Uses of Package
CDK Pipelines
AWS Amplify Construct Library
AWS CodeBuild Construct Library
AWS CodePipeline Actions
Event Targets for Amazon EventBridge
Amazon EventBridge Scheduler Construct Library
Tasks for AWS Step Functions
ClassDescriptionExample:BuildSpec for CodeBuild projects.Cache options for CodeBuild Project.The interface of a CodeBuild FileSystemLocation.Information about logs for the build project.
ClassDescriptionThe type returned from
.A builder forArtifactsConfig
Properties common to all Artifacts classes.A builder forArtifactsProps
The type returned fromIProject#enableBatchBuilds
.A builder forBatchBuildConfig
The extra options passed to theIProject.bindToCodePipeline
method.A builder forBindToCodePipelineOptions
The source credentials used when contacting the BitBucket API.A fluent builder forBitBucketSourceCredentials
.Construction properties ofBitBucketSourceCredentials
.A builder forBitBucketSourceCredentialsProps
Construction properties forBitBucketSource
.A builder forBitBucketSourceProps
Example:A builder forBucketCacheOptions
Example:A builder forBuildEnvironment
Location of a PEM certificate on S3.A builder forBuildEnvironmentCertificate
Example:A builder forBuildEnvironmentVariable
Example:Optional arguments toIBuildImage.binder
- currently empty.A builder forBuildImageBindOptions
The return type fromIBuildImage.binder
- currently empty.A builder forBuildImageConfig
BuildSpec for CodeBuild projects.Cache options for CodeBuild Project.TheAWS::CodeBuild::Fleet
resource configures a compute fleet, a set of dedicated instances for your build environment.A fluent builder forCfnFleet
.Contains compute attributes.A builder forCfnFleet.ComputeConfigurationProperty
Information about the proxy rule for your reserved capacity instances.A builder forCfnFleet.FleetProxyRuleProperty
Information about the proxy configurations that apply network access control to your reserved capacity instances.A builder forCfnFleet.ProxyConfigurationProperty
The scaling configuration input of a compute fleet.A builder forCfnFleet.ScalingConfigurationInputProperty
Defines when a new instance is auto-scaled into the compute fleet.A builder forCfnFleet.TargetTrackingScalingConfigurationProperty
Information about the VPC configuration that AWS CodeBuild accesses.A builder forCfnFleet.VpcConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnFleet
.A builder forCfnFleetProps
resource configures how AWS CodeBuild builds your source code.Artifacts
is a property of the AWS::CodeBuild::Project resource that specifies output settings for artifacts generated by an AWS CodeBuild build.A builder forCfnProject.ArtifactsProperty
Specifies restrictions for the batch build.A builder forCfnProject.BatchRestrictionsProperty
A fluent builder forCfnProject
.Contains information that defines how the AWS CodeBuild build project reports the build status to the source provider.A builder forCfnProject.BuildStatusConfigProperty
is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project LogsConfig property type that specifies settings for CloudWatch logs generated by an AWS CodeBuild build.A builder forCfnProject.CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty
is a property of the AWS::CodeBuild::Project resource that specifies the environment for an AWS CodeBuild project.A builder forCfnProject.EnvironmentProperty
is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project Environment property type that specifies the name and value of an environment variable for an AWS CodeBuild project environment.A builder forCfnProject.EnvironmentVariableProperty
is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project Source property type that specifies information about the Git submodules configuration for the build project.A builder forCfnProject.GitSubmodulesConfigProperty
is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project resource that specifies information about logs for a build project.A builder forCfnProject.LogsConfigProperty
Contains configuration information about a batch build project.A builder forCfnProject.ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty
is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project resource that specifies information about the cache for the build project.A builder forCfnProject.ProjectCacheProperty
Information about a file system created by Amazon Elastic File System (EFS).A builder forCfnProject.ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty
Information about the compute fleet of the build project.A builder forCfnProject.ProjectFleetProperty
A source identifier and its corresponding version.A builder forCfnProject.ProjectSourceVersionProperty
is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project resource that specifies webhooks that trigger an AWS CodeBuild build.A builder forCfnProject.ProjectTriggersProperty
is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project Environment property type that specifies information about credentials that provide access to a private Docker registry.A builder forCfnProject.RegistryCredentialProperty
is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project LogsConfig property type that specifies settings for logs generated by an AWS CodeBuild build in an S3 bucket.A builder forCfnProject.S3LogsConfigProperty
Contains configuration information about the scope for a webhook.A builder forCfnProject.ScopeConfigurationProperty
is a property of the AWS CodeBuild Project Source property type that specifies authorization settings for AWS CodeBuild to access the source code to be built.A builder forCfnProject.SourceAuthProperty
is a property of the AWS::CodeBuild::Project resource that specifies the source code settings for the project, such as the source code's repository type and location.A builder forCfnProject.SourceProperty
is a property of the AWS::CodeBuild::Project resource that enable AWS CodeBuild to access resources in an Amazon VPC.A builder forCfnProject.VpcConfigProperty
is a structure of theFilterGroups
property on the AWS CodeBuild Project ProjectTriggers property type that specifies which webhooks trigger an AWS CodeBuild build.A builder forCfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty
Properties for defining aCfnProject
.A builder forCfnProjectProps
Represents a report group.A fluent builder forCfnReportGroup
.Information about the location where the run of a report is exported.A builder forCfnReportGroup.ReportExportConfigProperty
Information about the S3 bucket where the raw data of a report are exported.A builder forCfnReportGroup.S3ReportExportConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnReportGroup
.A builder forCfnReportGroupProps
Information about the credentials for a GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket repository.A fluent builder forCfnSourceCredential
.Properties for defining aCfnSourceCredential
.A builder forCfnSourceCredentialProps
Information about logs built to a CloudWatch Log Group for a build project.A builder forCloudWatchLoggingOptions
Construction properties forCodeCommitSource
.A builder forCodeCommitSourceProps
Example:A builder forCommonProjectProps
Build machine compute type.The options when creating a CodeBuild Docker build image usingLinuxBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry
, orMacBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry
.A builder forDockerImageOptions
Construction properties forEfsFileSystemLocation
.A builder forEfsFileSystemLocationProps
Build environment type.The types of webhook event actions.The type returned fromIFileSystemLocation#bind
.A builder forFileSystemConfig
An object that represents a group of filter conditions for a webhook.Fleet for a reserved capacity CodeBuild project.A fluent builder forFleet
.Fleet build machine compute type.Construction properties of a CodeBuildFleet
.A builder forFleetProps
The source credentials used when contacting the GitHub Enterprise API.A fluent builder forGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials
.Creation properties forGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials
.A builder forGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps
Construction properties forGitHubEnterpriseSource
.A builder forGitHubEnterpriseSourceProps
The source credentials used when contacting the GitHub API.A fluent builder forGitHubSourceCredentials
.Creation properties forGitHubSourceCredentials
.A builder forGitHubSourceCredentialsProps
Construction properties forGitHubSource
.A builder forGitHubSourceProps
The abstract interface of a CodeBuild build output.Internal default implementation forIArtifacts
.A variant ofIBuildImage
that allows binding to the project.Internal default implementation forIBindableBuildImage
.Represents a Docker image used for the CodeBuild Project builds.Internal default implementation forIBuildImage
.The interface of a CodeBuild FileSystemLocation.Internal default implementation forIFileSystemLocation
.Represents aFleet
for a reserved capacity CodeBuild project.Internal default implementation forIFleet
.The type of principal CodeBuild will use to pull your build Docker image.Internal default implementation forIProject
.The interface representing the ReportGroup resource - either an existing one, imported using theReportGroup.fromReportGroupName
method, or a new one, created with theReportGroup
class.Internal default implementation forIReportGroup
.The abstract interface of a CodeBuild source.Internal default implementation forISource
.Local cache modes to enable for the CodeBuild Project.Information about logs for the build project.A builder forLoggingOptions
A convenience class for CodeBuild Projects that are used in CodePipeline.A fluent builder forPipelineProject
.Example:A builder forPipelineProjectProps
A representation of a CodeBuild Project.A fluent builder forProject
.The list of event types for AWS Codebuild.Additional options to pass to the notification rule.A builder forProjectNotifyOnOptions
Example:A builder forProjectProps
Specifies the visibility of the project's builds.The ReportGroup resource class.A fluent builder forReportGroup
.Construction properties forReportGroup
.A builder forReportGroupProps
The type of reports in the report group.Construction properties forS3Artifacts
.A builder forS3ArtifactsProps
Information about logs built to an S3 bucket for a build project.A builder forS3LoggingOptions
Construction properties forS3Source
.A builder forS3SourceProps
The type returned fromISource#bind
.A builder forSourceConfig
Properties common to all Source classes.A builder forSourceProps
Permissions Boundary for a CodeBuild Project running untrusted code.A fluent builder forUntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy
.Construction properties for UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy.A builder forUntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps
Environment type for Windows Docker images. -