Reassigning Voice Connector numbers - Amazon Chime SDK

Reassigning Voice Connector numbers

You can reassign phone numbers from one Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector or Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector group to another. The numbers must have the Voice Connector product type.

You can reassign individual numbers or groups of numbers, and the following steps explain how to do both.

To reassign individual numbers
  1. Open the Amazon Chime SDK console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Phone Numbers, choose Phone number management.

  3. On the Inventory tab, select the phone number that you want to reassign.

  4. Choose Edit.

  5. Under Assignment type choose Voice Connector or Voice Connector group. Next.

  6. Do one of the following:

    1. If you chose Voice Connector, open the Voice Connector options list and select a new Voice Connector.

    2. If you chose Voice Connector group, open the Voice Connector group options list and select a new Voice Connector group.

  7. Choose Save.

To reassign groups of phone numbers
  1. Open the Amazon Chime SDK console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Phone Numbers, choose Phone number management.

  3. On the Inventory tab, select the check boxes next to the phone numbers that you want to reassign, then choose Reassign.

  4. In the Reassign dialog box, choose Voice Connector or Voice Connector group, then choose Next.

  5. Select a Voice Connector or Voice Connector group, then choose Reassign.