ID mapping table analysis rule - AWS Clean Rooms

ID mapping table analysis rule

In AWS Clean Rooms, an ID mapping table analysis rule isn't a standalone analysis rule. This type of analysis rule is managed by AWS Clean Rooms and is used to join disparate identity data to facilitate querying. It's automatically added to ID mapping tables and can't be edited. It inherits the behaviors of the other analysis rules in the collaboration – as long as those analysis rules are homogeneous.

The ID mapping table analysis rule enforces security on an ID mapping table. It restricts a collaboration member from directly selecting or inspecting the non-overlap population between the two members' datasets using the ID mapping table. The ID mapping table analysis rule is used to protect the sensitive data in the ID mapping table when used in queries with other analysis rules implicitly.

With the ID mapping table analysis rule, AWS Clean Rooms enforces an overlap on both sides of the ID mapping table in expanded SQL. This enables you to do the following tasks:

  • Use the overlap of the ID mapping table in JOIN statements.

    AWS Clean Rooms allows an INNER, LEFT, or RIGHT join on the ID mapping table if it respects the overlap.

  • Use the mapping table columns in JOIN statements.

    You can’t use the mapping table columns in the following statements: SELECT, WHERE, HAVING, GROUP BY, or ORDER BY (unless protections are modified on the source ID namespace association or the target ID namespace association).

  • In expanded SQL, AWS Clean Rooms also supports OUTER JOIN, implicit JOIN, and CROSS JOIN. These joins can't satisfy overlap requirements. Instead, AWS Clean Rooms uses requireOverlap to specify which columns have to be joined on.

The supported query structure and syntax are defined in ID mapping table query structure and syntax.

The parameters of the analysis rule, defined in ID mapping table analysis rule query controls, include query controls and query results controls. Its query controls include the ability to require overlap of the ID mapping table in JOIN statements (that is, requireOverlap).

ID mapping table query structure and syntax

Queries on tables that have an ID mapping table analysis rule must adhere to the following syntax.

--select_list_expression SELECT provider.data_col, consumer.data_col --table_expression FROM provider JOIN idMappingTable idmt ON = idmt.sourceId JOIN consumer ON = idmt.targetId

Collaboration tables

The following tables represent configured tables that exist in an AWS Clean Rooms collaboration. The id column in both the cr_drivers_license and cr_insurance tables represents a column to match with the ID mapping table.


id driver_name state_of_registration
1 Eduard TX
2 Dana MA
3 Gweneth IL


id policyholder_email policy_number
a 17f9d04e-f5be-4426-bdc4-250ed59c6529
b 3f0092db-2316-48a8-8d44-09cf8f6e6c64
c d7692e84-3d3c-47b8-b46d-a0d5345f0601

ID mapping table

The following table represents an existing ID mapping table that matches on the cr_drivers_license and cr_insurance tables. Not all entries will have IDs for both collaboration tables.

cr_drivers_license_id cr_insurance_id
1 a
2 null
3 b
null c

The ID mapping table analysis rule only allows for queries to run on the set of overlapping data, which would look as follows:

cr_drivers_license_id cr_insurance_id driver_name state_of_registration policyholder_email policy_number
1 a Eduard TX 17f9d04e-f5be-4426-bdc4-250ed59c6529
3 b Gweneth IL 3f0092db-2316-48a8-8d44-09cf8f6e6c64

Example queries

The following examples show valid locations for the ID mapping table joins:

-- Single ID mapping table SELECT [ select_items ] FROM cr_drivers_license cr_dl [ INNER | LEFT | RIGHT ] JOIN cr_identity_mapping_table idmt ON idmt.cr_drivers_license_id = [ INNER | LEFT | RIGHT ] JOIN cr_insurance cr_in ON idmt.cr_insurance_id = ; -- Single ID mapping table (Subquery) SELECT [ select_items ] FROM ( SELECT [ select_items ] FROM cr_drivers_license cr_dl [ INNER | LEFT | RIGHT ] JOIN cr_identity_mapping_table idmt ON idmt.cr_drivers_license_id = [ INNER | LEFT | RIGHT ] JOIN cr_insurance cr_in ON idmt.cr_insurance_id = ) ; -- Single ID mapping table (CTE) WITH matched_ids AS ( SELECT [ select_items ] FROM cr_drivers_license cr_dl [ INNER | LEFT | RIGHT ] JOIN cr_identity_mapping_table idmt ON idmt.cr_drivers_license_id = [ INNER | LEFT | RIGHT ] JOIN cr_insurance cr_in ON idmt.cr_insurance_id = ) SELECT [ select_items ] FROM matched_ids ;


For ID mapping table query structure and syntax, be aware of the following:

  • You can’t edit it.

  • It's applied to the ID mapping table by default.

  • It uses a source and target ID namespace association inside the collaboration.

  • The ID mapping table is configured by default to provide default protections for the column that comes from the ID namepsace. You can modify this configuration so that the column that comes from the ID namespace (either sourceID or targetID) can be allowed anywhere in the query. For more information, see ID namespaces in AWS Clean Rooms.

  • The ID mapping table analysis rule inherits the SQL restrictions of the other analysis rules in the collaboration.

ID mapping table analysis rule query controls

With ID mapping table query controls, AWS Clean Rooms controls how the columns in your table are used to query the table. For example, it controls which columns are used for joining, and which columns require overlap. The ID mapping table analysis rule also includes functionality that enables you to allow the sourceID, the targetID, or both, to be projected without requiring a JOIN.

The following table explains each control.

Control Definition Usage
joinColumns The columns that the member who can query can use in the INNER JOIN statement. You can't use joinColumns in any other parts of the query other than INNER JOIN.

For more information, see Join controls.

dimensionColumns The columns (if any) that the member who can query can use in SELECT and GROUP BY statements.

A dimensionColumn can be used in SELECT and GROUP BY.

A dimensionColumn can appear as joinKeys.

You can only use dimensionColumns in the JOIN clause if you specify it in brackets.


The columns in the ID mapping table that must be joined on so the query can run.

These columns must be used to JOIN the ID Mapping table and a collaboration table.

ID mapping table analysis rule predefined structure

The predefined structure for an ID mapping table analysis rule comes with default protections that are applied to the sourceID and targetID. This means that the column with protections applied must be used in queries.

You can configure the ID mapping table analysis rule in the following ways:

  • Both sourceID and targetID protected

    In this configuration, the sourceID and targetID can't both be projected. The sourceID and targetID must be used in a JOIN when the ID mapping table is referenced.

  • Only targetID protected

    In this configuration, the targetID can't be projected. The targetID must be used in a JOIN when the ID mapping table is referenced. The sourceID can be used in query.

  • Only sourceID protected

    In this configuration, the sourceID can't be projected. The sourceID must be used in a JOIN when ID mapping table is referenced. The targetID can be used in query.

  • Neither sourceID or targetID protected

    In this configuration, the ID mapping table isn't subject to any specific enforcement that can be used in query.

The following example shows a predefined structure for an ID mapping table analysis rule with the default protections applied to the sourceID and targetID. In this example, the ID mapping table analysis rule only allows an INNER JOIN on both the sourceID column and the targetID column.

{ "joinColumns": [ "source_id", "target_id" ], "queryConstraints": [ { "requireOverlap": { "columns": [ "source_id", "target_id" ] } } ], "dimensionColumns": [] // columns that can be used in SELECT and JOIN }

The following example shows a predefined structure for an ID mapping table analysis rule with protections applied to the targetID. In this example, the ID mapping table analysis rule only allows an INNER JOIN on the sourceID column.

{ "joinColumns": [ "source_id", "target_id" ], "queryConstraints": [ { "requireOverlap": { "columns": [ "target_id" ] } } ], "dimensionColumns": [ "source_id" ] }

The following example shows a predefined structure for an ID mapping table analysis rule with protections applied to the sourceID. In this example, the ID mapping table analysis rule only allows an INNER JOIN on the targetID column.

{ "joinColumns": [ "source_id", "target_id" ], "queryConstraints": [ { "requireOverlap": { "columns": [ "source_id" ] } } ], "dimensionColumns": [ "target_id" ] }

The following example shows a predefined structure for an ID mapping table analysis rule without protections applied to the sourceID or targetID. In this example, the ID mapping table analysis rule allows an INNER JOIN on both the sourceID column and the targetID column.

{ "joinColumns": [ "source_id", "target_id" ], "queryConstraints": [ { "requireOverlap": { "columns": [] } } ], "dimensionColumns": [ "source_id", "target_id" ] }

ID mapping table analysis rule – example

Rather than writing a long waterfall statement that references Personally Identifiable Information (PII), for example, companies can use the ID mapping table analysis rule to use multi-party LiveRamp transcoding. The following example demonstrates how you can collaborate in AWS Clean Rooms using the ID mapping table analysis rule.

Company A is an advertiser who has customer and sales data, which will be used as a source. Company A also performs transcoding on behalf of the parties in the collaboration, and brings the LiveRamp credentials.

Company B is a publisher who has event data, which will be used as a target.


Either Company A or Company B can provide LiveRamp transcoding credentials and perform the transcoding.

To create a collaboration that enables the ID mapping table analysis in collaboration, the companies do the following:

  1. Company A creates a collaboration and creates a membership. It adds Company B, who also creates a membership in the collaboration.

  2. Company A either associates an existing ID namespace source or creates a new one in AWS Entity Resolution using the AWS Clean Rooms console.

    Company A creates a configured table with their sales data and a column keyed to the sourceId in the ID mapping table.

    The ID namespace source provides data to transcode.

  3. Company B either associates an existing ID namespace target or creates a new one in AWS Entity Resolution using the AWS Clean Rooms console.

    Company B creates a configured table with their event data and a column keyed to the targetId in the ID mapping table.

    The ID namespace target doesn't provide data to transcode, only metadata around the LiveRamp configuration.

  4. Company A discovers the two ID namespaces associated to the collaboration and creates and populates an ID mapping table.

  5. Company A runs a query across the two datasets by joining on the ID mapping table.

    --- this would be valid for Custom or List SELECT provider.data_col, consumer.data_col FROM provider JOIN idMappingTable-123123123123-myMappingWFName idmt ON = idmt.sourceId JOIN consumer ON = idmt.targetId