Using the floating call control bar
When you join a meeting, a floating call control bar appears whenever you put the meeting window in the background, such as when you share your screen. Whenever you navigate away from the meeting window, the bar enables you to start and stop your microphone, web cam, and screenshare. The bar also provides a set of alerts, and it enables you to return to the meeting window quickly. Remember the following:
The bar appears by default, but you can turn it off. During the meeting, choose File, then Settings. Choose Meetings, then clear the Show floating meeting control bar when in background checkbox. This turns the bar off except for screen shares. The bar appears at all times while you share your screen.
You can drag the bar to another location during a meeting, and Amazon Chime uses that location for subsequent meetings until you change it.
This image shows the floating control bar. Numbers in the image text correspond to numbers in the text below.
In the image:
Mute and unmute your audio.
Start and stop your web cam.
Start and stop a screen share.
The View meeting messages icon returns you to the meeting window and opens the Chat pane. The icon includes an unread chat indicator and a count of the attendees who have their hands raised.
The Open attendees panel icon returns you to the meeting window and opens the Attendees panel. The icon includes the number of attendees present and an alert when the Waiting Room contains one or more anonymous users (<>).
The Show main meeting window icon returns you to the meeting window.
Only authorized users can admit attendees from the Waiting Room. For more information about anonymous and authorized users, see Using the Waiting Room.