Uses of Package
Packages that use
Amazon API Gateway Construct Library
Amazon EventBridge Pipes Targets Construct Library
Amazon SageMaker Construct Library
Amazon SageMaker Construct Library
Amazon EventBridge Scheduler Construct Library
Classes in used by a running app for the specified UserProfile.A fluent builder for
.Specifies the ARN's of a SageMaker AI image and SageMaker AI image version, and the instance type that the version runs on.A builder forCfnApp.ResourceSpecProperty
Creates a configuration for running a SageMaker AI image as a KernelGateway app.A fluent builder forCfnAppImageConfig
.The configuration for the file system and kernels in a SageMaker image running as a Code Editor app.A builder forCfnAppImageConfig.CodeEditorAppImageConfigProperty
The configuration used to run the application image container.A builder forCfnAppImageConfig.ContainerConfigProperty
The environment variables to set in the container.The Amazon Elastic File System storage configuration for a SageMaker AI image.A builder forCfnAppImageConfig.FileSystemConfigProperty
The configuration for the file system and kernels in a SageMaker AI image running as a JupyterLab app.A builder forCfnAppImageConfig.JupyterLabAppImageConfigProperty
The configuration for the file system and kernels in a SageMaker AI image running as a KernelGateway app.A builder forCfnAppImageConfig.KernelGatewayImageConfigProperty
The specification of a Jupyter kernel.A builder forCfnAppImageConfig.KernelSpecProperty
Properties for defining aCfnAppImageConfig
.A builder forCfnAppImageConfigProps
Properties for defining aCfnApp
.A builder forCfnAppProps
Creates a SageMaker HyperPod cluster.A fluent builder forCfnCluster
.Defines the configuration for attaching an additional Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume to each instance of the SageMaker HyperPod cluster instance group.A builder forCfnCluster.ClusterEbsVolumeConfigProperty
The configuration information of the instance group within the HyperPod cluster.A builder forCfnCluster.ClusterInstanceGroupProperty
Defines the configuration for attaching additional storage to the instances in the SageMaker HyperPod cluster instance group.A builder forCfnCluster.ClusterInstanceStorageConfigProperty
The lifecycle configuration for a SageMaker HyperPod cluster.A builder forCfnCluster.ClusterLifeCycleConfigProperty
The configuration for the Amazon EKS cluster that is used as the orchestrator for the SageMaker HyperPod cluster.A builder forCfnCluster.ClusterOrchestratorEksConfigProperty
The orchestrator for a SageMaker HyperPod cluster.A builder forCfnCluster.OrchestratorProperty
Specifies an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that your SageMaker jobs, hosted models, and compute resources have access to.A builder forCfnCluster.VpcConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnCluster
.A builder forCfnClusterProps
Creates a Git repository as a resource in your SageMaker AI account.A fluent builder forCfnCodeRepository
.Specifies configuration details for a Git repository in your AWS account.A builder forCfnCodeRepository.GitConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnCodeRepository
.A builder forCfnCodeRepositoryProps
Creates a definition for a job that monitors data quality and drift.Input object for the batch transform job.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.BatchTransformInputProperty
A fluent builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition
.The configuration for the cluster of resources used to run the processing job.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.ClusterConfigProperty
The constraints resource for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.ConstraintsResourceProperty
The CSV format.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.CsvProperty
Information about the container that a data quality monitoring job runs.Configuration for monitoring constraints and monitoring statistics.The input for the data quality monitoring job.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.DataQualityJobInputProperty
The dataset format of the data to monitor.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.DatasetFormatProperty
Input object for the endpoint.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.EndpointInputProperty
The Json format.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.JsonProperty
The output configuration for monitoring jobs.The output object for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.MonitoringOutputProperty
Identifies the resources to deploy for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.MonitoringResourcesProperty
Networking options for a job, such as network traffic encryption between containers, whether to allow inbound and outbound network calls to and from containers, and the VPC subnets and security groups to use for VPC-enabled jobs.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.NetworkConfigProperty
The Amazon S3 storage location where the results of a monitoring job are saved.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.S3OutputProperty
The statistics resource for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.StatisticsResourceProperty
Specifies a limit to how long a job can run.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.StoppingConditionProperty
Specifies an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that your SageMaker jobs, hosted models, and compute resources have access to.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinition.VpcConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnDataQualityJobDefinition
.A builder forCfnDataQualityJobDefinitionProps
resource is an Amazon SageMaker resource type that allows you to register your Devices against an existing SageMaker Edge Manager DeviceFleet.A fluent builder forCfnDevice
.Information of a particular device.A builder forCfnDevice.DeviceProperty
resource is an Amazon SageMaker resource type that allows you to create a DeviceFleet that manages your SageMaker Edge Manager Devices.A fluent builder forCfnDeviceFleet
.The output configuration for storing sample data collected by the fleet.A builder forCfnDeviceFleet.EdgeOutputConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnDeviceFleet
.A builder forCfnDeviceFleetProps
Properties for defining aCfnDevice
.A builder forCfnDeviceProps
Creates aDomain
.Settings that are used to configure and manage the lifecycle of Amazon SageMaker Studio applications.A builder forCfnDomain.AppLifecycleManagementProperty
A fluent builder forCfnDomain
.The Code Editor application settings.A builder forCfnDomain.CodeEditorAppSettingsProperty
A Git repository that SageMaker AI automatically displays to users for cloning in the JupyterServer application.A builder forCfnDomain.CodeRepositoryProperty
The settings for assigning a custom file system to a user profile or space for an Amazon SageMaker AI Domain.A builder forCfnDomain.CustomFileSystemConfigProperty
A custom SageMaker AI image.A builder forCfnDomain.CustomImageProperty
Details about the POSIX identity that is used for file system operations.A builder forCfnDomain.CustomPosixUserConfigProperty
A collection of default EBS storage settings that apply to spaces created within a domain or user profile.A builder forCfnDomain.DefaultEbsStorageSettingsProperty
The default settings for shared spaces that users create in the domain.A builder forCfnDomain.DefaultSpaceSettingsProperty
The default storage settings for a space.A builder forCfnDomain.DefaultSpaceStorageSettingsProperty
A collection of settings that configure the domain's Docker interaction.A builder forCfnDomain.DockerSettingsProperty
A collection of settings that apply to theSageMaker Domain
.A builder forCfnDomain.DomainSettingsProperty
The settings for assigning a custom Amazon EFS file system to a user profile or space for an Amazon SageMaker AI Domain.A builder forCfnDomain.EFSFileSystemConfigProperty
The settings for assigning a custom Amazon FSx for Lustre file system to a user profile or space for an Amazon SageMaker Domain.A builder forCfnDomain.FSxLustreFileSystemConfigProperty
Settings related to idle shutdown of Studio applications.A builder forCfnDomain.IdleSettingsProperty
The settings for the JupyterLab application.A builder forCfnDomain.JupyterLabAppSettingsProperty
The JupyterServer app settings.A builder forCfnDomain.JupyterServerAppSettingsProperty
The KernelGateway app settings.A builder forCfnDomain.KernelGatewayAppSettingsProperty
Specifies the ARN's of a SageMaker AI image and SageMaker AI image version, and the instance type that the version runs on.A builder forCfnDomain.ResourceSpecProperty
A collection of settings that apply to anRSessionGateway
app.A builder forCfnDomain.RSessionAppSettingsProperty
A collection of settings that configure user interaction with theRStudioServerPro
app.A builder forCfnDomain.RStudioServerProAppSettingsProperty
A collection of settings that configure theRStudioServerPro
Domain-level app.A builder forCfnDomain.RStudioServerProDomainSettingsProperty
Specifies options when sharing an Amazon SageMaker Studio notebook.A builder forCfnDomain.SharingSettingsProperty
Studio settings.A builder forCfnDomain.StudioWebPortalSettingsProperty
A collection of settings that apply to users of Amazon SageMaker Studio.A builder forCfnDomain.UserSettingsProperty
Properties for defining aCfnDomain
.A builder forCfnDomainProps
Use theAWS::SageMaker::Endpoint
resource to create an endpoint using the specified configuration in the request.An Amazon CloudWatch alarm configured to monitor metrics on an endpoint.A builder forCfnEndpoint.AlarmProperty
Automatic rollback configuration for handling endpoint deployment failures and recovery.A builder forCfnEndpoint.AutoRollbackConfigProperty
Update policy for a blue/green deployment.A builder forCfnEndpoint.BlueGreenUpdatePolicyProperty
A fluent builder forCfnEndpoint
.Specifies the type and size of the endpoint capacity to activate for a blue/green deployment, a rolling deployment, or a rollback strategy.A builder forCfnEndpoint.CapacitySizeProperty
The deployment configuration for an endpoint, which contains the desired deployment strategy and rollback configurations.A builder forCfnEndpoint.DeploymentConfigProperty
Specifies a rolling deployment strategy for updating a SageMaker endpoint.A builder forCfnEndpoint.RollingUpdatePolicyProperty
Defines the traffic routing strategy during an endpoint deployment to shift traffic from the old fleet to the new fleet.A builder forCfnEndpoint.TrafficRoutingConfigProperty
Specifies a production variant property type for an Endpoint.A builder forCfnEndpoint.VariantPropertyProperty
resource creates a configuration for an Amazon SageMaker endpoint.Configures the behavior of the client used by SageMaker to interact with the model container during asynchronous inference.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.AsyncInferenceClientConfigProperty
Specifies configuration for how an endpoint performs asynchronous inference.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.AsyncInferenceConfigProperty
Specifies the configuration for notifications of inference results for asynchronous inference.Specifies the configuration for asynchronous inference invocation outputs.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.AsyncInferenceOutputConfigProperty
A fluent builder forCfnEndpointConfig
.Specifies the JSON and CSV content types of the data that the endpoint captures.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.CaptureContentTypeHeaderProperty
Specifies whether the endpoint captures input data or output data.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.CaptureOptionProperty
The configuration parameters for the SageMaker Clarify explainer.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.ClarifyExplainerConfigProperty
The inference configuration parameter for the model container.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.ClarifyInferenceConfigProperty
The configuration for the SHAP baseline (also called the background or reference dataset) of the Kernal SHAP algorithm.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.ClarifyShapBaselineConfigProperty
The configuration for SHAP analysis using SageMaker Clarify Explainer.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.ClarifyShapConfigProperty
A parameter used to configure the SageMaker Clarify explainer to treat text features as text so that explanations are provided for individual units of text.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.ClarifyTextConfigProperty
Specifies the configuration of your endpoint for model monitor data capture.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.DataCaptureConfigProperty
A parameter to activate explainers.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.ExplainerConfigProperty
Example:A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.ManagedInstanceScalingProperty
Specifies a model that you want to host and the resources to deploy for hosting it.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.ProductionVariantProperty
Example:A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.RoutingConfigProperty
Specifies the serverless configuration for an endpoint variant.A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.ServerlessConfigProperty
Example:A builder forCfnEndpointConfig.VpcConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnEndpointConfig
.A builder forCfnEndpointConfigProps
Properties for defining aCfnEndpoint
.A builder forCfnEndpointProps
Create a newFeatureGroup
.A fluent builder forCfnFeatureGroup
.The meta data of the Glue table which serves as data catalog for theOfflineStore
.A builder forCfnFeatureGroup.DataCatalogConfigProperty
A list of features.A builder forCfnFeatureGroup.FeatureDefinitionProperty
The configuration of anOfflineStore
.A builder forCfnFeatureGroup.OfflineStoreConfigProperty
Use this to specify the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) Key ID, orKMSKeyId
, for at rest data encryption.A builder forCfnFeatureGroup.OnlineStoreConfigProperty
The security configuration forOnlineStore
.A builder forCfnFeatureGroup.OnlineStoreSecurityConfigProperty
The Amazon Simple Storage (Amazon S3) location and security configuration forOfflineStore
.A builder forCfnFeatureGroup.S3StorageConfigProperty
Used to set feature group throughput configuration.A builder forCfnFeatureGroup.ThroughputConfigProperty
Time to live duration, where the record is hard deleted after the expiration time is reached;A builder forCfnFeatureGroup.TtlDurationProperty
Properties for defining aCfnFeatureGroup
.A builder forCfnFeatureGroupProps
Creates a custom SageMaker AI image.A fluent builder forCfnImage
.Properties for defining aCfnImage
.A builder forCfnImageProps
Creates a version of the SageMaker image specified byImageName
.A fluent builder forCfnImageVersion
.Properties for defining aCfnImageVersion
.A builder forCfnImageVersionProps
Creates an inference component, which is a SageMaker AI hosting object that you can use to deploy a model to an endpoint.A fluent builder forCfnInferenceComponent
.Gets the Amazon EC2 Container Registry path of the docker image of the model that is hosted in this ProductionVariant .A builder forCfnInferenceComponent.DeployedImageProperty
Defines the compute resources to allocate to run a model, plus any adapter models, that you assign to an inference component.Defines a container that provides the runtime environment for a model that you deploy with an inference component.Runtime settings for a model that is deployed with an inference component.Details about the resources to deploy with this inference component, including the model, container, and compute resources.Settings that take effect while the model container starts up.Properties for defining aCfnInferenceComponent
.A builder forCfnInferenceComponentProps
Creates an inference experiment using the configurations specified in the request.A fluent builder forCfnInferenceExperiment
.Configuration specifying how to treat different headers.A builder forCfnInferenceExperiment.CaptureContentTypeHeaderProperty
The Amazon S3 location and configuration for storing inference request and response data.A builder forCfnInferenceExperiment.DataStorageConfigProperty
The metadata of the endpoint.A builder forCfnInferenceExperiment.EndpointMetadataProperty
The start and end times of an inference experiment.The configuration for the infrastructure that the model will be deployed to.A builder forCfnInferenceExperiment.ModelInfrastructureConfigProperty
Contains information about the deployment options of a model.A builder forCfnInferenceExperiment.ModelVariantConfigProperty
The infrastructure configuration for deploying the model to a real-time inference endpoint.A builder forCfnInferenceExperiment.RealTimeInferenceConfigProperty
The configuration ofShadowMode
inference experiment type, which specifies a production variant to take all the inference requests, and a shadow variant to which Amazon SageMaker replicates a percentage of the inference requests.A builder forCfnInferenceExperiment.ShadowModeConfigProperty
The name and sampling percentage of a shadow variant.A builder forCfnInferenceExperiment.ShadowModelVariantConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnInferenceExperiment
.A builder forCfnInferenceExperimentProps
Creates an MLflow Tracking Server using a general purpose Amazon S3 bucket as the artifact store.A fluent builder forCfnMlflowTrackingServer
.Properties for defining aCfnMlflowTrackingServer
.A builder forCfnMlflowTrackingServerProps
resource to create a model to host at an Amazon SageMaker endpoint.A fluent builder forCfnModel
.Describes the container, as part of model definition.A builder forCfnModel.ContainerDefinitionProperty
The configuration for a private hub model reference that points to a public SageMaker JumpStart model.A builder forCfnModel.HubAccessConfigProperty
Specifies whether the model container is in Amazon ECR or a private Docker registry accessible from your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).A builder forCfnModel.ImageConfigProperty
Specifies details about how containers in a multi-container endpoint are run.A builder forCfnModel.InferenceExecutionConfigProperty
The access configuration file to control access to the ML model.A builder forCfnModel.ModelAccessConfigProperty
Specifies the location of ML model data to deploy.A builder forCfnModel.ModelDataSourceProperty
Specifies additional configuration for hosting multi-model endpoints.A builder forCfnModel.MultiModelConfigProperty
Specifies an authentication configuration for the private docker registry where your model image is hosted.A builder forCfnModel.RepositoryAuthConfigProperty
Describes the S3 data source.A builder forCfnModel.S3DataSourceProperty
Specifies an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that your SageMaker jobs, hosted models, and compute resources have access to.A builder forCfnModel.VpcConfigProperty
Creates the definition for a model bias job.Input object for the batch transform job.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.BatchTransformInputProperty
A fluent builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition
.The configuration for the cluster resources used to run the processing job.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.ClusterConfigProperty
The constraints resource for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.ConstraintsResourceProperty
The CSV format.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.CsvProperty
The dataset format of the data to monitor.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.DatasetFormatProperty
Input object for the endpoint.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.EndpointInputProperty
The Json format.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.JsonProperty
Docker container image configuration object for the model bias job.The configuration for a baseline model bias job.Inputs for the model bias job.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.ModelBiasJobInputProperty
The ground truth labels for the dataset used for the monitoring job.The output configuration for monitoring jobs.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.MonitoringOutputConfigProperty
The output object for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.MonitoringOutputProperty
Identifies the resources to deploy for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.MonitoringResourcesProperty
Networking options for a job, such as network traffic encryption between containers, whether to allow inbound and outbound network calls to and from containers, and the VPC subnets and security groups to use for VPC-enabled jobs.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.NetworkConfigProperty
The Amazon S3 storage location where the results of a monitoring job are saved.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.S3OutputProperty
Specifies a limit to how long a job can run.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.StoppingConditionProperty
Specifies an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that your SageMaker jobs, hosted models, and compute resources have access to.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinition.VpcConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnModelBiasJobDefinition
.A builder forCfnModelBiasJobDefinitionProps
Creates an Amazon SageMaker Model Card.Additional information about the model.A builder forCfnModelCard.AdditionalInformationProperty
A fluent builder forCfnModelCard
.Information about how the model supports business goals.A builder forCfnModelCard.BusinessDetailsProperty
Example:A builder forCfnModelCard.ContainerProperty
The content of the model card.A builder forCfnModelCard.ContentProperty
The evaluation details of the model.A builder forCfnModelCard.EvaluationDetailProperty
Function details.A builder forCfnModelCard.FunctionProperty
An overview of a model's inference environment.A builder forCfnModelCard.InferenceEnvironmentProperty
Defines how to perform inference generation after a training job is run.A builder forCfnModelCard.InferenceSpecificationProperty
The intended uses of a model.A builder forCfnModelCard.IntendedUsesProperty
Metric data.A builder forCfnModelCard.MetricDataItemsProperty
A group of metric data that you use to initialize a metric group object.A builder forCfnModelCard.MetricGroupProperty
An overview about the model.A builder forCfnModelCard.ModelOverviewProperty
Example:A builder forCfnModelCard.ModelPackageCreatorProperty
Metadata information related to model package version.A builder forCfnModelCard.ModelPackageDetailsProperty
The function that is optimized during model training.A builder forCfnModelCard.ObjectiveFunctionProperty
The security configuration used to protect model card data.A builder forCfnModelCard.SecurityConfigProperty
Specifies an algorithm that was used to create the model package.A builder forCfnModelCard.SourceAlgorithmProperty
The training details of the model.A builder forCfnModelCard.TrainingDetailsProperty
SageMaker AI training image.A builder forCfnModelCard.TrainingEnvironmentProperty
A hyper parameter that was configured in training the model.A builder forCfnModelCard.TrainingHyperParameterProperty
The overview of a training job.A builder forCfnModelCard.TrainingJobDetailsProperty
A result from a SageMaker AI training job.A builder forCfnModelCard.TrainingMetricProperty
Information about the user who created or modified an experiment, trial, trial component, lineage group, project, or model card.A builder forCfnModelCard.UserContextProperty
Properties for defining aCfnModelCard
.A builder forCfnModelCardProps
Creates the definition for a model explainability job.Input object for the batch transform job.A fluent builder forCfnModelExplainabilityJobDefinition
.The configuration for the cluster resources used to run the processing job.Input object for the endpoint.The CSV format.A builder forCfnModelExplainabilityJobDefinition.CsvProperty
The dataset format of the data to monitor.Input object for the endpoint.The Json format.A builder forCfnModelExplainabilityJobDefinition.JsonProperty
Docker container image configuration object for the model explainability job.The configuration for a baseline model explainability job.Inputs for the model explainability job.The output configuration for monitoring jobs.The output object for a monitoring job.Identifies the resources to deploy for a monitoring job.Networking options for a job, such as network traffic encryption between containers, whether to allow inbound and outbound network calls to and from containers, and the VPC subnets and security groups to use for VPC-enabled jobs.The Amazon S3 storage location where the results of a monitoring job are saved.A builder forCfnModelExplainabilityJobDefinition.S3OutputProperty
Specifies a limit to how long a job can run.Specifies an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that your SageMaker jobs, hosted models, and compute resources have access to.A builder forCfnModelExplainabilityJobDefinition.VpcConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnModelExplainabilityJobDefinition
.A builder forCfnModelExplainabilityJobDefinitionProps
A container for your trained model that can be deployed for SageMaker inference.A structure of additional Inference Specification.Contains bias metrics for a model.A builder forCfnModelPackage.BiasProperty
A fluent builder forCfnModelPackage
.Describes the location of the channel data.A builder forCfnModelPackage.DataSourceProperty
Represents the drift check baselines that can be used when the model monitor is set using the model package.A builder forCfnModelPackage.DriftCheckBaselinesProperty
Represents the drift check bias baselines that can be used when the model monitor is set using the model package.A builder forCfnModelPackage.DriftCheckBiasProperty
Represents the drift check explainability baselines that can be used when the model monitor is set using the model package.A builder forCfnModelPackage.DriftCheckExplainabilityProperty
Represents the drift check data quality baselines that can be used when the model monitor is set using the model package.A builder forCfnModelPackage.DriftCheckModelDataQualityProperty
Represents the drift check model quality baselines that can be used when the model monitor is set using the model package.A builder forCfnModelPackage.DriftCheckModelQualityProperty
Contains explainability metrics for a model.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ExplainabilityProperty
Contains details regarding the file source.A builder forCfnModelPackage.FileSourceProperty
Defines how to perform inference generation after a training job is run.A builder forCfnModelPackage.InferenceSpecificationProperty
Metadata properties of the tracking entity, trial, or trial component.A builder forCfnModelPackage.MetadataPropertiesProperty
Details about the metrics source.A builder forCfnModelPackage.MetricsSourceProperty
The access configuration file to control access to the ML model.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ModelAccessConfigProperty
An Amazon SageMaker Model Card.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ModelCardProperty
Data quality constraints and statistics for a model.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ModelDataQualityProperty
Specifies the location of ML model data to deploy.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ModelDataSourceProperty
Input object for the model.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ModelInputProperty
Contains metrics captured from a model.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ModelMetricsProperty
Describes the Docker container for the model package.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ModelPackageContainerDefinitionProperty
Specifies the validation and image scan statuses of the model package.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ModelPackageStatusDetailsProperty
Represents the overall status of a model package.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ModelPackageStatusItemProperty
Model quality statistics and constraints.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ModelQualityProperty
Describes the S3 data source.A builder forCfnModelPackage.S3DataSourceProperty
Specifies the S3 location of ML model data to deploy.A builder forCfnModelPackage.S3ModelDataSourceProperty
An optional AWS Key Management Service key to encrypt, decrypt, and re-encrypt model package information for regulated workloads with highly sensitive data.A builder forCfnModelPackage.SecurityConfigProperty
Specifies an algorithm that was used to create the model package.A builder forCfnModelPackage.SourceAlgorithmProperty
A list of algorithms that were used to create a model package.A builder forCfnModelPackage.SourceAlgorithmSpecificationProperty
Describes the input source of a transform job and the way the transform job consumes it.A builder forCfnModelPackage.TransformInputProperty
Defines the input needed to run a transform job using the inference specification specified in the algorithm.A builder forCfnModelPackage.TransformJobDefinitionProperty
Describes the results of a transform job.A builder forCfnModelPackage.TransformOutputProperty
Describes the resources, including ML instance types and ML instance count, to use for transform job.A builder forCfnModelPackage.TransformResourcesProperty
Contains data, such as the inputs and targeted instance types that are used in the process of validating the model package.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ValidationProfileProperty
Specifies batch transform jobs that SageMaker runs to validate your model package.A builder forCfnModelPackage.ValidationSpecificationProperty
A group of versioned models in the Model Registry.A fluent builder forCfnModelPackageGroup
.Properties for defining aCfnModelPackageGroup
.A builder forCfnModelPackageGroupProps
Properties for defining aCfnModelPackage
.A builder forCfnModelPackageProps
Properties for defining aCfnModel
.A builder forCfnModelProps
Creates a definition for a job that monitors model quality and drift.Input object for the batch transform job.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.BatchTransformInputProperty
A fluent builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition
.The configuration for the cluster of resources used to run the processing job.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.ClusterConfigProperty
The constraints resource for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.ConstraintsResourceProperty
The CSV format.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.CsvProperty
The dataset format of the data to monitor.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.DatasetFormatProperty
Input object for the endpoint.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.EndpointInputProperty
The Json format.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.JsonProperty
Container image configuration object for the monitoring job.Configuration for monitoring constraints and monitoring statistics.The input for the model quality monitoring job.The ground truth labels for the dataset used for the monitoring job.The output configuration for monitoring jobs.The output object for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.MonitoringOutputProperty
Identifies the resources to deploy for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.MonitoringResourcesProperty
Networking options for a job, such as network traffic encryption between containers, whether to allow inbound and outbound network calls to and from containers, and the VPC subnets and security groups to use for VPC-enabled jobs.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.NetworkConfigProperty
The Amazon S3 storage location where the results of a monitoring job are saved.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.S3OutputProperty
Specifies a limit to how long a job can run.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.StoppingConditionProperty
Specifies an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that your SageMaker jobs, hosted models, and compute resources have access to.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinition.VpcConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnModelQualityJobDefinition
.A builder forCfnModelQualityJobDefinitionProps
resource is an Amazon SageMaker resource type that regularly starts SageMaker processing Jobs to monitor the data captured for a SageMaker endpoint.Baseline configuration used to validate that the data conforms to the specified constraints and statistics.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.BaselineConfigProperty
Input object for the batch transform job.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.BatchTransformInputProperty
A fluent builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule
.Configuration for the cluster used to run model monitoring jobs.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.ClusterConfigProperty
The Amazon S3 URI for the constraints resource.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.ConstraintsResourceProperty
The CSV format.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.CsvProperty
The dataset format of the data to monitor.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.DatasetFormatProperty
Input object for the endpoint.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.EndpointInputProperty
The Json format.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.JsonProperty
Container image configuration object for the monitoring job.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.MonitoringAppSpecificationProperty
Summary of information about the last monitoring job to run.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.MonitoringExecutionSummaryProperty
The inputs for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.MonitoringInputProperty
Defines the monitoring job.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.MonitoringJobDefinitionProperty
The output configuration for monitoring jobs.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.MonitoringOutputConfigProperty
The output object for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.MonitoringOutputProperty
Identifies the resources to deploy for a monitoring job.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.MonitoringResourcesProperty
Configures the monitoring schedule and defines the monitoring job.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.MonitoringScheduleConfigProperty
Networking options for a job, such as network traffic encryption between containers, whether to allow inbound and outbound network calls to and from containers, and the VPC subnets and security groups to use for VPC-enabled jobs.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.NetworkConfigProperty
Information about where and how you want to store the results of a monitoring job.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.S3OutputProperty
Configuration details about the monitoring schedule.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.ScheduleConfigProperty
The baseline statistics file in Amazon S3 that the current monitoring job should be validated against.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.StatisticsResourceProperty
Specifies a limit to how long a job can run.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.StoppingConditionProperty
Specifies an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that your SageMaker jobs, hosted models, and compute resources have access to.A builder forCfnMonitoringSchedule.VpcConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnMonitoringSchedule
.A builder forCfnMonitoringScheduleProps
resource creates an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance.A fluent builder forCfnNotebookInstance
.Information on the IMDS configuration of the notebook instance.TheAWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig
resource creates shell scripts that run when you create and/or start a notebook instance.A fluent builder forCfnNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig
.Specifies the notebook instance lifecycle configuration script.Properties for defining aCfnNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig
.A builder forCfnNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigProps
Properties for defining aCfnNotebookInstance
.A builder forCfnNotebookInstanceProps
Creates an Amazon SageMaker Partner AI App.A fluent builder forCfnPartnerApp
.Configuration settings for the SageMaker Partner AI App.A builder forCfnPartnerApp.PartnerAppConfigProperty
Maintenance configuration settings for the SageMaker Partner AI App.A builder forCfnPartnerApp.PartnerAppMaintenanceConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnPartnerApp
.A builder forCfnPartnerAppProps
resource creates shell scripts that run when you create and/or start a SageMaker Pipeline.A fluent builder forCfnPipeline
.Configuration that controls the parallelism of the pipeline.A builder forCfnPipeline.ParallelismConfigurationProperty
The definition of the pipeline.A builder forCfnPipeline.PipelineDefinitionProperty
The location of the pipeline definition stored in Amazon S3.A builder forCfnPipeline.S3LocationProperty
Properties for defining aCfnPipeline
.A builder forCfnPipelineProps
Creates a machine learning (ML) project that can contain one or more templates that set up an ML pipeline from training to deploying an approved model.A fluent builder forCfnProject
.A key value pair used when you provision a project as a service catalog product.A builder forCfnProject.ProvisioningParameterProperty
Details of a provisioned service catalog product.Details that you specify to provision a service catalog product.A builder forCfnProject.ServiceCatalogProvisioningDetailsProperty
Properties for defining aCfnProject
.A builder forCfnProjectProps
Creates a private space or a space used for real time collaboration in a domain.A fluent builder forCfnSpace
.A Git repository that SageMaker AI automatically displays to users for cloning in the JupyterServer application.A builder forCfnSpace.CodeRepositoryProperty
A file system, created by you, that you assign to a user profile or space for an Amazon SageMaker AI Domain.A builder forCfnSpace.CustomFileSystemProperty
A custom SageMaker AI image.A builder forCfnSpace.CustomImageProperty
A collection of EBS storage settings that apply to both private and shared spaces.A builder forCfnSpace.EbsStorageSettingsProperty
A file system, created by you in Amazon EFS, that you assign to a user profile or space for an Amazon SageMaker AI Domain.A builder forCfnSpace.EFSFileSystemProperty
A custom file system in Amazon FSx for Lustre.A builder forCfnSpace.FSxLustreFileSystemProperty
The JupyterServer app settings.A builder forCfnSpace.JupyterServerAppSettingsProperty
The KernelGateway app settings.A builder forCfnSpace.KernelGatewayAppSettingsProperty
The collection of ownership settings for a space.A builder forCfnSpace.OwnershipSettingsProperty
Specifies the ARN's of a SageMaker AI image and SageMaker AI image version, and the instance type that the version runs on.A builder forCfnSpace.ResourceSpecProperty
Settings that are used to configure and manage the lifecycle of Amazon SageMaker Studio applications in a space.A builder forCfnSpace.SpaceAppLifecycleManagementProperty
The application settings for a Code Editor space.A builder forCfnSpace.SpaceCodeEditorAppSettingsProperty
Settings related to idle shutdown of Studio applications in a space.A builder forCfnSpace.SpaceIdleSettingsProperty
The settings for the JupyterLab application within a space.A builder forCfnSpace.SpaceJupyterLabAppSettingsProperty
A collection of space settings.A builder forCfnSpace.SpaceSettingsProperty
A collection of space sharing settings.A builder forCfnSpace.SpaceSharingSettingsProperty
The storage settings for a space.A builder forCfnSpace.SpaceStorageSettingsProperty
Properties for defining aCfnSpace
.A builder forCfnSpaceProps
Creates a new Amazon SageMaker AI Studio Lifecycle Configuration.A fluent builder forCfnStudioLifecycleConfig
.Properties for defining aCfnStudioLifecycleConfig
.A builder forCfnStudioLifecycleConfigProps
Creates a user profile.Settings that are used to configure and manage the lifecycle of Amazon SageMaker Studio applications.A builder forCfnUserProfile.AppLifecycleManagementProperty
A fluent builder forCfnUserProfile
.The Code Editor application settings.A builder forCfnUserProfile.CodeEditorAppSettingsProperty
A Git repository that SageMaker AI automatically displays to users for cloning in the JupyterServer application.A builder forCfnUserProfile.CodeRepositoryProperty
The settings for assigning a custom file system to a user profile or space for an Amazon SageMaker AI Domain.A builder forCfnUserProfile.CustomFileSystemConfigProperty
A custom SageMaker AI image.A builder forCfnUserProfile.CustomImageProperty
Details about the POSIX identity that is used for file system operations.A builder forCfnUserProfile.CustomPosixUserConfigProperty
A collection of default EBS storage settings that apply to spaces created within a domain or user profile.A builder forCfnUserProfile.DefaultEbsStorageSettingsProperty
The default storage settings for a space.A builder forCfnUserProfile.DefaultSpaceStorageSettingsProperty
The settings for assigning a custom Amazon EFS file system to a user profile or space for an Amazon SageMaker AI Domain.A builder forCfnUserProfile.EFSFileSystemConfigProperty
The settings for assigning a custom Amazon FSx for Lustre file system to a user profile or space for an Amazon SageMaker Domain.A builder forCfnUserProfile.FSxLustreFileSystemConfigProperty
Settings related to idle shutdown of Studio applications.A builder forCfnUserProfile.IdleSettingsProperty
The settings for the JupyterLab application.A builder forCfnUserProfile.JupyterLabAppSettingsProperty
The JupyterServer app settings.A builder forCfnUserProfile.JupyterServerAppSettingsProperty
The KernelGateway app settings.A builder forCfnUserProfile.KernelGatewayAppSettingsProperty
Specifies the ARN's of a SageMaker AI image and SageMaker AI image version, and the instance type that the version runs on.A builder forCfnUserProfile.ResourceSpecProperty
A collection of settings that configure user interaction with theRStudioServerPro
app.A builder forCfnUserProfile.RStudioServerProAppSettingsProperty
Specifies options when sharing an Amazon SageMaker Studio notebook.A builder forCfnUserProfile.SharingSettingsProperty
Studio settings.A builder forCfnUserProfile.StudioWebPortalSettingsProperty
A collection of settings that apply to users of Amazon SageMaker Studio.A builder forCfnUserProfile.UserSettingsProperty
Properties for defining aCfnUserProfile
.A builder forCfnUserProfileProps
Creates a new work team for labeling your data.A fluent builder forCfnWorkteam
.Identifies a Amazon Cognito user group.A builder forCfnWorkteam.CognitoMemberDefinitionProperty
Defines an Amazon Cognito or your own OIDC IdP user group that is part of a work team.A builder forCfnWorkteam.MemberDefinitionProperty
Configures Amazon SNS notifications of available or expiring work items for work teams.A builder forCfnWorkteam.NotificationConfigurationProperty
A list of user groups that exist in your OIDC Identity Provider (IdP).A builder forCfnWorkteam.OidcMemberDefinitionProperty
Properties for defining aCfnWorkteam
.A builder forCfnWorkteamProps
The interface for a SageMaker Endpoint resource.Internal default implementation forIEndpoint
.The interface for a SageMaker Pipeline resource.Internal default implementation forIPipeline
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Classes in used by interface for a SageMaker Endpoint resource.Internal default implementation for
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