Changing personal meeting PINs - Amazon Chime

End of support notice: On February 20, 2026, AWS will end support for the Amazon Chime service. After February 20, 2026, you will no longer be able to access the Amazon Chime console or Amazon Chime application resources. For more information, visit the blog post. Note: This does not impact the availability of the Amazon Chime SDK service.

Changing personal meeting PINs

A personal meeting PIN is a static ID generated when the user registers. The PIN makes it easy for an Amazon Chime user to schedule meetings with other Amazon Chime users. Using a personal meeting PIN means that meeting organizers don't have to remember meeting details for each new meeting that they schedule.

If a user feels that their personal meeting PIN has been compromised, you can reset their PIN and generate a new ID. After you update a personal meeting PIN, the user must update all meetings that were scheduled using the old personal meeting PIN.

To change a personal meeting PIN
  1. Open the Amazon Chime console at

  2. On the Accounts page, select the name of the Amazon Chime account.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Users.

  4. Search for the user who needs their PIN changed.

  5. To open the User detail page, choose the name of the user.

  6. Choose User actions, Reset personal PIN, Confirm.