
You are viewing the documentation for an older major version of the AWS CLI (version 1).

AWS CLI version 2, the latest major version of AWS CLI, is now stable and recommended for general use. To view this page for the AWS CLI version 2, click here. For more information see the AWS CLI version 2 installation instructions and migration guide.

[ aws . waf-regional ]




This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

For the latest version of AWS WAF , use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide . With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

Returns the ByteMatchSet specified by ByteMatchSetId .

See also: AWS API Documentation


--byte-match-set-id <value>
[--cli-input-json <value>]
[--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]
[--endpoint-url <value>]
[--output <value>]
[--query <value>]
[--profile <value>]
[--region <value>]
[--version <value>]
[--color <value>]
[--ca-bundle <value>]
[--cli-read-timeout <value>]
[--cli-connect-timeout <value>]


--byte-match-set-id (string)

The ByteMatchSetId of the ByteMatchSet that you want to get. ByteMatchSetId is returned by CreateByteMatchSet and by ListByteMatchSets .

--cli-input-json (string) Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally.

--generate-cli-skeleton (string) Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value input, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json. If provided with the value output, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command.

Global Options

--debug (boolean)

Turn on debug logging.

--endpoint-url (string)

Override command's default URL with the given URL.

--no-verify-ssl (boolean)

By default, the AWS CLI uses SSL when communicating with AWS services. For each SSL connection, the AWS CLI will verify SSL certificates. This option overrides the default behavior of verifying SSL certificates.

--no-paginate (boolean)

Disable automatic pagination. If automatic pagination is disabled, the AWS CLI will only make one call, for the first page of results.

--output (string)

The formatting style for command output.

  • json
  • text
  • table

--query (string)

A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data.

--profile (string)

Use a specific profile from your credential file.

--region (string)

The region to use. Overrides config/env settings.

--version (string)

Display the version of this tool.

--color (string)

Turn on/off color output.

  • on
  • off
  • auto

--no-sign-request (boolean)

Do not sign requests. Credentials will not be loaded if this argument is provided.

--ca-bundle (string)

The CA certificate bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. Overrides config/env settings.

--cli-read-timeout (int)

The maximum socket read time in seconds. If the value is set to 0, the socket read will be blocking and not timeout. The default value is 60 seconds.

--cli-connect-timeout (int)

The maximum socket connect time in seconds. If the value is set to 0, the socket connect will be blocking and not timeout. The default value is 60 seconds.


ByteMatchSet -> (structure)

Information about the ByteMatchSet that you specified in the GetByteMatchSet request. For more information, see the following topics:

  • ByteMatchSet : Contains ByteMatchSetId , ByteMatchTuples , and Name
  • ByteMatchTuples : Contains an array of ByteMatchTuple objects. Each ByteMatchTuple object contains FieldToMatch , PositionalConstraint , TargetString , and TextTransformation
  • FieldToMatch : Contains Data and Type

ByteMatchSetId -> (string)

The ByteMatchSetId for a ByteMatchSet . You use ByteMatchSetId to get information about a ByteMatchSet (see GetByteMatchSet ), update a ByteMatchSet (see UpdateByteMatchSet ), insert a ByteMatchSet into a Rule or delete one from a Rule (see UpdateRule ), and delete a ByteMatchSet from AWS WAF (see DeleteByteMatchSet ).

ByteMatchSetId is returned by CreateByteMatchSet and by ListByteMatchSets .

Name -> (string)

A friendly name or description of the ByteMatchSet . You can't change Name after you create a ByteMatchSet .

ByteMatchTuples -> (list)

Specifies the bytes (typically a string that corresponds with ASCII characters) that you want AWS WAF to search for in web requests, the location in requests that you want AWS WAF to search, and other settings.



This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

For the latest version of AWS WAF , use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide . With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

The bytes (typically a string that corresponds with ASCII characters) that you want AWS WAF to search for in web requests, the location in requests that you want AWS WAF to search, and other settings.

FieldToMatch -> (structure)

The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to search, such as a specified header or a query string. For more information, see FieldToMatch .

Type -> (string)

The part of the web request that you want AWS WAF to search for a specified string. Parts of a request that you can search include the following:

  • HEADER : A specified request header, for example, the value of the User-Agent or Referer header. If you choose HEADER for the type, specify the name of the header in Data .
  • METHOD : The HTTP method, which indicated the type of operation that the request is asking the origin to perform. Amazon CloudFront supports the following methods: DELETE , GET , HEAD , OPTIONS , PATCH , POST , and PUT .
  • QUERY_STRING : A query string, which is the part of a URL that appears after a ? character, if any.
  • URI : The part of a web request that identifies a resource, for example, /images/daily-ad.jpg .
  • BODY : The part of a request that contains any additional data that you want to send to your web server as the HTTP request body, such as data from a form. The request body immediately follows the request headers. Note that only the first 8192 bytes of the request body are forwarded to AWS WAF for inspection. To allow or block requests based on the length of the body, you can create a size constraint set. For more information, see CreateSizeConstraintSet .
  • SINGLE_QUERY_ARG : The parameter in the query string that you will inspect, such as UserName or SalesRegion . The maximum length for SINGLE_QUERY_ARG is 30 characters.
  • ALL_QUERY_ARGS : Similar to SINGLE_QUERY_ARG , but rather than inspecting a single parameter, AWS WAF will inspect all parameters within the query for the value or regex pattern that you specify in TargetString .

Data -> (string)

When the value of Type is HEADER , enter the name of the header that you want AWS WAF to search, for example, User-Agent or Referer . The name of the header is not case sensitive.

When the value of Type is SINGLE_QUERY_ARG , enter the name of the parameter that you want AWS WAF to search, for example, UserName or SalesRegion . The parameter name is not case sensitive.

If the value of Type is any other value, omit Data .

TargetString -> (blob)

The value that you want AWS WAF to search for. AWS WAF searches for the specified string in the part of web requests that you specified in FieldToMatch . The maximum length of the value is 50 bytes.

Valid values depend on the values that you specified for FieldToMatch :

  • HEADER : The value that you want AWS WAF to search for in the request header that you specified in FieldToMatch , for example, the value of the User-Agent or Referer header.
  • METHOD : The HTTP method, which indicates the type of operation specified in the request. CloudFront supports the following methods: DELETE , GET , HEAD , OPTIONS , PATCH , POST , and PUT .
  • QUERY_STRING : The value that you want AWS WAF to search for in the query string, which is the part of a URL that appears after a ? character.
  • URI : The value that you want AWS WAF to search for in the part of a URL that identifies a resource, for example, /images/daily-ad.jpg .
  • BODY : The part of a request that contains any additional data that you want to send to your web server as the HTTP request body, such as data from a form. The request body immediately follows the request headers. Note that only the first 8192 bytes of the request body are forwarded to AWS WAF for inspection. To allow or block requests based on the length of the body, you can create a size constraint set. For more information, see CreateSizeConstraintSet .
  • SINGLE_QUERY_ARG : The parameter in the query string that you will inspect, such as UserName or SalesRegion . The maximum length for SINGLE_QUERY_ARG is 30 characters.
  • ALL_QUERY_ARGS : Similar to SINGLE_QUERY_ARG , but instead of inspecting a single parameter, AWS WAF inspects all parameters within the query string for the value or regex pattern that you specify in TargetString .

If TargetString includes alphabetic characters A-Z and a-z, note that the value is case sensitive.

If you're using the AWS WAF API

Specify a base64-encoded version of the value. The maximum length of the value before you base64-encode it is 50 bytes.

For example, suppose the value of Type is HEADER and the value of Data is User-Agent . If you want to search the User-Agent header for the value BadBot , you base64-encode BadBot using MIME base64-encoding and include the resulting value, QmFkQm90 , in the value of TargetString .

If you're using the AWS CLI or one of the AWS SDKs

The value that you want AWS WAF to search for. The SDK automatically base64 encodes the value.

TextTransformation -> (string)

Text transformations eliminate some of the unusual formatting that attackers use in web requests in an effort to bypass AWS WAF. If you specify a transformation, AWS WAF performs the transformation on FieldToMatch before inspecting it for a match.

You can only specify a single type of TextTransformation.


When you're concerned that attackers are injecting an operating system command line command and using unusual formatting to disguise some or all of the command, use this option to perform the following transformations:

  • Delete the following characters: " ' ^
  • Delete spaces before the following characters: / (
  • Replace the following characters with a space: , ;
  • Replace multiple spaces with one space
  • Convert uppercase letters (A-Z) to lowercase (a-z)

Use this option to replace the following characters with a space character (decimal 32):

  • f, formfeed, decimal 12
  • t, tab, decimal 9
  • n, newline, decimal 10
  • r, carriage return, decimal 13
  • v, vertical tab, decimal 11
  • non-breaking space, decimal 160

COMPRESS_WHITE_SPACE also replaces multiple spaces with one space.


Use this option to replace HTML-encoded characters with unencoded characters. HTML_ENTITY_DECODE performs the following operations:

  • Replaces (ampersand)quot; with "
  • Replaces (ampersand)nbsp; with a non-breaking space, decimal 160
  • Replaces (ampersand)lt; with a "less than" symbol
  • Replaces (ampersand)gt; with >
  • Replaces characters that are represented in hexadecimal format, (ampersand)#xhhhh; , with the corresponding characters
  • Replaces characters that are represented in decimal format, (ampersand)#nnnn; , with the corresponding characters

Use this option to convert uppercase letters (A-Z) to lowercase (a-z).


Use this option to decode a URL-encoded value.


Specify NONE if you don't want to perform any text transformations.

PositionalConstraint -> (string)

Within the portion of a web request that you want to search (for example, in the query string, if any), specify where you want AWS WAF to search. Valid values include the following:


The specified part of the web request must include the value of TargetString , but the location doesn't matter.


The specified part of the web request must include the value of TargetString , and TargetString must contain only alphanumeric characters or underscore (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, or _). In addition, TargetString must be a word, which means one of the following:

  • TargetString exactly matches the value of the specified part of the web request, such as the value of a header.
  • TargetString is at the beginning of the specified part of the web request and is followed by a character other than an alphanumeric character or underscore (_), for example, BadBot; .
  • TargetString is at the end of the specified part of the web request and is preceded by a character other than an alphanumeric character or underscore (_), for example, ;BadBot .
  • TargetString is in the middle of the specified part of the web request and is preceded and followed by characters other than alphanumeric characters or underscore (_), for example, -BadBot; .

The value of the specified part of the web request must exactly match the value of TargetString .


The value of TargetString must appear at the beginning of the specified part of the web request.


The value of TargetString must appear at the end of the specified part of the web request.