Creating AWS Clean Rooms resources with AWS CloudFormation - AWS Clean Rooms

Creating AWS Clean Rooms resources with AWS CloudFormation

AWS Clean Rooms is integrated with AWS CloudFormation, a service that helps you to model and set up your AWS resources. As a result of this integration, you can spend less time creating and managing your resources and infrastructure. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want, and AWS CloudFormation provisions and configures those resources for you. Examples of resources include collaborations, configured tables, configured table associations, and memberships.

When you use AWS CloudFormation, you can reuse your template to set up your AWS Clean Rooms resources consistently and repeatedly. Describe your resources once, and then provision the same resources over and over in multiple AWS accounts and AWS Regions.

AWS Clean Rooms and AWS CloudFormation templates

To provision and configure resources for AWS Clean Rooms and related services, you must understand AWS CloudFormation templates. Templates are formatted text files in JSON or YAML. These templates describe the resources that you want to provision in your AWS CloudFormation stacks. If you're unfamiliar with JSON or YAML, you can use AWS CloudFormation Designer to help you get started with AWS CloudFormation templates. For more information, see What is AWS CloudFormation Designer? in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

AWS Clean Rooms supports creating collaborations, configured tables, configured table associations, and memberships in AWS CloudFormation. For more information, including examples of JSON and YAML templates for collaborations, configured tables, configured table associations, and memberships, see the AWS Clean Rooms resource type reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

The following templates are available:

  • Analysis template

    Specify an AWS Clean Rooms analysis template, including a name, description, format, source, parameters, and tags.

    For more information, see the following topics:

    AWS::CleanRooms::AnalysisTemplate in the AWS Clean Rooms User Guide

    CreateAnalysisTemplate in the AWS Clean Rooms API Reference

  • Collaboration

    Specify an AWS Clean Rooms collaboration, including a name, description, type, parameters, and tags.

    For more information, see the following topics:

    AWS::CleanRooms::Collaboration in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide

    CreateCollaboration in the AWS Clean Rooms API Reference

  • Configured table

    Specify a configured table in AWS Clean Rooms, including allowed columns, analysis method, description, name, table reference, privacy budget, and tags. Configured tables represent a reference to an existing table in the AWS Glue Data Catalog that has been configured for use in AWS Clean Rooms. A configured table contains an analysis rule that determines how the data can be used.

    For more information, see the following topics:

    AWS::CleanRooms::ConfiguredTable in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide

    CreateConfiguredTable in the AWS Clean Rooms API Reference

  • Configured table association

    Specify a configured table association in AWS Clean Rooms, including ID, description, membership ID, name, role, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and tags. A configured table association links a configured table with a collaboration.

    For more information, see the following topics:

    AWS::CleanRooms::ConfiguredTableAssociation in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide

    CreateConfiguredTableAssociation in the AWS Clean Rooms API Reference

  • Membership

    Specify membership for a specific collaboration identifier and join the collaboration in AWS Clean Rooms.

    For more information, see the following topics:

    AWS::CleanRooms::Membership in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide

    CreateMembership in the AWS Clean Rooms API Reference

  • Privacy Budget Template

    Specify an AWS Clean Rooms privacy budget template, including a privacy budget, noise added per query, and monthly privacy budget refresh.

    For more information, see the following topics:

    AWS::CleanRooms::PrivacyBudgetTemplate in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide

    CreatePrivacyBudgetTemplate in the AWS Clean Rooms API Reference

  • Create training dataset

    Specify a training dataset for a Clean Rooms ML model from a AWS Glue table.

    For more information, see the following topics:

    AWS::CleanRoomsML::TrainingDataset in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide

    CreateTrainingDataset in the Clean Rooms ML API Reference

Learn more about AWS CloudFormation

To learn more about AWS CloudFormation, see the following resources: