Step 2: Download the C3R encryption client - AWS Clean Rooms

Step 2: Download the C3R encryption client

To download the C3R encryption client from GitHub
  1. Go to the Cryptographic Computing for Clean Rooms AWS GitHub repository:

  2. Select and download the files.

    The source code, licenses, and related material can be cloned or downloaded as a .zip file from the GitHub repository's landing page. (See the Code button at the top-right of the repository's content list).

    The latest signed C3R encryption client Java Executable File (that is, the command line interface application) is on the Releases page of the GitHub repository.

    The C3R encryption client package for Apache Spark (c3r-cli-spark) is a version of the c3r-cli that must be submitted as a job to a running Apache Spark server. For more information, see Running C3R on Apache Spark.