Infrastructure security in AWS Clean Rooms
As a managed service, AWS Clean Rooms is protected by AWS global network security. For information about AWS security services and how AWS protects infrastructure, see AWS Cloud Security
You use AWS published API calls to access AWS Clean Rooms through the network. Clients must support the following:
Transport Layer Security (TLS). We require TLS 1.2 and recommend TLS 1.3.
Cipher suites with perfect forward secrecy (PFS) such as DHE (Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman) or ECDHE (Elliptic Curve Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman). Most modern systems such as Java 7 and later support these modes.
Additionally, requests must be signed by using an access key ID and a secret access key that is associated with an IAM principal. Or you can use the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) to generate temporary security credentials to sign requests.
Network security
When AWS Clean Rooms reads from your S3 bucket during query execution, the traffic between AWS Clean Rooms and Amazon S3 is securely routed through the AWS private network. In-flight traffic is signed using Amazon Signature Version 4 protocol (SIGv4) and encrypted using HTTPS. This traffic is authorized based on the IAM service role which you have set up for your configured table.
You can connect programmatically to AWS Clean Rooms through an endpoint. For a list of service endpoints, see AWS Clean Rooms endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference.
All service endpoints are HTTPS-only. You can use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoints in case you want to connect to AWS Clean Rooms from your VPC and do not want to have internet connectivity. For more information, see Access AWS services through AWS PrivateLink in the AWS PrivateLink Guide.
You can assign IAM policies to your IAM principals which make use of the aws:SourceVpce context keys to restrict your IAM principal to only be able to make calls to AWS Clean Rooms through a VPC endpoint and not over the internet.