Uses of Package
Packages that use
AWS::LookoutMetrics Construct Library
Classes in used by
type creates an alert for an anomaly detector.A configuration that specifies the action to perform when anomalies are detected.A builder forCfnAlert.ActionProperty
A fluent builder forCfnAlert
.Contains information about a Lambda configuration.A builder forCfnAlert.LambdaConfigurationProperty
Contains information about the SNS topic to which you want to send your alerts and the IAM role that has access to that topic.A builder forCfnAlert.SNSConfigurationProperty
Properties for defining aCfnAlert
.A builder forCfnAlertProps
type creates an anomaly detector.Contains information about a detector's configuration.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.AnomalyDetectorConfigProperty
Details about an Amazon AppFlow flow datasource.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.AppFlowConfigProperty
A fluent builder forCfnAnomalyDetector
.Details about an Amazon CloudWatch datasource.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.CloudwatchConfigProperty
Contains information about how a source CSV data file should be analyzed.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.CsvFormatDescriptorProperty
Contains information about a source file's formatting.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.FileFormatDescriptorProperty
Contains information about how a source JSON data file should be analyzed.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.JsonFormatDescriptorProperty
A calculation made by contrasting a measure and a dimension from your source data.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty
Contains information about a dataset.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.MetricSetProperty
Contains information about how the source data should be interpreted.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.MetricSourceProperty
Contains information about the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) configuration.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.RDSSourceConfigProperty
Provides information about the Amazon Redshift database configuration.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.RedshiftSourceConfigProperty
Contains information about the configuration of the S3 bucket that contains source files.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.S3SourceConfigProperty
Contains information about the column used to track time in a source data file.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.TimestampColumnProperty
Contains configuration information about the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).A builder forCfnAnomalyDetector.VpcConfigurationProperty
Properties for defining aCfnAnomalyDetector
.A builder forCfnAnomalyDetectorProps