All Implemented Interfaces:
IApplicationLoadBalancerTarget, INetworkLoadBalancerTarget,

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.109.0 (build c221850)", date="2025-03-14T03:24:58.408Z") @Stability(Stable) public class IpTarget extends implements IApplicationLoadBalancerTarget, INetworkLoadBalancerTarget
An IP address that is a target for load balancing.

Specify IP addresses from the subnets of the virtual private cloud (VPC) for the target group, the RFC 1918 range (,, and, and the RFC 6598 range ( You can't specify publicly routable IP addresses.

If you register a target of this type, you are responsible for making sure the load balancer's security group can send packets to the IP address.


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 IpTarget ipTarget = new IpTarget("ipAddress", 123, "availabilityZone");
  • Constructor Details

    • IpTarget

      protected IpTarget( objRef)
    • IpTarget

      protected IpTarget( initializationMode)
    • IpTarget

      @Stability(Stable) public IpTarget(@NotNull String ipAddress, @Nullable Number port, @Nullable String availabilityZone)
      Create a new IPAddress target.

      The availabilityZone parameter determines whether the target receives traffic from the load balancer nodes in the specified Availability Zone or from all enabled Availability Zones for the load balancer.

      This parameter is not supported if the target type of the target group is instance. If the IP address is in a subnet of the VPC for the target group, the Availability Zone is automatically detected and this parameter is optional. If the IP address is outside the VPC, this parameter is required.

      With an Application Load Balancer, if the IP address is outside the VPC for the target group, the only supported value is all.

      Default is automatic.

      ipAddress - The IP Address to load balance to. This parameter is required.
      port - Override the group's default port.
      availabilityZone - Availability zone to send traffic from.
    • IpTarget

      @Stability(Stable) public IpTarget(@NotNull String ipAddress, @Nullable Number port)
      Create a new IPAddress target.

      The availabilityZone parameter determines whether the target receives traffic from the load balancer nodes in the specified Availability Zone or from all enabled Availability Zones for the load balancer.

      This parameter is not supported if the target type of the target group is instance. If the IP address is in a subnet of the VPC for the target group, the Availability Zone is automatically detected and this parameter is optional. If the IP address is outside the VPC, this parameter is required.

      With an Application Load Balancer, if the IP address is outside the VPC for the target group, the only supported value is all.

      Default is automatic.

      ipAddress - The IP Address to load balance to. This parameter is required.
      port - Override the group's default port.
    • IpTarget

      @Stability(Stable) public IpTarget(@NotNull String ipAddress)
      Create a new IPAddress target.

      The availabilityZone parameter determines whether the target receives traffic from the load balancer nodes in the specified Availability Zone or from all enabled Availability Zones for the load balancer.

      This parameter is not supported if the target type of the target group is instance. If the IP address is in a subnet of the VPC for the target group, the Availability Zone is automatically detected and this parameter is optional. If the IP address is outside the VPC, this parameter is required.

      With an Application Load Balancer, if the IP address is outside the VPC for the target group, the only supported value is all.

      Default is automatic.

      ipAddress - The IP Address to load balance to. This parameter is required.
  • Method Details