Comparison conditions
Comparison conditions state logical relationships between two values. All comparison conditions are binary operators with a Boolean return type.
AWS Clean Rooms SQL supports the comparison operators described in the following table.
Operator | Syntax | Description |
< | a < b
The less than comparison operator. Used to compare two values and determine if the value on the left is less than the value on the right. |
> | a > b
The greater than comparison operator. Used to compare two values and determine if the value on the left is greater than the value on the right. |
<= | a <= b
less than or equal to comparison operator. Used to compare two values and returns
true if the value on the left is less than or equal to the value on the right,
and false otherwise.
>= | a >= b
The greater than or equal to comparison operator. Used to compare two values and determine if the value on the left is greater than or equal to the value on the right. |
= | a = b
equality comparison operator, which compares two values and returns true if
they're equal, and false otherwise. |
<> or != |
a <>
or a != b
not equal to comparison operator, which compares two values and returns true if
they're not equal, and false otherwise. |
Here are some simple examples of comparison conditions:
a = 5 a < b min(x) >= 5 qtysold = any (select qtysold from sales where dateid = 1882
The following query returns the id values for all the squirrels that are not currently foraging.
SELECT id FROM squirrels WHERE !is_foraging
The following query returns venues with more than 10,000 seats from the VENUE table:
select venueid, venuename, venueseats from venue where venueseats > 10000 order by venueseats desc; venueid | venuename | venueseats ---------+--------------------------------+------------ 83 | FedExField | 91704 6 | New York Giants Stadium | 80242 79 | Arrowhead Stadium | 79451 78 | INVESCO Field | 76125 69 | Dolphin Stadium | 74916 67 | Ralph Wilson Stadium | 73967 76 | Jacksonville Municipal Stadium | 73800 89 | Bank of America Stadium | 73298 72 | Cleveland Browns Stadium | 73200 86 | Lambeau Field | 72922 ... (57 rows)
This example selects the users (USERID) from the USERS table who like rock music:
select userid from users where likerock = 't' order by 1 limit 5; userid -------- 3 5 6 13 16 (5 rows)
This example selects the users (USERID) from the USERS table where it is unknown whether they like rock music:
select firstname, lastname, likerock from users where likerock is unknown order by userid limit 10; firstname | lastname | likerock ----------+----------+---------- Rafael | Taylor | Vladimir | Humphrey | Barry | Roy | Tamekah | Juarez | Mufutau | Watkins | Naida | Calderon | Anika | Huff | Bruce | Beck | Mallory | Farrell | Scarlett | Mayer | (10 rows
Examples with a TIME column
The following example table TIME_TEST has a column TIME_VAL (type TIME) with three values inserted.
select time_val from time_test; time_val --------------------- 20:00:00 00:00:00.5550 00:58:00
The following example extracts the hours from each timetz_val.
select time_val from time_test where time_val < '3:00'; time_val --------------- 00:00:00.5550 00:58:00
The following example compares two time literals.
select time '18:25:33.123456' = time '18:25:33.123456'; ?column? ---------- t
Examples with a TIMETZ column
The following example table TIMETZ_TEST has a column TIMETZ_VAL (type TIMETZ) with three values inserted.
select timetz_val from timetz_test; timetz_val ------------------ 04:00:00+00 00:00:00.5550+00 05:58:00+00
The following example selects only the TIMETZ values less than 3:00:00 UTC
. The
comparison is made after converting the value to UTC.
select timetz_val from timetz_test where timetz_val < '3:00:00 UTC'; timetz_val --------------- 00:00:00.5550+00
The following example compares two TIMETZ literals. The time zone is ignored for the comparison.
select time '18:25:33.123456 PST' < time '19:25:33.123456 EST'; ?column? ---------- t