Amazon Pinpoint examples using AWS CLI - AWS Command Line Interface

Amazon Pinpoint examples using AWS CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Command Line Interface with Amazon Pinpoint.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use create-app.


Example 1: To create an application

The following create-app example creates a new application (project).

aws pinpoint create-app \ --create-application-request Name=ExampleCorp


{ "ApplicationResponse": { "Arn": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-west-2:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example", "Id": "810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example", "Name": "ExampleCorp", "tags": {} } }

Example 2: To create an application that is tagged

The following create-app example creates a new application (project) and associates a tag (key and value) with the application.

aws pinpoint create-app \ --create-application-request Name=ExampleCorp,tags={"Stack"="Test"}


{ "ApplicationResponse": { "Arn": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-west-2:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example", "Id": "810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example", "Name": "ExampleCorp", "tags": { "Stack": "Test" } } }
  • For API details, see CreateApp in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-sms-template.


Creates a message template for messages that are sent through the SMS channel

The following create-sms-template example creates a SMS message template.

aws pinpoint create-sms-template \ --template-name TestTemplate \ --sms-template-request file://myfile.json \ --region us-east-1

Contents of myfile.json:

{ "Body": "hello\n how are you?\n food is good", "TemplateDescription": "Test SMS Template" }


{ "CreateTemplateMessageBody": { "Arn": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-east-1:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:templates/TestTemplate/SMS", "Message": "Created", "RequestID": "8c36b17f-a0b0-400f-ac21-29e9b62a975d" } }

For more information, see Amazon Pinpoint message templates in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-app.


To delete an application

The following delete-app example deletes an application (project).

aws pinpoint delete-app \ --application-id 810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example


{ "ApplicationResponse": { "Arn": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-west-2:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example", "Id": "810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example", "Name": "ExampleCorp", "tags": {} } }
  • For API details, see DeleteApp in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-apns-channel.


To retrieve information about the status and settings of the APNs channel for an application

The following get-apns-channel example retrieves information about the status and settings of the APNs channel for an application.

aws pinpoint get-apns-channel \ --application-id 9ab1068eb0a6461c86cce7f27ce0efd7 \ --region us-east-1


{ "APNSChannelResponse": { "ApplicationId": "9ab1068eb0a6461c86cce7f27ce0efd7", "CreationDate": "2019-05-09T21:54:45.082Z", "DefaultAuthenticationMethod": "CERTIFICATE", "Enabled": true, "HasCredential": true, "HasTokenKey": false, "Id": "apns", "IsArchived": false, "LastModifiedDate": "2019-05-09T22:04:01.067Z", "Platform": "APNS", "Version": 2 } }

The following code example shows how to use get-app.


To retrieve information about an application (project)

The following get-app example retrieves information about an application (project).

aws pinpoint get-app \ --application-id 810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example \ --region us-east-1


{ "ApplicationResponse": { "Arn": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-east-1:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example", "Id": "810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example", "Name": "ExampleCorp", "tags": { "Year": "2019", "Stack": "Production" } } }
  • For API details, see GetApp in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-apps.


To retrieve information about all of your applications

The following get-apps example retrieves information about all of your applications (projects).

aws pinpoint get-apps


{ "ApplicationsResponse": { "Item": [ { "Arn": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-west-2:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example", "Id": "810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example", "Name": "ExampleCorp", "tags": { "Year": "2019", "Stack": "Production" } }, { "Arn": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-west-2:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/42d8c7eb0990a57ba1d5476a3example", "Id": "42d8c7eb0990a57ba1d5476a3example", "Name": "AnyCompany", "tags": {} }, { "Arn": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-west-2:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/80f5c382b638ffe5ad12376bbexample", "Id": "80f5c382b638ffe5ad12376bbexample", "Name": "ExampleCorp_Test", "tags": { "Year": "2019", "Stack": "Test" } } ], "NextToken": "eyJDcmVhdGlvbkRhdGUiOiIyMDE5LTA3LTE2VDE0OjM4OjUzLjkwM1oiLCJBY2NvdW50SWQiOiI1MTIzOTcxODM4NzciLCJBcHBJZCI6Ijk1ZTM2MGRiMzBkMjQ1ZjRiYTYwYjhlMzllMzZlNjZhIn0" } }

The presence of the NextToken response value indicates that there is more output available. Call the command again and supply that value as the NextToken input parameter.

  • For API details, see GetApps in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-campaign.


To retrieve information about the status, configuration, and other settings for a campaign

The following get-campaign example retrieves information about the status, configuration, and other settings for a campaign.

aws pinpoint get-campaign \ --application-id 6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7 \ --campaign-id a1e63c6cc0eb43ed826ffcc3cc90b30d \ --region us-east-1


{ "CampaignResponse": { "AdditionalTreatments": [], "ApplicationId": "6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7", "Arn": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-east-1:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7/campaigns/a1e63c6cc0eb43ed826ffcc3cc90b30d", "CreationDate": "2019-10-08T18:40:16.581Z", "Description": " ", "HoldoutPercent": 0, "Id": "a1e63c6cc0eb43ed826ffcc3cc90b30d", "IsPaused": false, "LastModifiedDate": "2019-10-08T18:40:16.581Z", "Limits": { "Daily": 0, "MaximumDuration": 60, "MessagesPerSecond": 50, "Total": 0 }, "MessageConfiguration": { "EmailMessage": { "FromAddress": "", "HtmlBody": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n <html lang=\"en\">\n <head>\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n</head>\n<body>Hello</body>\n</html>", "Title": "PinpointDemo" } }, "Name": "MyCampaign", "Schedule": { "IsLocalTime": false, "StartTime": "IMMEDIATE", "Timezone": "utc" }, "SegmentId": "b66c9e42f71444b2aa2e0ffc1df28f60", "SegmentVersion": 1, "State": { "CampaignStatus": "COMPLETED" }, "tags": {}, "TemplateConfiguration": {}, "Version": 1 } }
  • For API details, see GetCampaign in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-campaigns.


To retrieves information about the status, configuration, and other settings for all the campaigns that are associated with an application

The following get-campaigns example retrieves information about the status, configuration, and other settings for all the campaigns that are associated with an application.

aws pinpoint get-campaigns \ --application-id 6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7 \ --region us-east-1


{ "CampaignsResponse": { "Item": [ { "AdditionalTreatments": [], "ApplicationId": "6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7", "Arn": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-east-1:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7/campaigns/7e1280344c8f4a9aa40a00b006fe44f1", "CreationDate": "2019-10-08T18:40:22.905Z", "Description": " ", "HoldoutPercent": 0, "Id": "7e1280344c8f4a9aa40a00b006fe44f1", "IsPaused": false, "LastModifiedDate": "2019-10-08T18:40:22.905Z", "Limits": {}, "MessageConfiguration": { "EmailMessage": { "FromAddress": "", "HtmlBody": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n <html lang=\"en\">\n <head>\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n</head>\n<body>Hello</body>\n</html>", "Title": "PInpointDemo Test" } }, "Name": "MyCampaign1", "Schedule": { "IsLocalTime": false, "QuietTime": {}, "StartTime": "IMMEDIATE", "Timezone": "UTC" }, "SegmentId": "b66c9e42f71444b2aa2e0ffc1df28f60", "SegmentVersion": 1, "State": { "CampaignStatus": "COMPLETED" }, "tags": {}, "TemplateConfiguration": {}, "Version": 1 }, { "AdditionalTreatments": [], "ApplicationId": "6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7", "Arn": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-east-1:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7/campaigns/a1e63c6cc0eb43ed826ffcc3cc90b30d", "CreationDate": "2019-10-08T18:40:16.581Z", "Description": " ", "HoldoutPercent": 0, "Id": "a1e63c6cc0eb43ed826ffcc3cc90b30d", "IsPaused": false, "LastModifiedDate": "2019-10-08T18:40:16.581Z", "Limits": { "Daily": 0, "MaximumDuration": 60, "MessagesPerSecond": 50, "Total": 0 }, "MessageConfiguration": { "EmailMessage": { "FromAddress": "", "HtmlBody": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n <html lang=\"en\">\n <head>\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n</head>\n<body>Demo</body>\n</html>", "Title": "PinpointDemo" } }, "Name": "MyCampaign2", "Schedule": { "IsLocalTime": false, "StartTime": "IMMEDIATE", "Timezone": "utc" }, "SegmentId": "b66c9e42f71444b2aa2e0ffc1df28f60", "SegmentVersion": 1, "State": { "CampaignStatus": "COMPLETED" }, "tags": {}, "TemplateConfiguration": {}, "Version": 1 } ] } }
  • For API details, see GetCampaigns in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-channels.


To retrieves information about the history and status of each channel for an application

The following get-channels example retrieves information about the history and status of each channel for an application.

aws pinpoint get-channels \ --application-id 6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7 \ --region us-east-1


{ "ChannelsResponse": { "Channels": { "GCM": { "ApplicationId": "6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7", "CreationDate": "2019-10-08T18:28:23.182Z", "Enabled": true, "HasCredential": true, "Id": "gcm", "IsArchived": false, "LastModifiedDate": "2019-10-08T18:28:23.182Z", "Version": 1 }, "SMS": { "ApplicationId": "6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7", "CreationDate": "2019-10-08T18:39:18.511Z", "Enabled": true, "Id": "sms", "IsArchived": false, "LastModifiedDate": "2019-10-08T18:39:18.511Z", "Version": 1 }, "EMAIL": { "ApplicationId": "6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7", "CreationDate": "2019-10-08T18:27:23.990Z", "Enabled": true, "Id": "email", "IsArchived": false, "LastModifiedDate": "2019-10-08T18:27:23.990Z", "Version": 1 }, "IN_APP": { "Enabled": true, "IsArchived": false, "Version": 0 } } } }
  • For API details, see GetChannels in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-email-channel.


To retrieve information about the status and settings of the Email channel for an application

The following get-email-channel example retrieves status and settings of the Email channel for an application.

aws pinpoint get-email-channel \ --application-id 6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7 \ --region us-east-1


{ "EmailChannelResponse": { "ApplicationId": "6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7", "CreationDate": "2019-10-08T18:27:23.990Z", "Enabled": true, "FromAddress": "", "Id": "email", "Identity": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:identity/", "IsArchived": false, "LastModifiedDate": "2019-10-08T18:27:23.990Z", "MessagesPerSecond": 1, "Platform": "EMAIL", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:role/pinpoint-events", "Version": 1 } }

The following code example shows how to use get-endpoint.


To retrieve information about the settings and attributes of a specific endpoint for an application

The following get-endpoint example retrieves information about the settings and attributes of a specific endpoint for an application.

aws pinpoint get-endpoint \ --application-id 611e3e3cdd47474c9c1399a505665b91 \ --endpoint-id testendpoint \ --region us-east-1


{ "EndpointResponse": { "Address": "+11234567890", "ApplicationId": "611e3e3cdd47474c9c1399a505665b91", "Attributes": {}, "ChannelType": "SMS", "CohortId": "63", "CreationDate": "2019-01-28T23:55:11.534Z", "EffectiveDate": "2021-08-06T00:04:51.763Z", "EndpointStatus": "ACTIVE", "Id": "testendpoint", "Location": { "Country": "USA" }, "Metrics": { "SmsDelivered": 1.0 }, "OptOut": "ALL", "RequestId": "a204b1f2-7e26-48a7-9c80-b49a2143489d", "User": { "UserAttributes": { "Age": [ "24" ] }, "UserId": "testuser" } } }
  • For API details, see GetEndpoint in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-gcm-channel.


To retrieve information about the status and settings of the GCM channel for an application

The following get-gcm-channel example retrieves information about the status and settings of the GCM channel for an application.

aws pinpoint get-gcm-channel \ --application-id 6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7 \ --region us-east-1


{ "GCMChannelResponse": { "ApplicationId": "6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7", "CreationDate": "2019-10-08T18:28:23.182Z", "Enabled": true, "HasCredential": true, "Id": "gcm", "IsArchived": false, "LastModifiedDate": "2019-10-08T18:28:23.182Z", "Platform": "GCM", "Version": 1 } }
  • For API details, see GetGcmChannel in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-sms-channel.


To retrieve information about the status and settings of the SMS channel for an application

The following get-sms-channel example retrieves status and settings of the sms channel for an application.

aws pinpoint get-sms-channel \ --application-id 6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7 \ --region us-east-1


{ "SMSChannelResponse": { "ApplicationId": "6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7", "CreationDate": "2019-10-08T18:39:18.511Z", "Enabled": true, "Id": "sms", "IsArchived": false, "LastModifiedDate": "2019-10-08T18:39:18.511Z", "Platform": "SMS", "PromotionalMessagesPerSecond": 20, "TransactionalMessagesPerSecond": 20, "Version": 1 } }
  • For API details, see GetSmsChannel in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-sms-template.


Retrieves the content and settings of a message template for messages that are sent through the SMS channel

The following get-sms-template example retrieves the content and settings of a SMS message template.

aws pinpoint get-sms-template \ --template-name TestTemplate \ --region us-east-1


{ "SMSTemplateResponse": { "Arn": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-east-1:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:templates/TestTemplate/SMS", "Body": "hello\n how are you?\n food is good", "CreationDate": "2023-06-20T21:37:30.124Z", "LastModifiedDate": "2023-06-20T21:37:30.124Z", "tags": {}, "TemplateDescription": "Test SMS Template", "TemplateName": "TestTemplate", "TemplateType": "SMS", "Version": "1" } }

For more information, see Amazon Pinpoint message templates in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-voice-channel.


To retrieve information about the status and settings of the voice channel for an application

The following get-voice-channel example retrieves status and settings of the voice channel for an application.

aws pinpoint get-voice-channel \ --application-id 6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7 \ --region us-east-1


{ "VoiceChannelResponse": { "ApplicationId": "6e0b7591a90841d2b5d93fa11143e5a7", "CreationDate": "2022-04-28T00:17:03.836Z", "Enabled": true, "Id": "voice", "IsArchived": false, "LastModifiedDate": "2022-04-28T00:17:03.836Z", "Platform": "VOICE", "Version": 1 } }

The following code example shows how to use list-tags-for-resource.


To retrieve a list of tags for a resource

The following list-tags-for-resource example retrieves all the tags (key names and values) that are associated with the specified resource.

aws pinpoint list-tags-for-resource \ --resource-arn arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-west-2:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example


{ "TagsModel": { "tags": { "Year": "2019", "Stack": "Production" } } }

For more information, see 'Tagging Amazon Pinpoint Resources <>'__ in the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use phone-number-validate.


Retrieves information about a phone number

The following phone-number-validate retrieves information about a phone number.

aws pinpoint phone-number-validate \ --number-validate-request PhoneNumber="+12065550142" \ --region us-east-1


{ "NumberValidateResponse": { "Carrier": "ExampleCorp Mobile", "City": "Seattle", "CleansedPhoneNumberE164": "+12065550142", "CleansedPhoneNumberNational": "2065550142", "Country": "United States", "CountryCodeIso2": "US", "CountryCodeNumeric": "1", "OriginalPhoneNumber": "+12065550142", "PhoneType": "MOBILE", "PhoneTypeCode": 0, "Timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "ZipCode": "98101" } }

For more information, see Amazon Pinpoint SMS channel in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use send-messages.


To send SMS message using the endpoint of an application

The following send-messages example sends a direct message for an application with an endpoint.

aws pinpoint send-messages \ --application-id 611e3e3cdd47474c9c1399a505665b91 \ --message-request file://myfile.json \ --region us-west-2

Contents of myfile.json:

{ "MessageConfiguration": { "SMSMessage": { "Body": "hello, how are you?" } }, "Endpoints": { "testendpoint": {} } }


{ "MessageResponse": { "ApplicationId": "611e3e3cdd47474c9c1399a505665b91", "EndpointResult": { "testendpoint": { "Address": "+12345678900", "DeliveryStatus": "SUCCESSFUL", "MessageId": "itnuqhai5alf1n6ahv3udc05n7hhddr6gb3lq6g0", "StatusCode": 200, "StatusMessage": "MessageId: itnuqhai5alf1n6ahv3udc05n7hhddr6gb3lq6g0" } }, "RequestId": "c7e23264-04b2-4a46-b800-d24923f74753" } }

For more information, see Amazon Pinpoint SMS channel in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.

  • For API details, see SendMessages in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use send-users-messages.


To send SMS message for an user of an application

The following send-users-messages example sends a direct message for an user of an application.

aws pinpoint send-users-messages \ --application-id 611e3e3cdd47474c9c1399a505665b91 \ --send-users-message-request file://myfile.json \ --region us-west-2

Contents of myfile.json:

{ "MessageConfiguration": { "SMSMessage": { "Body": "hello, how are you?" } }, "Users": { "testuser": {} } }


{ "SendUsersMessageResponse": { "ApplicationId": "611e3e3cdd47474c9c1399a505665b91", "RequestId": "e0b12cf5-2359-11e9-bb0b-d5fb91876b25", "Result": { "testuser": { "testuserendpoint": { "DeliveryStatus": "SUCCESSFUL", "MessageId": "7qu4hk5bqhda3i7i2n4pjf98qcuh8b7p45ifsmo0", "StatusCode": 200, "StatusMessage": "MessageId: 7qu4hk5bqhda3i7i2n4pjf98qcuh8b7p45ifsmo0", "Address": "+12345678900" } } } } }

For more information, see Amazon Pinpoint SMS channel in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use tag-resource.


To add tags to a resource

The following example adds two tags (key names and values) to a resource.

aws pinpoint list-tags-for-resource \ --resource-arn arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-east-1:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example \ --tags-model tags={Stack=Production,Year=2019}

This command produces no output.

For more information, see 'Tagging Amazon Pinpoint Resources <>'__ in the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide.

  • For API details, see TagResource in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use untag-resource.


Example 1: To remove a tag from a resource

The following untag-resource example removes the specified tag (key name and value) from a resource.

aws pinpoint untag-resource \ --resource-arn arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-west-2:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example \ --tag-keys Year

This command produces no output.

Example 2: To remove multiple tags from a resource

The following untag-resource example removes the specified tags (key names and values) from a resource.

aws pinpoint untag-resource \ --resource-arn arn:aws:mobiletargeting:us-east-1:AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE:apps/810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example \ --tag-keys Year Stack

This command produces no output.

For more information, see 'Tagging Amazon Pinpoint Resources <>'__ in the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide.

  • For API details, see UntagResource in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-sms-channel.


To enable SMS channel or to update the status and settings of the SMS channel for an application.

The following update-sms-channel example enables SMS channel for an SMS channel for an application.

aws pinpoint update-sms-channel \ --application-id 611e3e3cdd47474c9c1399a505665b91 \ --sms-channel-request Enabled=true \ --region us-west-2


{ "SMSChannelResponse": { "ApplicationId": "611e3e3cdd47474c9c1399a505665b91", "CreationDate": "2019-01-28T23:25:25.224Z", "Enabled": true, "Id": "sms", "IsArchived": false, "LastModifiedDate": "2023-05-18T23:22:50.977Z", "Platform": "SMS", "PromotionalMessagesPerSecond": 20, "TransactionalMessagesPerSecond": 20, "Version": 3 } }

For more information, see Amazon Pinpoint SMS channel in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.