Delivery examples - Amazon Chime SDK

Delivery examples

The following examples show how to process a received TranscriptEvent.


The exact output depends on several factors, including how quickly individuals talk and when they pause.

Example 1: StartMeetingTranscription

This example shows a typical StartMeetingTranscription operation.

meeting.StartMeetingTranscription( { EngineTranscribeSettings: { Languagecode: ‘en-US’ } } );

The operation generates a TranscriptEvent.

{ status: { type: 'started', eventTimeMs: 1620118800000, transcriptionConfig: { LanguageCode: 'en-US' } } }

Example 2: A partial transcript result

In this example, an attendee says, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." Note that in this example, the isPartial value is true. If you look deeper into the message, you can see that the system processed the word "fox" as "facts." The system uses the same resultId to update the transcript.

{ transcript: { results: [{ resultId:"1", isPartial: true, startTimeMs: 1620118800000, endTimeMs: 1620118801000, alternatives: [{ items:[{ type: 'pronunciation', startTimeMs: 1620118800000, endTimeMs: 1620118800200, attendee: { attendeeId: "1", externalUserId: "A"}, content: "the", vocabularyFilterMatch: false }, { type: 'pronunciation', startTimeMs: 1620118800200, endTimeMs: 1620118800400, attendee: { attendeeId: "1", externalUserId: "A" }, content:"quick", vocabularyFilterMatch: false }, { type:'pronunciation', startTimeMs: 1620118800400, endTimeMs: 1620118800750, attendee: { attendeeId: "1", externalUserId: "A" }, content:"brown", vocabularyFilterMatch: false }, { type:'pronunciation', startTimeMs: 1620118800750, endTimeMs: 1620118801000, attendee:{ attendeeId: "1", externalUserId: "A" }, content:"facts", vocabularyFilterMatch: false }, { type:'punctuation', startTimeMs: 1620118801000, endTimeMs: 1620118801500, attendee:{ attendeeId: "1", externalUserId: "A" }, content: ",", vocabularyFilterMatch: false }] }] }] } }

Example 3: A final transcript result

In the event of a partial transcript, the system processes the phrase again. This example has an isPartial value of false, and the message contains "fox" instead of "facts." The system re-issues the message using the same ID.

{ transcript: { results: [{ resultId:"1", isPartial: false, startTimeMs: 1620118800000, endTimeMs: 1620118801000, alternatives: [{ items:[{ type: 'pronunciation', startTimeMs: 1620118800000, endTimeMs: 1620118800200, attendee: { attendeeId: "1", externalUserId: "A"}, content: "the", vocabularyFilterMatch: false }, { type: 'pronunciation', startTimeMs: 1620118800200, endTimeMs: 1620118800400, attendee: { attendeeId: "1", externalUserId: "A" }, content:"quick", vocabularyFilterMatch: false }, { type:'pronunciation', startTimeMs: 1620118800400, endTimeMs: 1620118800750, attendee: { attendeeId: "1", externalUserId: "A" }, content:"brown", vocabularyFilterMatch: false }, { type:'pronunciation', startTimeMs: 1620118800750, endTimeMs: 1620118801000, attendee: { attendeeId: "1", externalUserId: "A" }, content:"fox", vocabularyFilterMatch: false }, { type:'punctuation', startTimeMs: 1620118801000, endTimeMs: 1620118801500, attendee: { attendeeId: "1", externalUserId: "A" }, content: ",", vocabularyFilterMatch: false }] }] }] } }