Unassigning Voice Connector phone numbers - Amazon Chime SDK

Unassigning Voice Connector phone numbers

The following procedures explain how to unassign phone numbers from Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connectors and Voice Connector groups. You can't unassign phone numbers used by SIP media applications. Instead, you delete the SIP rule. For more information about deleting SIP rules, refer to Deleting a SIP rule in this guide.


Unassigning numbers and deleting SIP rules disables the users' telephony capabilities. However, unassigned numbers remain available in your inventory, and you will be billed according to their product type.

To unassign individual Voice Connector phone numbers
  1. Open the Amazon Chime SDK console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/chime-sdk/home.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Phone Numbers, choose Phone number management.

  3. On the Inventory tab, choose the phone number that you want to unassign.

  4. Choose Edit, and under Assignment type, choose Voice connector or Voice connector group.

  5. Open the Voice connector options or Voice connector group options list and choose None (unassign), the first option in the list.