
class aws_cdk.integ_tests.IntegTestCaseStack(scope, id, *, allow_destroy=None, cdk_command_options=None, diff_assets=None, hooks=None, regions=None, stack_update_workflow=None, analytics_reporting=None, description=None, env=None, stack_name=None, synthesizer=None, tags=None, termination_protection=None)

Bases: Stack

(experimental) An integration test case stack. Allows the definition of test properties that should apply to this stack.

This should be used if there are multiple stacks in the integration test and it is necessary to specify different test case option for each. Otherwise normal stacks should be added to IntegTest






# app: App
# stack_under_test: Stack

test_case_with_assets = IntegTestCaseStack(app, "TestCaseAssets",

IntegTest(app, "Integ", test_cases=[stack_under_test, test_case_with_assets])
  • scope (Construct)

  • id (str)

  • allow_destroy (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – List of CloudFormation resource types in this stack that can be destroyed as part of an update without failing the test. This list should only include resources that for this specific integration test we are sure will not cause errors or an outage if destroyed. For example, maybe we know that a new resource will be created first before the old resource is destroyed which prevents any outage. e.g. [‘AWS::IAM::Role’] Default: - do not allow destruction of any resources on update

  • cdk_command_options (Union[CdkCommands, Dict[str, Any], None]) – Additional options to use for each CDK command. Default: - runner default options

  • diff_assets (Optional[bool]) – Whether or not to include asset hashes in the diff Asset hashes can introduces a lot of unneccessary noise into tests, but there are some cases where asset hashes should be included. For example any tests involving custom resources or bundling Default: false

  • hooks (Union[Hooks, Dict[str, Any], None]) – Additional commands to run at predefined points in the test workflow. e.g. { postDeploy: [‘yarn’, ‘test’] } Default: - no hooks

  • regions (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – Limit deployment to these regions. Default: - can run in any region

  • stack_update_workflow (Optional[bool]) – Run update workflow on this test case This should only be set to false to test scenarios that are not possible to test as part of the update workflow. Default: true

  • analytics_reporting (Optional[bool]) – Include runtime versioning information in this Stack. Default: analyticsReporting setting of containing App, or value of ‘aws:cdk:version-reporting’ context key

  • description (Optional[str]) – A description of the stack. Default: - No description.

  • env (Union[Environment, Dict[str, Any], None]) – The AWS environment (account/region) where this stack will be deployed. Set the region/account fields of env to either a concrete value to select the indicated environment (recommended for production stacks), or to the values of environment variables CDK_DEFAULT_REGION/CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT to let the target environment depend on the AWS credentials/configuration that the CDK CLI is executed under (recommended for development stacks). If the Stack is instantiated inside a Stage, any undefined region/account fields from env will default to the same field on the encompassing Stage, if configured there. If either region or account are not set nor inherited from Stage, the Stack will be considered “environment-agnostic””. Environment-agnostic stacks can be deployed to any environment but may not be able to take advantage of all features of the CDK. For example, they will not be able to use environmental context lookups such as ec2.Vpc.fromLookup and will not automatically translate Service Principals to the right format based on the environment’s AWS partition, and other such enhancements. Default: - The environment of the containing Stage if available, otherwise create the stack will be environment-agnostic.

  • stack_name (Optional[str]) – Name to deploy the stack with. Default: - Derived from construct path.

  • synthesizer (Optional[IStackSynthesizer]) – Synthesis method to use while deploying this stack. Default: - DefaultStackSynthesizer if the @aws-cdk/core:newStyleStackSynthesis feature flag is set, LegacyStackSynthesizer otherwise.

  • tags (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]) – Stack tags that will be applied to all the taggable resources and the stack itself. Default: {}

  • termination_protection (Optional[bool]) – Whether to enable termination protection for this stack. Default: false




add_dependency(target, reason=None)

Add a dependency between this stack and another stack.

This can be used to define dependencies between any two stacks within an app, and also supports nested stacks.

  • target (Stack)

  • reason (Optional[str])

Return type:


add_docker_image_asset(*, source_hash, directory_name=None, docker_build_args=None, docker_build_target=None, docker_file=None, executable=None, network_mode=None, platform=None, repository_name=None)

(deprecated) Register a docker image asset on this Stack.

  • source_hash (str) – The hash of the contents of the docker build context. This hash is used throughout the system to identify this image and avoid duplicate work in case the source did not change. NOTE: this means that if you wish to update your docker image, you must make a modification to the source (e.g. add some metadata to your Dockerfile).

  • directory_name (Optional[str]) – The directory where the Dockerfile is stored, must be relative to the cloud assembly root. Default: - Exactly one of directoryName and executable is required

  • docker_build_args (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]) – Build args to pass to the docker build command. Since Docker build arguments are resolved before deployment, keys and values cannot refer to unresolved tokens (such as lambda.functionArn or queue.queueUrl). Only allowed when directoryName is specified. Default: - no build args are passed

  • docker_build_target (Optional[str]) – Docker target to build to. Only allowed when directoryName is specified. Default: - no target

  • docker_file (Optional[str]) – Path to the Dockerfile (relative to the directory). Only allowed when directoryName is specified. Default: - no file

  • executable (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – An external command that will produce the packaged asset. The command should produce the name of a local Docker image on stdout. Default: - Exactly one of directoryName and executable is required

  • network_mode (Optional[str]) – Networking mode for the RUN commands during build. Requires Docker Engine API v1.25+. Specify this property to build images on a specific networking mode. Default: - no networking mode specified

  • platform (Optional[str]) – Platform to build for. Requires Docker Buildx. Specify this property to build images on a specific platform. Default: - no platform specified (the current machine architecture will be used)

  • repository_name (Optional[str]) – (deprecated) ECR repository name. Specify this property if you need to statically address the image, e.g. from a Kubernetes Pod. Note, this is only the repository name, without the registry and the tag parts. Default: - automatically derived from the asset’s ID.


Return type:


Use stack.synthesizer.addDockerImageAsset() if you are calling, and a different IStackSynthesizer class if you are implementing.



add_file_asset(*, source_hash, executable=None, file_name=None, packaging=None)

(deprecated) Register a file asset on this Stack.

  • source_hash (str) – A hash on the content source. This hash is used to uniquely identify this asset throughout the system. If this value doesn’t change, the asset will not be rebuilt or republished.

  • executable (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – An external command that will produce the packaged asset. The command should produce the location of a ZIP file on stdout. Default: - Exactly one of directory and executable is required

  • file_name (Optional[str]) – The path, relative to the root of the cloud assembly, in which this asset source resides. This can be a path to a file or a directory, depending on the packaging type. Default: - Exactly one of directory and executable is required

  • packaging (Optional[FileAssetPackaging]) – Which type of packaging to perform. Default: - Required if fileName is specified.


Return type:


Use stack.synthesizer.addFileAsset() if you are calling, and a different IStackSynthesizer class if you are implementing.




Add a Transform to this stack. A Transform is a macro that AWS CloudFormation uses to process your template.

Duplicate values are removed when stack is synthesized.


transform (str) – The transform to add.


Return type:



# stack: Stack

export_value(exported_value, *, name=None)

Create a CloudFormation Export for a value.

Returns a string representing the corresponding Fn.importValue() expression for this Export. You can control the name for the export by passing the name option.

If you don’t supply a value for name, the value you’re exporting must be a Resource attribute (for example: bucket.bucketName) and it will be given the same name as the automatic cross-stack reference that would be created if you used the attribute in another Stack.

One of the uses for this method is to remove the relationship between two Stacks established by automatic cross-stack references. It will temporarily ensure that the CloudFormation Export still exists while you remove the reference from the consuming stack. After that, you can remove the resource and the manual export.


Here is how the process works. Let’s say there are two stacks, producerStack and consumerStack, and producerStack has a bucket called bucket, which is referenced by consumerStack (perhaps because an AWS Lambda Function writes into it, or something like that).

It is not safe to remove producerStack.bucket because as the bucket is being deleted, consumerStack might still be using it.

Instead, the process takes two deployments:

Deployment 1: break the relationship

  • Make sure consumerStack no longer references bucket.bucketName (maybe the consumer stack now uses its own bucket, or it writes to an AWS DynamoDB table, or maybe you just remove the Lambda Function altogether).

  • In the ProducerStack class, call this.exportValue(this.bucket.bucketName). This will make sure the CloudFormation Export continues to exist while the relationship between the two stacks is being broken.

  • Deploy (this will effectively only change the consumerStack, but it’s safe to deploy both).

Deployment 2: remove the bucket resource

  • You are now free to remove the bucket resource from producerStack.

  • Don’t forget to remove the exportValue() call as well.

  • Deploy again (this time only the producerStack will be changed – the bucket will be deleted).

  • exported_value (Any)

  • name (Optional[str]) – The name of the export to create. Default: - A name is automatically chosen

Return type:


format_arn(*, resource, service, account=None, arn_format=None, partition=None, region=None, resource_name=None, sep=None)

Creates an ARN from components.

If partition, region or account are not specified, the stack’s partition, region and account will be used.

If any component is the empty string, an empty string will be inserted into the generated ARN at the location that component corresponds to.

The ARN will be formatted as follows:


The required ARN pieces that are omitted will be taken from the stack that the ‘scope’ is attached to. If all ARN pieces are supplied, the supplied scope can be ‘undefined’.

  • resource (str) – Resource type (e.g. “table”, “autoScalingGroup”, “certificate”). For some resource types, e.g. S3 buckets, this field defines the bucket name.

  • service (str) – The service namespace that identifies the AWS product (for example, ‘s3’, ‘iam’, ‘codepipline’).

  • account (Optional[str]) – The ID of the AWS account that owns the resource, without the hyphens. For example, 123456789012. Note that the ARNs for some resources don’t require an account number, so this component might be omitted. Default: The account the stack is deployed to.

  • arn_format (Optional[ArnFormat]) – The specific ARN format to use for this ARN value. Default: - uses value of sep as the separator for formatting, ArnFormat.SLASH_RESOURCE_NAME if that property was also not provided

  • partition (Optional[str]) – The partition that the resource is in. For standard AWS regions, the partition is aws. If you have resources in other partitions, the partition is aws-partitionname. For example, the partition for resources in the China (Beijing) region is aws-cn. Default: The AWS partition the stack is deployed to.

  • region (Optional[str]) – The region the resource resides in. Note that the ARNs for some resources do not require a region, so this component might be omitted. Default: The region the stack is deployed to.

  • resource_name (Optional[str]) – Resource name or path within the resource (i.e. S3 bucket object key) or a wildcard such as "*". This is service-dependent.

  • sep (Optional[str]) – (deprecated) Separator between resource type and the resource. Can be either ‘/’, ‘:’ or an empty string. Will only be used if resourceName is defined. Default: ‘/’

Return type:



Allocates a stack-unique CloudFormation-compatible logical identity for a specific resource.

This method is called when a CfnElement is created and used to render the initial logical identity of resources. Logical ID renames are applied at this stage.

This method uses the protected method allocateLogicalId to render the logical ID for an element. To modify the naming scheme, extend the Stack class and override this method.


element (CfnElement) – The CloudFormation element for which a logical identity is needed.

Return type:


parse_arn(arn, sep_if_token=None, has_name=None)

(deprecated) Given an ARN, parses it and returns components.


…it will be parsed and validated. The separator (sep) will be set to ‘/’ if the 6th component includes a ‘/’, in which case, resource will be set to the value before the ‘/’ and resourceName will be the rest. In case there is no ‘/’, resource will be set to the 6th components and resourceName will be set to the rest of the string.


…it cannot be validated, since we don’t have the actual value yet at the time of this function call. You will have to supply sepIfToken and whether or not ARNs of the expected format usually have resource names in order to parse it properly. The resulting ArnComponents object will contain tokens for the subexpressions of the ARN, not string literals.

If the resource name could possibly contain the separator char, the actual resource name cannot be properly parsed. This only occurs if the separator char is ‘/’, and happens for example for S3 object ARNs, IAM Role ARNs, IAM OIDC Provider ARNs, etc. To properly extract the resource name from a Tokenized ARN, you must know the resource type and call Arn.extractResourceName.

  • arn (str) – The ARN string to parse.

  • sep_if_token (Optional[str]) – The separator used to separate resource from resourceName.

  • has_name (Optional[bool]) – Whether there is a name component in the ARN at all. For example, SNS Topics ARNs have the ‘resource’ component contain the topic name, and no ‘resourceName’ component.

Return type:



an ArnComponents object which allows access to the various components of the ARN.


use splitArn instead



regional_fact(fact_name, default_value=None)

Look up a fact value for the given fact for the region of this stack.

Will return a definite value only if the region of the current stack is resolved. If not, a lookup map will be added to the stack and the lookup will be done at CDK deployment time.

What regions will be included in the lookup map is controlled by the @aws-cdk/core:target-partitions context value: it must be set to a list of partitions, and only regions from the given partitions will be included. If no such context key is set, all regions will be included.

This function is intended to be used by construct library authors. Application builders can rely on the abstractions offered by construct libraries and do not have to worry about regional facts.

If defaultValue is not given, it is an error if the fact is unknown for the given region.

  • fact_name (str)

  • default_value (Optional[str])

Return type:


rename_logical_id(old_id, new_id)

Rename a generated logical identities.

To modify the naming scheme strategy, extend the Stack class and override the allocateLogicalId method.

  • old_id (str)

  • new_id (str)

Return type:


report_missing_context(*, key, props, provider)

(deprecated) DEPRECATED.

  • key (str) – (deprecated) The missing context key.

  • props (Mapping[str, Any]) – (deprecated) A set of provider-specific options. (This is the old untyped definition, which is necessary for backwards compatibility. See cxschema for a type definition.)

  • provider (str) – (deprecated) The provider from which we expect this context key to be obtained. (This is the old untyped definition, which is necessary for backwards compatibility. See cxschema for a type definition.)


use reportMissingContextKey()



Return type:


report_missing_context_key(*, key, props, provider)

Indicate that a context key was expected.

Contains instructions which will be emitted into the cloud assembly on how the key should be supplied.

Return type:



Resolve a tokenized value in the context of the current stack.


obj (Any)

Return type:


split_arn(arn, arn_format)

Splits the provided ARN into its components.

Works both if ‘arn’ is a string like ‘arn:aws:s3:::bucket’, and a Token representing a dynamic CloudFormation expression (in which case the returned components will also be dynamic CloudFormation expressions, encoded as Tokens).

  • arn (str) – the ARN to split into its components.

  • arn_format (ArnFormat) – the expected format of ‘arn’ - depends on what format the service ‘arn’ represents uses.

Return type:


to_json_string(obj, space=None)

Convert an object, potentially containing tokens, to a JSON string.

  • obj (Any)

  • space (Union[int, float, None])

Return type:



Returns a string representation of this construct.

Return type:




The AWS account into which this stack will be deployed.

This value is resolved according to the following rules:

  1. The value provided to env.account when the stack is defined. This can either be a concerete account (e.g. 585695031111) or the Aws.accountId token.

  2. Aws.accountId, which represents the CloudFormation intrinsic reference { "Ref": "AWS::AccountId" } encoded as a string token.

Preferably, you should use the return value as an opaque string and not attempt to parse it to implement your logic. If you do, you must first check that it is a concerete value an not an unresolved token. If this value is an unresolved token (Token.isUnresolved(stack.account) returns true), this implies that the user wishes that this stack will synthesize into a account-agnostic template. In this case, your code should either fail (throw an error, emit a synth error using Annotations.of(construct).addError()) or implement some other region-agnostic behavior.


The ID of the cloud assembly artifact for this stack.


(experimental) Make assertions on resources in this test case.




Returns the list of AZs that are available in the AWS environment (account/region) associated with this stack.

If the stack is environment-agnostic (either account and/or region are tokens), this property will return an array with 2 tokens that will resolve at deploy-time to the first two availability zones returned from CloudFormation’s Fn::GetAZs intrinsic function.

If they are not available in the context, returns a set of dummy values and reports them as missing, and let the CLI resolve them by calling EC2 DescribeAvailabilityZones on the target environment.

To specify a different strategy for selecting availability zones override this method.


Indicates whether the stack requires bundling or not.


Return the stacks this stack depends on.


The environment coordinates in which this stack is deployed.

In the form aws://account/region. Use stack.account and stack.region to obtain the specific values, no need to parse.

You can use this value to determine if two stacks are targeting the same environment.

If either stack.account or stack.region are not concrete values (e.g. Aws.account or Aws.region) the special strings unknown-account and/or unknown-region will be used respectively to indicate this stack is region/account-agnostic.


Indicates if this is a nested stack, in which case parentStack will include a reference to it’s parent.


If this is a nested stack, returns it’s parent stack.


If this is a nested stack, this represents its AWS::CloudFormation::Stack resource.

undefined for top-level (non-nested) stacks.


The construct tree node associated with this construct.


Returns the list of notification Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the current stack.


(deprecated) Returns the parent of a nested stack.


use nestedStackParent




The partition in which this stack is defined.


The AWS region into which this stack will be deployed (e.g. us-west-2).

This value is resolved according to the following rules:

  1. The value provided to env.region when the stack is defined. This can either be a concerete region (e.g. us-west-2) or the Aws.region token.

  2. Aws.region, which is represents the CloudFormation intrinsic reference { "Ref": "AWS::Region" } encoded as a string token.

Preferably, you should use the return value as an opaque string and not attempt to parse it to implement your logic. If you do, you must first check that it is a concerete value an not an unresolved token. If this value is an unresolved token (Token.isUnresolved(stack.region) returns true), this implies that the user wishes that this stack will synthesize into a region-agnostic template. In this case, your code should either fail (throw an error, emit a synth error using Annotations.of(construct).addError()) or implement some other region-agnostic behavior.


The ID of the stack.


# After resolving, looks like

The concrete CloudFormation physical stack name.

This is either the name defined explicitly in the stackName prop or allocated based on the stack’s location in the construct tree. Stacks that are directly defined under the app use their construct id as their stack name. Stacks that are defined deeper within the tree will use a hashed naming scheme based on the construct path to ensure uniqueness.

If you wish to obtain the deploy-time AWS::StackName intrinsic, you can use Aws.stackName directly.


Synthesis method for this stack.


Tags to be applied to the stack.


The name of the CloudFormation template file emitted to the output directory during synthesis.

Example value: MyStack.template.json


Options for CloudFormation template (like version, transform, description).


Whether termination protection is enabled for this stack.


The Amazon domain suffix for the region in which this stack is defined.

Static Methods

classmethod is_construct(x)

Return whether the given object is a Construct.


x (Any)

Return type:


classmethod is_integ_test_case_stack(x)

(experimental) Returns whether the construct is a IntegTestCaseStack.


x (Any)



Return type:


classmethod is_stack(x)

Return whether the given object is a Stack.

We do attribute detection since we can’t reliably use ‘instanceof’.


x (Any)

Return type:


classmethod of(construct)

Looks up the first stack scope in which construct is defined.

Fails if there is no stack up the tree.


construct (IConstruct) – The construct to start the search from.

Return type:
