Amazon OpenSearch Service Construct Library
See Migrating to OpenSearch for migration instructions from aws-cdk-lib/aws-elasticsearch
to this module, aws-cdk-lib/aws-opensearchservice
Quick start
Create a development cluster by simply specifying the version:
Domain devDomain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .build();
To perform version upgrades without replacing the entire domain, specify the enableVersionUpgrade
Domain devDomain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .enableVersionUpgrade(true) .build();
Create a cluster with GP3 volumes:
Domain gp3Domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_2_5) .ebs(EbsOptions.builder() .volumeSize(30) .volumeType(EbsDeviceVolumeType.GP3) .throughput(125) .iops(3000) .build()) .build();
Create a production grade cluster by also specifying things like capacity and az distribution
Domain prodDomain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .capacity(CapacityConfig.builder() .masterNodes(5) .dataNodes(20) .build()) .ebs(EbsOptions.builder() .volumeSize(20) .build()) .zoneAwareness(ZoneAwarenessConfig.builder() .availabilityZoneCount(3) .build()) .logging(LoggingOptions.builder() .slowSearchLogEnabled(true) .appLogEnabled(true) .slowIndexLogEnabled(true) .build()) .build();
This creates an Amazon OpenSearch Service cluster and automatically sets up log groups for logging the domain logs and slow search logs.
A note about SLR
Some cluster configurations (e.g VPC access) require the existence of the AWSServiceRoleForAmazonElasticsearchService
Service-Linked Role.
When performing such operations via the AWS Console, this SLR is created automatically when needed. However, this is not the behavior when using CloudFormation. If an SLR is needed, but doesn't exist, you will encounter a failure message similar to:
Before you can proceed, you must enable a service-linked role to give Amazon OpenSearch Service...
To resolve this, you need to create the SLR. We recommend using the AWS CLI:
aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name
You can also create it using the CDK, but note that only the first application deploying this will succeed:
CfnServiceLinkedRole slr = CfnServiceLinkedRole.Builder.create(this, "Service Linked Role") .awsServiceName("") .build();
Importing existing domains
Using a known domain endpoint
To import an existing domain into your CDK application, use the Domain.fromDomainEndpoint
factory method.
This method accepts a domain endpoint of an already existing domain:
String domainEndpoint = ""; IDomain domain = Domain.fromDomainEndpoint(this, "ImportedDomain", domainEndpoint);
Using the output of another CloudFormation stack
To import an existing domain with the help of an exported value from another CloudFormation stack,
use the Domain.fromDomainAttributes
factory method. This will accept tokens.
String domainArn = Fn.importValue("another-cf-stack-export-domain-arn"); String domainEndpoint = Fn.importValue("another-cf-stack-export-domain-endpoint"); IDomain domain = Domain.fromDomainAttributes(this, "ImportedDomain", DomainAttributes.builder() .domainArn(domainArn) .domainEndpoint(domainEndpoint) .build());
Helper methods also exist for managing access to the domain.
Function fn; Domain domain; // Grant write access to the app-search index domain.grantIndexWrite("app-search", fn); // Grant read access to the 'app-search/_search' path domain.grantPathRead("app-search/_search", fn);
The domain can also be created with encryption enabled:
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .ebs(EbsOptions.builder() .volumeSize(100) .volumeType(EbsDeviceVolumeType.GENERAL_PURPOSE_SSD) .build()) .nodeToNodeEncryption(true) .encryptionAtRest(EncryptionAtRestOptions.builder() .enabled(true) .build()) .build();
This sets up the domain with node to node encryption and encryption at rest. You can also choose to supply your own KMS key to use for encryption at rest.
VPC Support
Domains can be placed inside a VPC, providing a secure communication between Amazon OpenSearch Service and other services within the VPC without the need for an internet gateway, NAT device, or VPN connection.
Visit VPC Support for Amazon OpenSearch Service Domains for more details.
Vpc vpc = new Vpc(this, "Vpc"); DomainProps domainProps = DomainProps.builder() .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .removalPolicy(RemovalPolicy.DESTROY) .vpc(vpc) // must be enabled since our VPC contains multiple private subnets. .zoneAwareness(ZoneAwarenessConfig.builder() .enabled(true) .build()) .capacity(CapacityConfig.builder() // must be an even number since the default az count is 2. .dataNodes(2) .build()) .build(); new Domain(this, "Domain", domainProps);
In addition, you can use the vpcSubnets
property to control which specific subnets will be used, and the securityGroups
property to control
which security groups will be attached to the domain. By default, CDK will select all private subnets in the VPC, and create one dedicated security group.
Helper methods exist to access common domain metrics for example:
Domain domain; Metric freeStorageSpace = domain.metricFreeStorageSpace(); Metric masterSysMemoryUtilization = domain.metric("MasterSysMemoryUtilization");
This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.
Fine grained access control
The domain can also be created with a master user configured. The password can be supplied or dynamically created if not supplied.
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .enforceHttps(true) .nodeToNodeEncryption(true) .encryptionAtRest(EncryptionAtRestOptions.builder() .enabled(true) .build()) .fineGrainedAccessControl(AdvancedSecurityOptions.builder() .masterUserName("master-user") .build()) .build(); SecretValue masterUserPassword = domain.getMasterUserPassword();
SAML authentication
You can enable SAML authentication to use your existing identity provider to offer single sign-on (SSO) for dashboards on Amazon OpenSearch Service domains running OpenSearch or Elasticsearch 6.7 or later. To use SAML authentication, fine-grained access control must be enabled.
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .enforceHttps(true) .nodeToNodeEncryption(true) .encryptionAtRest(EncryptionAtRestOptions.builder() .enabled(true) .build()) .fineGrainedAccessControl(AdvancedSecurityOptions.builder() .masterUserName("master-user") .samlAuthenticationEnabled(true) .samlAuthenticationOptions(SAMLOptionsProperty.builder() .idpEntityId("entity-id") .idpMetadataContent("metadata-content-with-quotes-escaped") .build()) .build()) .build();
Using unsigned basic auth
For convenience, the domain can be configured to allow unsigned HTTP requests that use basic auth. Unless the domain is configured to be part of a VPC this means anyone can access the domain using the configured master username and password.
To enable unsigned basic auth access the domain is configured with an access policy that allows anonymous requests, HTTPS required, node to node encryption, encryption at rest and fine grained access control.
If the above settings are not set they will be configured as part of enabling unsigned basic auth. If they are set with conflicting values, an error will be thrown.
If no master user is configured a default master user is created with the
username admin
If no password is configured a default master user password is created and
stored in the AWS Secrets Manager as secret. The secret has the prefix
<domain id>MasterUser
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .useUnsignedBasicAuth(true) .build(); SecretValue masterUserPassword = domain.getMasterUserPassword();
Custom access policies
If the domain requires custom access control it can be configured either as a constructor property, or later by means of a helper method.
For simple permissions the accessPolicies
constructor may be sufficient:
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .accessPolicies(List.of( PolicyStatement.Builder.create() .actions(List.of("es:*ESHttpPost", "es:ESHttpPut*")) .effect(Effect.ALLOW) .principals(List.of(new AccountPrincipal("123456789012"))) .resources(List.of("*")) .build())) .build();
For more complex use-cases, for example, to set the domain up to receive data from a
cross-account Kinesis Firehose the addAccessPolicies
helper method
allows for policies that include the explicit domain ARN.
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .build(); domain.addAccessPolicies( PolicyStatement.Builder.create() .actions(List.of("es:ESHttpPost", "es:ESHttpPut")) .effect(Effect.ALLOW) .principals(List.of(new AccountPrincipal("123456789012"))) .resources(List.of(domain.getDomainArn(), String.format("%s/*", domain.getDomainArn()))) .build(), PolicyStatement.Builder.create() .actions(List.of("es:ESHttpGet")) .effect(Effect.ALLOW) .principals(List.of(new AccountPrincipal("123456789012"))) .resources(List.of(String.format("%s/_all/_settings", domain.getDomainArn()), String.format("%s/_cluster/stats", domain.getDomainArn()), String.format("%s/index-name*/_mapping/type-name", domain.getDomainArn()), String.format("%s/roletest*/_mapping/roletest", domain.getDomainArn()), String.format("%s/_nodes", domain.getDomainArn()), String.format("%s/_nodes/stats", domain.getDomainArn()), String.format("%s/_nodes/*/stats", domain.getDomainArn()), String.format("%s/_stats", domain.getDomainArn()), String.format("%s/index-name*/_stats", domain.getDomainArn()), String.format("%s/roletest*/_stat", domain.getDomainArn()))) .build());
Audit logs
Audit logs can be enabled for a domain, but only when fine grained access control is enabled.
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .enforceHttps(true) .nodeToNodeEncryption(true) .encryptionAtRest(EncryptionAtRestOptions.builder() .enabled(true) .build()) .fineGrainedAccessControl(AdvancedSecurityOptions.builder() .masterUserName("master-user") .build()) .logging(LoggingOptions.builder() .auditLogEnabled(true) .slowSearchLogEnabled(true) .appLogEnabled(true) .slowIndexLogEnabled(true) .build()) .build();
Suppress creating CloudWatch Logs resource policy
When logging is enabled for the domain, the CloudWatch Logs resource policy is created by default.
This resource policy is necessary for logging, but since only a maximum of 10 resource policies can be created per region,
the maximum number of resource policies may be a problem when enabling logging for several domains.
By setting the suppressLogsResourcePolicy
option to true, you can suppress the creation of a CloudWatch Logs resource policy.
If you set the suppressLogsResourcePolicy
option to true, you must create a resource policy before deployment.
Also, to avoid reaching this limit, consider reusing a broader policy that includes multiple log groups.
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .enforceHttps(true) .nodeToNodeEncryption(true) .encryptionAtRest(EncryptionAtRestOptions.builder() .enabled(true) .build()) .fineGrainedAccessControl(AdvancedSecurityOptions.builder() .masterUserName("master-user") .build()) .logging(LoggingOptions.builder() .auditLogEnabled(true) .slowSearchLogEnabled(true) .appLogEnabled(true) .slowIndexLogEnabled(true) .build()) .suppressLogsResourcePolicy(true) .build();
Visit Monitoring OpenSearch logs with Amazon CloudWatch Logs for more details.
UltraWarm nodes can be enabled to provide a cost-effective way to store large amounts of read-only data.
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .capacity(CapacityConfig.builder() .masterNodes(2) .warmNodes(2) .warmInstanceType("") .build()) .build();
Cold storage
Cold storage can be enabled on the domain. You must enable UltraWarm storage to enable cold storage.
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .capacity(CapacityConfig.builder() .masterNodes(2) .warmNodes(2) .warmInstanceType("") .build()) .coldStorageEnabled(true) .build();
Custom endpoint
Custom endpoints can be configured to reach the domain under a custom domain name.
Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .customEndpoint(CustomEndpointOptions.builder() .domainName("") .build()) .build();
It is also possible to specify a custom certificate instead of the auto-generated one.
Additionally, an automatic CNAME-Record is created if a hosted zone is provided for the custom endpoint
Advanced options
Advanced options can used to configure additional options.
Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .advancedOptions(Map.of( "rest.action.multi.allow_explicit_index", "false", "indices.fielddata.cache.size", "25", "indices.query.bool.max_clause_count", "2048")) .build();
Amazon Cognito authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards
The domain can be configured to use Amazon Cognito authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards.
Visit Configuring Amazon Cognito authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards for more details.
Role cognitoConfigurationRole; Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_0) .cognitoDashboardsAuth(CognitoOptions.builder() .role(cognitoConfigurationRole) .identityPoolId("example-identity-pool-id") .userPoolId("example-user-pool-id") .build()) .build();
Enable support for Multi-AZ with Standby deployment
The domain can be configured to use multi-AZ with standby.
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_3) .ebs(EbsOptions.builder() .volumeSize(10) .volumeType(EbsDeviceVolumeType.GENERAL_PURPOSE_SSD_GP3) .build()) .zoneAwareness(ZoneAwarenessConfig.builder() .enabled(true) .availabilityZoneCount(3) .build()) .capacity(CapacityConfig.builder() .multiAzWithStandbyEnabled(true) .masterNodes(3) .dataNodes(3) .build()) .build();
Define off-peak windows
The domain can be configured to use a daily 10-hour window considered as off-peak hours.
Off-peak windows were introduced on February 16, 2023. All domains created before this date have the off-peak window disabled by default. You must manually enable and configure the off-peak window for these domains. All domains created after this date will have the off-peak window enabled by default. You can't disable the off-peak window for a domain after it's enabled.
Visit Defining off-peak windows for Amazon OpenSearch Service for more details.
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_3) .offPeakWindowEnabled(true) // can be omitted if offPeakWindowStart is set .offPeakWindowStart(WindowStartTime.builder() .hours(20) .minutes(0) .build()) .build();
Configuring service software updates
The domain can be configured to use service software updates.
Visit Service software updates in Amazon OpenSearch Service for more details.
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_3) .enableAutoSoftwareUpdate(true) .build();
IP address type
You can specify either dual stack or IPv4 as your IP address type.
Domain domain = Domain.Builder.create(this, "Domain") .version(EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_3) .ipAddressType(IpAddressType.DUAL_STACK) .build();
ClassDescriptionSpecifies options for fine-grained access control.A builder for
An implementation forAdvancedSecurityOptions
Configures the capacity of the cluster such as the instance type and the number of instances.A builder forCapacityConfig
An implementation forCapacityConfig
Creates an OpenSearch Application.Configurations of the OpenSearch Application.A builder forCfnApplication.AppConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnApplication.AppConfigProperty
A fluent builder forCfnApplication
.Data sources that are associated with an OpenSearch Application.A builder forCfnApplication.DataSourceProperty
An implementation forCfnApplication.DataSourceProperty
Settings for IAM Identity Center for an OpenSearch Application.A builder forCfnApplication.IamIdentityCenterOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnApplication.IamIdentityCenterOptionsProperty
Properties for defining aCfnApplication
.A builder forCfnApplicationProps
An implementation forCfnApplicationProps
The AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain resource creates an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.Specifies options for fine-grained access control.A builder forCfnDomain.AdvancedSecurityOptionsInputProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.AdvancedSecurityOptionsInputProperty
A fluent builder forCfnDomain
.The cluster configuration for the OpenSearch Service domain.A builder forCfnDomain.ClusterConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.ClusterConfigProperty
Configures OpenSearch Service to use Amazon Cognito authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards.A builder forCfnDomain.CognitoOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.CognitoOptionsProperty
Container for the parameters required to enable cold storage for an OpenSearch Service domain.A builder forCfnDomain.ColdStorageOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.ColdStorageOptionsProperty
Specifies additional options for the domain endpoint, such as whether to require HTTPS for all traffic or whether to use a custom endpoint rather than the default endpoint.A builder forCfnDomain.DomainEndpointOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.DomainEndpointOptionsProperty
The configurations of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes that are attached to data nodes in the OpenSearch Service domain.A builder forCfnDomain.EBSOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.EBSOptionsProperty
Whether the domain should encrypt data at rest, and if so, the AWS Key Management Service key to use.A builder forCfnDomain.EncryptionAtRestOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.EncryptionAtRestOptionsProperty
Container for IAM Identity Center Options settings.A builder forCfnDomain.IdentityCenterOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.IdentityCenterOptionsProperty
The SAML Identity Provider's information.A builder forCfnDomain.IdpProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.IdpProperty
Example:A builder forCfnDomain.JWTOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.JWTOptionsProperty
Specifies whether the OpenSearch Service domain publishes application, search slow logs, or index slow logs to Amazon CloudWatch.A builder forCfnDomain.LogPublishingOptionProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.LogPublishingOptionProperty
Specifies information about the master user.A builder forCfnDomain.MasterUserOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.MasterUserOptionsProperty
Container for specifying configuration of any node type.A builder forCfnDomain.NodeConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.NodeConfigProperty
Container for specifying node type.A builder forCfnDomain.NodeOptionProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.NodeOptionProperty
Specifies options for node-to-node encryption.A builder forCfnDomain.NodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.NodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsProperty
Off-peak window settings for the domain.A builder forCfnDomain.OffPeakWindowOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.OffPeakWindowOptionsProperty
A custom 10-hour, low-traffic window during which OpenSearch Service can perform mandatory configuration changes on the domain.A builder forCfnDomain.OffPeakWindowProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.OffPeakWindowProperty
Container for information about the SAML configuration for OpenSearch Dashboards.A builder forCfnDomain.SAMLOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.SAMLOptionsProperty
The current status of the service software for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.A builder forCfnDomain.ServiceSoftwareOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.ServiceSoftwareOptionsProperty
DEPRECATED .A builder forCfnDomain.SnapshotOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.SnapshotOptionsProperty
Options for configuring service software updates for a domain.A builder forCfnDomain.SoftwareUpdateOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.SoftwareUpdateOptionsProperty
The virtual private cloud (VPC) configuration for the OpenSearch Service domain.A builder forCfnDomain.VPCOptionsProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.VPCOptionsProperty
A custom start time for the off-peak window, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).A builder forCfnDomain.WindowStartTimeProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.WindowStartTimeProperty
Specifies zone awareness configuration options.A builder forCfnDomain.ZoneAwarenessConfigProperty
An implementation forCfnDomain.ZoneAwarenessConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnDomain
.A builder forCfnDomainProps
An implementation forCfnDomainProps
Configures Amazon OpenSearch Service to use Amazon Cognito authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards.A builder forCognitoOptions
An implementation forCognitoOptions
Configures a custom domain endpoint for the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.A builder forCustomEndpointOptions
An implementation forCustomEndpointOptions
Provides an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.A fluent builder forDomain
.Reference to an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.A builder forDomainAttributes
An implementation forDomainAttributes
Properties for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.A builder forDomainProps
An implementation forDomainProps
The configurations of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes that are attached to data nodes in the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.A builder forEbsOptions
An implementation forEbsOptions
Whether the domain should encrypt data at rest, and if so, the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key to use.A builder forEncryptionAtRestOptions
An implementation forEncryptionAtRestOptions
OpenSearch version.An interface that represents an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain - either created with the CDK, or an existing one.Internal default implementation forIDomain
.A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.The IP address type for the domain.Configures log settings for the domain.A builder forLoggingOptions
An implementation forLoggingOptions
Container for information about the SAML configuration for OpenSearch Dashboards.A builder forSAMLOptionsProperty
An implementation forSAMLOptionsProperty
The minimum TLS version required for traffic to the domain.Example:A builder forWindowStartTime
An implementation forWindowStartTime
Specifies zone awareness configuration options.A builder forZoneAwarenessConfig
An implementation forZoneAwarenessConfig