The ID for the analysis that you're creating.
The ID of the AWS account where you are creating an analysis.
CfnAnalysis.Builder.create(software.constructs.Construct scope,
String id)
Errors associated with the analysis.
Errors associated with the analysis.
A descriptive name for the analysis that you're creating.
The parameter names and override values that you want to use.
The parameter names and override values that you want to use.
A structure that describes the principals and the resource-level permissions on an analysis.
A structure that describes the principals and the resource-level permissions on an analysis.
A list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet.
A list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet.
A source entity to use for the analysis that you're creating.
A source entity to use for the analysis that you're creating.
Status associated with the analysis.
Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the analysis.
The ARN for the theme to apply to the analysis that you're creating.
The option to relax the validation that is required to create and update analyses, dashboards, and templates with definition objects.
The option to relax the validation that is required to create and update analyses, dashboards, and templates with definition objects.