message
The default message that the campaign sends through all the channels that are configured for the campaign.
- email_message
The message that the campaign sends through the email channel.
If specified, this message overrides the default message.
- gcm_message
The message that the campaign sends through the GCM channel, which enables Amazon Pinpoint to send push notifications through the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), formerly Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), service.
If specified, this message overrides the default message.
- in_app_message
The default message for the in-app messaging channel.
This message overrides the default message (
- sms_message
The message that the campaign sends through the SMS channel.
If specified, this message overrides the default message.
- class CfnCampaign.MessageProperty(*, action=None, body=None, image_icon_url=None, image_small_icon_url=None, image_url=None, json_body=None, media_url=None, raw_content=None, silent_push=None, time_to_live=None, title=None, url=None)
Specifies the content and settings for a push notification that’s sent to recipients of a campaign.
- Parameters:
action (
]) – The action to occur if a recipient taps the push notification. Valid values are:. -OPEN_APP
– Your app opens or it becomes the foreground app if it was sent to the background. This is the default action. -DEEP_LINK
– Your app opens and displays a designated user interface in the app. This setting uses the deep-linking features of iOS and Android. -URL
– The default mobile browser on the recipient’s device opens and loads the web page at a URL that you specify.body (
]) – The body of the notification message. The maximum number of characters is 200.image_icon_url (
]) – The URL of the image to display as the push notification icon, such as the icon for the app.image_small_icon_url (
]) – The URL of the image to display as the small, push notification icon, such as a small version of the icon for the app.image_url (
]) – The URL of an image to display in the push notification.json_body (
]) – The JSON payload to use for a silent push notification.media_url (
]) – The URL of the image or video to display in the push notification.raw_content (
]) – The raw, JSON-formatted string to use as the payload for the notification message. If specified, this value overrides all other content for the message.silent_push (
]) – Specifies whether the notification is a silent push notification, which is a push notification that doesn’t display on a recipient’s device. Silent push notifications can be used for cases such as updating an app’s configuration, displaying messages in an in-app message center, or supporting phone home functionality.time_to_live (
]) – The number of seconds that the push notification service should keep the message, if the service is unable to deliver the notification the first time. This value is converted to an expiration value when it’s sent to a push notification service. If this value is0
, the service treats the notification as if it expires immediately and the service doesn’t store or try to deliver the notification again. This value doesn’t apply to messages that are sent through the Amazon Device Messaging (ADM) service.title (
]) – The title to display above the notification message on a recipient’s device.url (
]) – The URL to open in a recipient’s default mobile browser, if a recipient taps the push notification and the value of theAction
property isURL
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint message_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" )
- action
– Your app opens or it becomes the foreground app if it was sent to the background. This is the default action.DEEP_LINK
– Your app opens and displays a designated user interface in the app. This setting uses the deep-linking features of iOS and Android.URL
– The default mobile browser on the recipient’s device opens and loads the web page at a URL that you specify.
- Link:
- Type:
The action to occur if a recipient taps the push notification. Valid values are
- body
The body of the notification message.
The maximum number of characters is 200.
- image_icon_url
The URL of the image to display as the push notification icon, such as the icon for the app.
- image_small_icon_url
The URL of the image to display as the small, push notification icon, such as a small version of the icon for the app.
- image_url
The URL of an image to display in the push notification.
- json_body
The JSON payload to use for a silent push notification.
- media_url
The URL of the image or video to display in the push notification.
- raw_content
The raw, JSON-formatted string to use as the payload for the notification message.
If specified, this value overrides all other content for the message.
- silent_push
Specifies whether the notification is a silent push notification, which is a push notification that doesn’t display on a recipient’s device.
Silent push notifications can be used for cases such as updating an app’s configuration, displaying messages in an in-app message center, or supporting phone home functionality.
- time_to_live
The number of seconds that the push notification service should keep the message, if the service is unable to deliver the notification the first time.
This value is converted to an expiration value when it’s sent to a push notification service. If this value is
, the service treats the notification as if it expires immediately and the service doesn’t store or try to deliver the notification again.This value doesn’t apply to messages that are sent through the Amazon Device Messaging (ADM) service.
- title
The title to display above the notification message on a recipient’s device.
- url
The URL to open in a recipient’s default mobile browser, if a recipient taps the push notification and the value of the
property isURL
- class CfnCampaign.MetricDimensionProperty(*, comparison_operator=None, value=None)
Specifies metric-based criteria for including or excluding endpoints from a segment.
These criteria derive from custom metrics that you define for endpoints.
- Parameters:
comparison_operator (
]) – The operator to use when comparing metric values. Valid values are:GREATER_THAN
, andEQUAL
.value (
]) – The value to compare.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint metric_dimension_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MetricDimensionProperty( comparison_operator="comparisonOperator", value=123 )
- comparison_operator
The operator to use when comparing metric values.
Valid values are:
, andEQUAL
- class CfnCampaign.QuietTimeProperty(*, end, start)
Specifies the start and end times that define a time range when messages aren’t sent to endpoints.
- Parameters:
end (
) – The specific time when quiet time ends. This value has to use 24-hour notation and be in HH:MM format, where HH is the hour (with a leading zero, if applicable) and MM is the minutes. For example, use02:30
to represent 2:30 AM, or14:30
to represent 2:30 PM.start (
) – The specific time when quiet time begins. This value has to use 24-hour notation and be in HH:MM format, where HH is the hour (with a leading zero, if applicable) and MM is the minutes. For example, use02:30
to represent 2:30 AM, or14:30
to represent 2:30 PM.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint quiet_time_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.QuietTimeProperty( end="end", start="start" )
- end
The specific time when quiet time ends.
This value has to use 24-hour notation and be in HH:MM format, where HH is the hour (with a leading zero, if applicable) and MM is the minutes. For example, use
to represent 2:30 AM, or14:30
to represent 2:30 PM.
- start
The specific time when quiet time begins.
This value has to use 24-hour notation and be in HH:MM format, where HH is the hour (with a leading zero, if applicable) and MM is the minutes. For example, use
to represent 2:30 AM, or14:30
to represent 2:30 PM.
- class CfnCampaign.ScheduleProperty(*, end_time=None, event_filter=None, frequency=None, is_local_time=None, quiet_time=None, start_time=None, time_zone=None)
Specifies the schedule settings for a campaign.
- Parameters:
end_time (
]) – The scheduled time, in ISO 8601 format, when the campaign ended or will end.event_filter (
]) – The type of event that causes the campaign to be sent, if the value of theFrequency
property isEVENT
.frequency (
]) – Specifies how often the campaign is sent or whether the campaign is sent in response to a specific event.is_local_time (
]) – Specifies whether the start and end times for the campaign schedule use each recipient’s local time. To base the schedule on each recipient’s local time, set this value totrue
.quiet_time (
]) – The default quiet time for the campaign. Quiet time is a specific time range when a campaign doesn’t send messages to endpoints, if all the following conditions are met: - TheEndpointDemographic.Timezone
property of the endpoint is set to a valid value. - The current time in the endpoint’s time zone is later than or equal to the time specified by theQuietTime.Start
property for the campaign. - The current time in the endpoint’s time zone is earlier than or equal to the time specified by theQuietTime.End
property for the campaign. If any of the preceding conditions isn’t met, the endpoint will receive messages from the campaign, even if quiet time is enabled.start_time (
]) – The scheduled time when the campaign began or will begin. Valid values are:IMMEDIATE
, to start the campaign immediately; or, a specific time in ISO 8601 format.time_zone (
]) – The starting UTC offset for the campaign schedule, if the value of theIsLocalTime
property istrue
. Valid values are:UTC, UTC+01, UTC+02, UTC+03, UTC+03:30, UTC+04, UTC+04:30, UTC+05, UTC+05:30, UTC+05:45, UTC+06, UTC+06:30, UTC+07, UTC+08, UTC+09, UTC+09:30, UTC+10, UTC+10:30, UTC+11, UTC+12, UTC+13, UTC-02, UTC-03, UTC-04, UTC-05, UTC-06, UTC-07, UTC-08, UTC-09, UTC-10,
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint # attributes: Any # metrics: Any schedule_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.ScheduleProperty( end_time="endTime", event_filter=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignEventFilterProperty( dimensions=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.EventDimensionsProperty( attributes=attributes, event_type=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.SetDimensionProperty( dimension_type="dimensionType", values=["values"] ), metrics=metrics ), filter_type="filterType" ), frequency="frequency", is_local_time=False, quiet_time=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.QuietTimeProperty( end="end", start="start" ), start_time="startTime", time_zone="timeZone" )
- end_time
The scheduled time, in ISO 8601 format, when the campaign ended or will end.
- event_filter
The type of event that causes the campaign to be sent, if the value of the
property isEVENT
- frequency
Specifies how often the campaign is sent or whether the campaign is sent in response to a specific event.
- is_local_time
Specifies whether the start and end times for the campaign schedule use each recipient’s local time.
To base the schedule on each recipient’s local time, set this value to
- quiet_time
The default quiet time for the campaign.
Quiet time is a specific time range when a campaign doesn’t send messages to endpoints, if all the following conditions are met:
property of the endpoint is set to a valid value.The current time in the endpoint’s time zone is later than or equal to the time specified by the
property for the campaign.The current time in the endpoint’s time zone is earlier than or equal to the time specified by the
property for the campaign.
If any of the preceding conditions isn’t met, the endpoint will receive messages from the campaign, even if quiet time is enabled.
- start_time
The scheduled time when the campaign began or will begin.
Valid values are:
, to start the campaign immediately; or, a specific time in ISO 8601 format.
- time_zone
The starting UTC offset for the campaign schedule, if the value of the
property istrue
.Valid values are:
UTC, UTC+01, UTC+02, UTC+03, UTC+03:30, UTC+04, UTC+04:30, UTC+05, UTC+05:30, UTC+05:45, UTC+06, UTC+06:30, UTC+07, UTC+08, UTC+09, UTC+09:30, UTC+10, UTC+10:30, UTC+11, UTC+12, UTC+13, UTC-02, UTC-03, UTC-04, UTC-05, UTC-06, UTC-07, UTC-08, UTC-09, UTC-10,
- class CfnCampaign.SetDimensionProperty(*, dimension_type=None, values=None)
Specifies the dimension type and values for a segment dimension.
- Parameters:
dimension_type (
]) – The type of segment dimension to use. Valid values are:INCLUSIVE
, endpoints that match the criteria are included in the segment; and,EXCLUSIVE
, endpoints that match the criteria are excluded from the segment.values (
]]) – The criteria values to use for the segment dimension. Depending on the value of theDimensionType
property, endpoints are included or excluded from the segment if their values match the criteria values.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint set_dimension_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.SetDimensionProperty( dimension_type="dimensionType", values=["values"] )
- dimension_type
The type of segment dimension to use.
Valid values are:
, endpoints that match the criteria are included in the segment; and,EXCLUSIVE
, endpoints that match the criteria are excluded from the segment.
- values
The criteria values to use for the segment dimension.
Depending on the value of the
property, endpoints are included or excluded from the segment if their values match the criteria values.
- class CfnCampaign.TemplateConfigurationProperty(*, email_template=None, push_template=None, sms_template=None, voice_template=None)
- Parameters:
email_template (
]) –CfnCampaign.TemplateConfigurationProperty.EmailTemplate
.push_template (
]) –CfnCampaign.TemplateConfigurationProperty.PushTemplate
.sms_template (
]) –CfnCampaign.TemplateConfigurationProperty.SMSTemplate
.voice_template (
]) –CfnCampaign.TemplateConfigurationProperty.VoiceTemplate
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint template_configuration_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateConfigurationProperty( email_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ), push_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ), sms_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ), voice_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ) )
- email_template
- push_template
- sms_template
- voice_template
- class CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty(*, name=None, version=None)
- Parameters:
name (
]) –CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty.Name
.version (
]) –CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty.Version
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint template_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" )
- name
- version
- class CfnCampaign.WriteTreatmentResourceProperty(*, custom_delivery_configuration=None, message_configuration=None, schedule=None, size_percent=None, template_configuration=None, treatment_description=None, treatment_name=None)
Specifies the settings for a campaign treatment.
A treatment is a variation of a campaign that’s used for A/B testing of a campaign.
- Parameters:
custom_delivery_configuration (
]) –CfnCampaign.WriteTreatmentResourceProperty.CustomDeliveryConfiguration
.message_configuration (
]) – The message configuration settings for the treatment.schedule (
]) – The schedule settings for the treatment.size_percent (
]) – The allocated percentage of users (segment members) to send the treatment to.template_configuration (
]) –CfnCampaign.WriteTreatmentResourceProperty.TemplateConfiguration
.treatment_description (
]) – A custom description of the treatment.treatment_name (
]) – A custom name for the treatment.
- Link:
- ExampleMetadata:
# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. # The values are placeholders you should change. import aws_cdk.aws_pinpoint as pinpoint # attributes: Any # custom_config: Any # metrics: Any write_treatment_resource_property = pinpoint.CfnCampaign.WriteTreatmentResourceProperty( custom_delivery_configuration=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CustomDeliveryConfigurationProperty( delivery_uri="deliveryUri", endpoint_types=["endpointTypes"] ), message_configuration=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageConfigurationProperty( adm_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), apns_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), baidu_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), custom_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignCustomMessageProperty( data="data" ), default_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), email_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignEmailMessageProperty( body="body", from_address="fromAddress", html_body="htmlBody", title="title" ), gcm_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.MessageProperty( action="action", body="body", image_icon_url="imageIconUrl", image_small_icon_url="imageSmallIconUrl", image_url="imageUrl", json_body="jsonBody", media_url="mediaUrl", raw_content="rawContent", silent_push=False, time_to_live=123, title="title", url="url" ), in_app_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignInAppMessageProperty( content=[pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageContentProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", body_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageBodyConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", body="body", text_color="textColor" ), header_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageHeaderConfigProperty( alignment="alignment", header="header", text_color="textColor" ), image_url="imageUrl", primary_btn=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageButtonProperty( android=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), default_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.DefaultButtonConfigurationProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", border_radius=123, button_action="buttonAction", link="link", text="text", text_color="textColor" ), ios=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), web=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ) ), secondary_btn=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.InAppMessageButtonProperty( android=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), default_config=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.DefaultButtonConfigurationProperty( background_color="backgroundColor", border_radius=123, button_action="buttonAction", link="link", text="text", text_color="textColor" ), ios=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ), web=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.OverrideButtonConfigurationProperty( button_action="buttonAction", link="link" ) ) )], custom_config=custom_config, layout="layout" ), sms_message=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignSmsMessageProperty( body="body", entity_id="entityId", message_type="messageType", origination_number="originationNumber", sender_id="senderId", template_id="templateId" ) ), schedule=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.ScheduleProperty( end_time="endTime", event_filter=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.CampaignEventFilterProperty( dimensions=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.EventDimensionsProperty( attributes=attributes, event_type=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.SetDimensionProperty( dimension_type="dimensionType", values=["values"] ), metrics=metrics ), filter_type="filterType" ), frequency="frequency", is_local_time=False, quiet_time=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.QuietTimeProperty( end="end", start="start" ), start_time="startTime", time_zone="timeZone" ), size_percent=123, template_configuration=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateConfigurationProperty( email_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ), push_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ), sms_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ), voice_template=pinpoint.CfnCampaign.TemplateProperty( name="name", version="version" ) ), treatment_description="treatmentDescription", treatment_name="treatmentName" )
- custom_delivery_configuration
- message_configuration
The message configuration settings for the treatment.
- schedule
The schedule settings for the treatment.
- size_percent
The allocated percentage of users (segment members) to send the treatment to.
- template_configuration
- treatment_description
A custom description of the treatment.
- treatment_name
A custom name for the treatment.