The SELECT list names the columns, functions, and expressions that you want the query to return. The list represents the output of the query.
] [ DISTINCT ] |expression
[ AS column_alias ] [, ...]
TOP takes a positive integer as its argument, which defines the number of rows that are returned to the client. The behavior with the TOP clause is the same as the behavior with the LIMIT clause. The number of rows that is returned is fixed, but the set of rows is not fixed. To return a consistent set of rows, use TOP or LIMIT in conjunction with an ORDER BY clause.
Option that eliminates duplicate rows from the result set, based on matching values in one or more columns.
An expression formed from one or more columns that exist in the tables referenced by the query. An expression can contain SQL functions. For example:
coalesce(dimension, 'stringifnull') AS
AS column_alias
A temporary name for the column that is used in the final result set. The AS keyword is optional. For example:
coalesce(dimension, 'stringifnull') AS dimensioncomplete
If you don't specify an alias for an expression that isn't a simple column name, the result set applies a default name to that column.
The alias is recognized right after it is defined in the target list. You cannot use an alias in other expressions defined after it in the same target list.
Usage notes
TOP is a SQL extension. TOP provides an alternative to the LIMIT behavior. You can't use TOP and LIMIT in the same query.