Uses of Class
Packages that use Vpc.Builder
Uses of Vpc.Builder in
Methods in that return Vpc.BuilderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionVpc.Builder.availabilityZones
(List<String> availabilityZones) Availability zones this VPC spans.Deprecated.Use ipAddresses insteadstatic Vpc.Builder
(Boolean createInternetGateway) If set to false then disable the creation of the default internet gateway.Vpc.Builder.defaultInstanceTenancy
(DefaultInstanceTenancy defaultInstanceTenancy) The default tenancy of instances launched into the VPC.Vpc.Builder.enableDnsHostnames
(Boolean enableDnsHostnames) Indicates whether the instances launched in the VPC get public DNS hostnames.Vpc.Builder.enableDnsSupport
(Boolean enableDnsSupport) Indicates whether the DNS resolution is supported for the VPC.Vpc.Builder.flowLogs
(Map<String, ? extends FlowLogOptions> flowLogs) Flow logs to add to this VPC.Vpc.Builder.gatewayEndpoints
(Map<String, ? extends GatewayVpcEndpointOptions> gatewayEndpoints) Gateway endpoints to add to this VPC.Vpc.Builder.ipAddresses
(IIpAddresses ipAddresses) The Provider to use to allocate IPv4 Space to your VPC.Vpc.Builder.ipProtocol
(IpProtocol ipProtocol) The protocol of the vpc.Vpc.Builder.ipv6Addresses
(IIpv6Addresses ipv6Addresses) The Provider to use to allocate IPv6 Space to your VPC.Define the maximum number of AZs to use in this region.Vpc.Builder.natGatewayProvider
(NatProvider natGatewayProvider) What type of NAT provider to use.Vpc.Builder.natGateways
(Number natGateways) The number of NAT Gateways/Instances to create.Vpc.Builder.natGatewaySubnets
(SubnetSelection natGatewaySubnets) Configures the subnets which will have NAT Gateways/Instances.Vpc.Builder.reservedAzs
(Number reservedAzs) Define the number of AZs to reserve.Vpc.Builder.restrictDefaultSecurityGroup
(Boolean restrictDefaultSecurityGroup) If set to true then the default inbound & outbound rules will be removed from the default security group.Vpc.Builder.subnetConfiguration
(List<? extends SubnetConfiguration> subnetConfiguration) Configure the subnets to build for each AZ.The VPC name.Vpc.Builder.vpnConnections
(Map<String, ? extends VpnConnectionOptions> vpnConnections) VPN connections to this VPC.Vpc.Builder.vpnGateway
(Boolean vpnGateway) Indicates whether a VPN gateway should be created and attached to this VPC.Vpc.Builder.vpnGatewayAsn
(Number vpnGatewayAsn) The private Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the VPN gateway.Vpc.Builder.vpnRoutePropagation
(List<? extends SubnetSelection> vpnRoutePropagation) Where to propagate VPN routes.