Amazon IVS examples using AWS CLI - AWS Command Line Interface

This documentation is for Version 1 of the AWS CLI only. For documentation related to Version 2 of the AWS CLI, see the Version 2 User Guide.

Amazon IVS examples using AWS CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Command Line Interface with Amazon IVS.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use batch-get-channel.


To get channel configuration information about multiple channels

The following batch-get-channel example lists information about the specified channels.

aws ivs batch-get-channel \ --arns arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh \ arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/efghEFGHijkl


{ "channels": [ { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "authorized": false, "containerFormat": "TS", "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": false, "latencyMode": "LOW", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": false, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "name": "channel-1", "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABCD12cdEFgh", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "AB1C2defGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaBCDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "tags": {}, "type": "STANDARD" }, { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/efghEFGHijkl", "authorized": false, "containerFormat": "FRAGMENTED_MP4", "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": false, "latencyMode": "LOW", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": true, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "name": "channel-2", "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ"", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "BA1C2defGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaBCDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "tags": {}, "type": "STANDARD" } ] }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use batch-get-stream-key.


To get information about multiple stream keys

The following batch-get-stream-key example gets information about the specified stream keys.

aws ivs batch-get-stream-key \ --arns arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/skSKABCDefgh \ arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/skSKIJKLmnop


{ "streamKeys": [ { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/skSKABCDefgh", "value": "sk_us-west-2_abcdABCDefgh_567890abcdef", "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "tags": {} }, { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/skSKIJKLmnop", "value": "sk_us-west-2_abcdABCDefgh_567890ghijkl", "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "tags": {} } ] }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use batch-start-viewer-session-revocation.


To revoke viewer sessions for multiple channel-ARN and viewer-ID pairs

The following batch-start-viewer-session-revocation example performs session revocation on multiple channel-ARN and viewer-ID pairs simultaneously. The request may complete normally but return values in the errors field if the caller does not have permission to revoke specified session.

aws ivs batch-start-viewer-session-revocation \ --viewer-sessions '[{"channelArn":"arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh1","viewerId":"abcdefg1","viewerSessionVersionsLessThanOrEqualTo":1234567890}, \ {"channelArn":"arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh2","viewerId":"abcdefg2","viewerSessionVersionsLessThanOrEqualTo":1234567890}]'


{ "errors": [ { "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh1", "viewerId": "abcdefg1", "code": "403", "message": "not authorized", }, { "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh2", "viewerId": "abcdefg2", "code": "403", "message": "not authorized", } ] }

For more information, see Setting Up Private Channels in the Amazon Interactive Video Service User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-channel.


Example 1: To create a channel with no recording

The following create-channel example creates a new channel and an associated stream key to start streaming.

aws ivs create-channel \ --name 'test-channel' \ --no-insecure-ingest


{ "channel": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "authorized": false, "containerFormat": "TS", "name": "test-channel", "latencyMode": "LOW", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": false, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "AB1C2defGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaBCDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": false, "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "tags": {}, "type": "STANDARD" }, "streamKey": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/g1H2I3j4k5L6", "value": "sk_us-west-2_abcdABCDefgh_567890abcdef", "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

Example 2: To create a channel with recording enabled, using the RecordingConfiguration resource specified by its ARN

The following create-channel example creates a new channel and an associated stream key to start streaming, and sets up recording for the channel:

aws ivs create-channel \ --name test-channel-with-recording \ --insecure-ingest \ --recording-configuration-arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABCD12cdEFgh'


{ "channel": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "containerFormat": "TS", "name": "test-channel-with-recording", "latencyMode": "LOW", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": false, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "type": "STANDARD", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABCD12cdEFgh", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "BA1C2defGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaBCDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": true, "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "authorized": false, "tags": {}, "type": "STANDARD" }, "streamKey": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/abcdABCDefgh", "value": "sk_us-west-2_abcdABCDefgh_567890abcdef", "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Record to Amazon S3 in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

Example 3: To create a channel with a playback restriction policy specified by its ARN

The following create-channel example creates a new channel and an associated stream key to start streaming, and sets up a playback restriction policy for the channel:

aws ivs create-channel \ --name test-channel-with-playback-restriction-policy\ --insecure-ingest \ --playback-restriction-policy-arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ'


{ "channel": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "containerFormat": "TS", "name": "test-channel-with-playback-restriction-policy", "latencyMode": "LOW", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": false, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "type": "STANDARD", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "AB1C2edfGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaBCDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": true, "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "authorized": false, "tags": {}, "type": "STANDARD" }, "streamKey": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/abcdABCDefgh", "value": "sk_us-west-2_abcdABCDefgh_567890abcdef", "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Undesired Content and Viewers in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

Example 4: To create a channel with multitrack enabled

The following create-channel example creates a new channel and an associated stream key to start streaming, and enables multitrack.

aws ivs create-channel \ --name 'test-channel' \ --no-insecure-ingest \ --container-format 'FRAGMENTED_MP4' \ --multitrack-input-configuration '{"enabled": true,"maximumResolution": "FULL_HD","policy": "ALLOW"}'


{ "channel": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "authorized": false, "containerFormat": "FRAGMENTED_MP4", "name": "test-channel", "latencyMode": "LOW", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": true, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "AB1C2defGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaBCDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": false, "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "tags": {}, "type": "STANDARD" }, "streamKey": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/g1H2I3j4k5L6", "value": "sk_us-west-2_abcdABCDefgh_567890abcdef", "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

  • For API details, see CreateChannel in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-playback-restriction-policy.


To create a playback restriction policy

The following create-playback-restriction-policy example creates a new playback resriction policy.

aws ivs create-playback-restriction-policy \ --name "test-playback-restriction-policy" \ --enable-strict-origin-enforcement \ --tags "key1=value1, key2=value2" \ --allowed-countries US MX \ --allowed-origins


{ "playbackRestrictionPolicy": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ", "allowedCountries": [ "US", "MX" ], "allowedOrigins": [ "", "" ], "enableStrictOriginEnforcement": true, "name": "test-playback-restriction-policy", "tags": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } } }

For more information, see Undesired Content and Viewers in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-recording-configuration.


To create a RecordingConfiguration resource

The following create-recording-configuration example creates a RecordingConfiguration resource to enable recording to Amazon S3.

aws ivs create-recording-configuration \ --name "test-recording-config" \ --recording-reconnect-window-seconds 60 \ --tags "key1=value1, key2=value2" \ --rendition-configuration renditionSelection="CUSTOM",renditions="HD" \ --thumbnail-configuration recordingMode="INTERVAL",targetIntervalSeconds=1,storage="LATEST",resolution="LOWEST_RESOLUTION" \ --destination-configuration s3={bucketName=demo-recording-bucket}


{ "recordingConfiguration": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABcdef34ghIJ", "name": "test-recording-config", "destinationConfiguration": { "s3": { "bucketName": "demo-recording-bucket" } }, "state": "CREATING", "tags": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }, "thumbnailConfiguration": { "recordingMode": "INTERVAL", "targetIntervalSeconds": 1, "resolution": "LOWEST_RESOLUTION", "storage": [ "LATEST" ] }, "recordingReconnectWindowSeconds": 60, "renditionConfiguration": { "renditionSelection": "CUSTOM", "renditions": [ "HD" ] } } }

For more information, see Record to Amazon S3 in the Amazon Interactive Video Service User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-stream-key.


To create a stream key

The following create-stream-key example creates a stream key for a specified ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

aws ivs create-stream-key \ --channel-arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh


{ "streamKey": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/abcdABCDefgh", "value": "sk_us-west-2_abcdABCDefgh_567890abcdef", "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-channel.


To delete a channel and its associated stream keys

The following delete-channel example deletes the channel with the specified ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

aws ivs delete-channel \ --arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

  • For API details, see DeleteChannel in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-playback-key-pair.


To delete a specified playback key pair

The following delete-playback-key-pair example returns the fingerprint of the specified key pair.

aws ivs delete-playback-key-pair \ --arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-key/abcd1234efgh

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Setting Up Private Channels in the Amazon Interactive Video Service User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-playback-restriction-policy.


To delete a playback restriction policy

The following delete-playback-restriction-policy example deletes the playback resriction policy with the specified policy ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

aws ivs delete-playback-restriction-policy \ --arn "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ"

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Undesired Content and Viewers in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-recording-configuration.


To delete the RecordingConfiguration resource specified by its ARN

The following delete-recording-configuration example deletes the RecordingConfiguration resource with the specified ARN.

aws ivs delete-recording-configuration \ --arn "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABcdef34ghIJ"

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Record to Amazon S3 in the Amazon Interactive Video Service User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-stream-key.


To delete a stream key

The following delete-stream-key example deletes the stream key for a specified ARN (Amazon Resource Name), so it can no longer be used to stream.

aws ivs delete-stream-key \ --arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/g1H2I3j4k5L6

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-channel.


To get a channel's configuration information

The following get-channel example gets the channel configuration for a specified channel ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

aws ivs get-channel \ --arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh'


{ "channel": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "authorized": false, "containerFormat": "TS", "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": false, "latencyMode": "LOW", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": false, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "name": "channel-1", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "AB1C2defGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaBCDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "tags": {} "type": "STANDARD", } }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetChannel in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-playback-key-pair.


To get a specified playback key pair

The following get-playback-key-pair example returns the fingerprint of the specified key pair.

aws ivs get-playback-key-pair \ --arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-key/abcd1234efgh


{ "keyPair": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-key/abcd1234efgh", "name": "my-playback-key", "fingerprint": "0a:1b:2c:ab:cd:ef:34:56:70:b1:b2:71:01:2a:a3:72", "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Setting Up Private Channels in the Amazon Interactive Video Service User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-playback-restriction-policy.


To get a playback restriction policy's configuration information

The following get-playback-restriction-policy example gets the playback restriciton policy configuration with the specified policy ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

aws ivs get-playback-restriction-policy \ --arn "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ"


{ "playbackRestrictionPolicy": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ", "allowedCountries": [ "US", "MX" ], "allowedOrigins": [ "", "" ], "enableStrictOriginEnforcement": true, "name": "test-playback-restriction-policy", "tags": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } } }

For more information, see Undesired Content and Viewers in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-recording-configuration.


To get information about a RecordingConfiguration resource

The following get-recording-configuration example gets information about the RecordingConfiguration resource for the specified ARN.

aws ivs get-recording-configuration \ --arn "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABcdef34ghIJ"


{ "recordingConfiguration": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABcdef34ghIJ", "destinationConfiguration": { "s3": { "bucketName": "demo-recording-bucket" } }, "name": "test-recording-config", "recordingReconnectWindowSeconds": 60, "state": "ACTIVE", "tags": { "key1" : "value1", "key2" : "value2" }, "thumbnailConfiguration": { "recordingMode": "INTERVAL", "targetIntervalSeconds": 1, "resolution": "LOWEST_RESOLUTION", "storage": [ "LATEST" ] }, "renditionConfiguration": { "renditionSelection": "CUSTOM", "renditions": [ "HD" ] } } }

For more information, see Record to Amazon S3 in the Amazon Interactive Video Service User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-stream-key.


To get information about a stream

The following get-stream-key example gets information about the specified stream key.

aws ivs get-stream-key \ --arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/skSKABCDefgh --region=us-west-2


{ "streamKey": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/skSKABCDefgh", "value": "sk_us-west-2_abcdABCDefgh_567890abcdef", "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetStreamKey in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-stream-session.


To get metadata for a specified stream

The following get-stream-session example gets the metadata configuration for the specified channel ARN (Amazon Resource Name) and the specified stream; if streamId is not provided, the most recent stream for the channel is selected.

aws ivs get-stream-session \ --channel-arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh' \ --stream-id 'mystream'


{ "streamSession": { "streamId": "mystream1", "startTime": "2023-06-26T19:09:28+00:00", "channel": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "name": "mychannel", "latencyMode": "LOW", "type": "STANDARD", "recordingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABcdef34ghIJ", "ingestEndpoint": "", "playbackUrl": "url-string", "authorized": false, "insecureIngest": false, "preset": "" }, "ingestConfiguration": { "audio": { "channels": 2, "codec": "mp4a.40.2", "sampleRate": 8000, "targetBitrate": 46875, "track": "Track0" }, "video": { "avcProfile": "Baseline", "avcLevel": "4.2", "codec": "avc1.42C02A", "encoder": "Lavf58.45.100", "level": "4.2", "profile": "Baseline", "targetBitrate": 8789062, "targetFramerate": 60, "track": "Track0", "videoHeight": 1080, "videoWidth": 1920 } }, "ingestConfigurations": { "audioConfigurations": [ { "channels": 2, "codec": "mp4a.40.2", "sampleRate": 8000, "targetBitrate": 46875, "track": "Track0" } ], "videoConfigurations": [ { "codec": "avc1.42C02A", "encoder": "Lavf58.45.100", "level": "4.2", "profile": "Baseline", "targetBitrate": 8789062, "targetFramerate": 60, "track": "Track0", "videoHeight": 1080, "videoWidth": 1920 } ] }, "recordingConfiguration": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABcdef34ghIJ", "name": "test-recording-config", "destinationConfiguration": { "s3": { "bucketName": "demo-recording-bucket" } }, "state": "ACTIVE", "tags": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }, "thumbnailConfiguration": { "recordingMode": "INTERVAL", "targetIntervalSeconds": 1, "resolution": "LOWEST_RESOLUTION", "storage": [ "LATEST" ] }, "recordingReconnectWindowSeconds": 60, "renditionConfiguration": { "renditionSelection": "CUSTOM", "renditions": [ "HD" ] } }, "truncatedEvents": [ { "code": "StreamTakeoverInvalidPriority", "name": "Stream Takeover Failure", "type": "IVS Stream State Change", "eventTime": "2023-06-26T19:09:48+00:00" }, { "name": "Stream Takeover", "type": "IVS Stream State Change", "eventTime": "2023-06-26T19:09:47+00:00" }, { "name": "Recording Start", "type": "IVS Recording State Change", "eventTime": "2023-06-26T19:09:35+00:00" }, { "name": "Stream Start", "type": "IVS Stream State Change", "eventTime": "2023-06-26T19:09:34+00:00" }, { "name": "Session Created", "type": "IVS Stream State Change", "eventTime": "2023-06-26T19:09:28+00:00" } ] } }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-stream.


To get information about a stream

The following get-stream example gets information about the stream for the specified channel.

aws ivs get-stream \ --channel-arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh


{ "stream": { "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "playbackUrl": "", "startTime": "2020-05-05T21:55:38Z", "state": "LIVE", "health": "HEALTHY", "streamId": "st-ABCDEfghij01234KLMN5678", "viewerCount": 1 } }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetStream in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use import-playback-key-pair.


To import the public portion of a new key pair

The following import-playback-key-pair example imports the specified public key (specified as a string in PEM format) and returns the arn and fingerprint of the new key pair.

aws ivs import-playback-key-pair \ --name "my-playback-key" \ --public-key-material "G1lbnQxOTA3BgNVBAMMMFdoeSBhcmUgeW91IGRl..."


{ "keyPair": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-key/abcd1234efgh", "name": "my-playback-key", "fingerprint": "0a:1b:2c:ab:cd:ef:34:56:70:b1:b2:71:01:2a:a3:72", "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Setting Up Private Channels in the Amazon Interactive Video Service User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-channels.


Example 1: To get summary information about all channels

The following list-channels example lists all channels for your AWS account.

aws ivs list-channels


{ "channels": [ { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "name": "channel-1", "latencyMode": "LOW", "authorized": false, "insecureIngest": false, "preset": "", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABCD12cdEFgh", "tags": {}, "type": "STANDARD" }, { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/efghEFGHijkl", "name": "channel-2", "latencyMode": "LOW", "authorized": false, "preset": "", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "tags": {}, "type": "STANDARD" } ] }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

Example 2: To get summary information about all channels, filtered by the specified RecordingConfiguration ARN

The following list-channels example lists all channels for your AWS account, that are associated with the specified RecordingConfiguration ARN.

aws ivs list-channels \ --filter-by-recording-configuration-arn "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABCD12cdEFgh"


{ "channels": [ { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "name": "channel-1", "latencyMode": "LOW", "authorized": false, "insecureIngest": false, "preset": "", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABCD12cdEFgh", "tags": {}, "type": "STANDARD" } ] }

For more information, see Record to Amazon S3 in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

Example 3: To get summary information about all channels, filtered by the specified PlaybackRestrictionPolicy ARN

The following list-channels example lists all channels for your AWS account, that are associated with the specified PlaybackRestrictionPolicy ARN.

aws ivs list-channels \ --filter-by-playback-restriction-policy-arn "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ"


{ "channels": [ { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/efghEFGHijkl", "name": "channel-2", "latencyMode": "LOW", "authorized": false, "preset": "", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "tags": {}, "type": "STANDARD" } ] }

For more information, see Undesired Content and Viewers in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

  • For API details, see ListChannels in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-playback-key-pairs.


To get summary information about all playback key pairs

The following list-playback-key-pairs example returns information about all key pairs.

aws ivs list-playback-key-pairs


{ "keyPairs": [ { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-key/abcd1234efgh", "name": "test-key-0", "tags": {} }, { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-key/ijkl5678mnop", "name": "test-key-1", "tags": {} } ] }

For more information, see Setting Up Private Channels in the Amazon Interactive Video Service User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-playback-restriction-policies.


To get summary information about all playback restriction policies

The following list-playback-restriction-policies example lists all playback restriction policies for your AWS account.

aws ivs list-playback-restriction-policies


{ "playbackRestrictionPolicies": [ { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ", "allowedCountries": [ "US", "MX" ], "allowedOrigins": [ "", "" ], "enableStrictOriginEnforcement": true, "name": "test-playback-restriction-policy", "tags": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } } ] }

For more information, see Undesired Content and Viewers in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-recording-configurations.


To list all the RecordingConfiguration resources created in this account

The following list-recording-configurations example gets information about all RecordingConfiguration resources in your account.

aws ivs list-recording-configurations


{ "recordingConfigurations": [ { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABcdef34ghIJ", "name": "test-recording-config-1", "destinationConfiguration": { "s3": { "bucketName": "demo-recording-bucket-1" } }, "state": "ACTIVE", "tags": {} }, { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/CD12abcdGHIJ", "name": "test-recording-config-2", "destinationConfiguration": { "s3": { "bucketName": "demo-recording-bucket-2" } }, "state": "ACTIVE", "tags": {} } ] }

For more information, see Record to Amazon S3 in the Amazon Interactive Video Service User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-stream-keys.


To get a list of stream keys

The following list-stream-keys example lists all stream keys for a specified ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

aws ivs list-stream-keys \ --channel-arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh


{ "streamKeys": [ { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:stream-key/abcdABCDefgh", "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "tags": {} } ] }

FFor more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-stream-sessions.


To get a summary of current and previous streams for a specified channel in the current AWS region

The following list-stream-sessions example reports summary information for streams for a specified channel ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

aws ivs list-stream-sessions \ --channel-arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh \ --max-results 25 \ --next-token ""


{ "nextToken": "set-2", "streamSessions": [ { "startTime": 1641578182, "endTime": 1641579982, "hasErrorEvent": false, "streamId": "mystream" } ... ] }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-streams.


To get a list of live streams and their state

The following list-streams example lists all live streams for your AWS account.

aws ivs list-streams


{ "streams": [ { "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "state": "LIVE", "health": "HEALTHY", "streamId": "st-ABCDEfghij01234KLMN5678", "viewerCount": 1 } ] }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

  • For API details, see ListStreams in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-tags-for-resource.


To list all tags for an AWS resource (for example: channel, stream key)

The following list-tags-for-resource example lists all tags for a specified resource ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

aws ivs list-tags-for-resource \ --resource-arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:12345689012:channel/abcdABCDefgh


{ "tags": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }

For more information, see Tagging in the Amazon Interactive Video Service API Reference.

The following code example shows how to use put-metadata.


To insert metadata into the active stream for a specified channel

The following put-metadata example inserts the given metadata into the stream for the specified channel.

aws ivs put-metadata \ --channel-arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh \ --metadata '{"my": "metadata"}'

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

  • For API details, see PutMetadata in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use start-viewer-session-revocation.


To revoke a viewer session for a given multiple channel-ARN and viewer-ID pair

The following start-viewer-session-revocation example starts the process of revoking the viewer session associated with a specified channel ARN and viewer ID, up to and including the specified session version number. If the version is not provided, it defaults to 0.

aws ivs batch-start-viewer-session-revocation \ --channel-arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh \ --viewer-id abcdefg \ --viewer-session-versions-less-than-or-equal-to 1234567890

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Setting Up Private Channels in the Amazon Interactive Video Service User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use stop-stream.


To stop a specified stream

The following stop-stream example stops the stream on the specified channel.

aws ivs stop-stream \ --channel-arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

  • For API details, see StopStream in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use tag-resource.


To add or update tags for an AWS resource (for example: channel, stream key)

The following tag-resource example adds or updates tags for a specified resource ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

aws ivs tag-resource \ --resource-arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh \ --tags "tagkey1=tagvalue1, tagkey2=tagvalue2"

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging in the Amazon Interactive Video Service API Reference.

  • For API details, see TagResource in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use untag-resource.


To remove tags for an AWS resource (for example: channel, stream key)

The following untag-resource example removes the specified tags for a specified resource ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

aws ivs untag-resource \ --resource-arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh \ --tag-keys "tagkey1, tagkey2"

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging in the Amazon Interactive Video Service API Reference.

  • For API details, see UntagResource in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-channel.


Example 1: To update a channel's configuration information

The following update-channel example updates the channel configuration for a specified channel ARN to change the channel name. This does not affect an ongoing stream of this channel; you must stop and restart the stream for the changes to take effect.

aws ivs update-channel \ --arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh' \ --name 'channel-1' \ --insecure-ingest


{ "channel": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "name": "channel-1", "latencyMode": "LOW", "containerFormat": "TS", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": false, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "type": "STANDARD", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "AB1C2defGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaBCDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": true, "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "authorized": false, "tags": {} }

For more information, see Create a Channel in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

Example 2: To update a channel's configuration to enable recording

The following update-channel example updates the channel configuration for a specified channel ARN to enable recording. This does not affect an ongoing stream of this channel; you must stop and restart the stream for the changes to take effect.

aws ivs update-channel \ --arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh' \ --no-insecure-ingest \ --recording-configuration-arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABCD12cdEFgh'


{ "channel": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "name": "test-channel-with-recording", "latencyMode": "LOW", "containerFormat": "TS", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": false, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "type": "STANDARD", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:recording-configuration/ABCD12cdEFgh", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "BA1C2defGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaBCDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": false, "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "authorized": false, "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Record to Amazon S3 in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

Example 3: To update a channel's configuration to disable recording

The following update-channel example updates the channel configuration for a specified channel ARN to disable recording. This does not affect an ongoing stream of this channel; you must stop and restart the stream for the changes to take effect.

aws ivs update-channel \ --arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh' \ --recording-configuration-arn ''


{ "channel": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "name": "test-channel-with-recording", "latencyMode": "LOW", "containerFormat": "TS", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": false, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "type": "STANDARD", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "AB1C2edfGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaBCDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": false, "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "authorized": false, "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Record to Amazon S3 in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

Example 4: To update a channel's configuration to enable playback restriction

The following update-channel example updates the channel configuration for a specified channel ARN to apply a playback restriction policy. This does not affect an ongoing stream of this channel; you must stop and restart the stream for the changes to take effect.

aws ivs update-channel \ --arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh' \ --no-insecure-ingest \ --playback-restriction-policy-arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ'


{ "channel": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "name": "test-channel-with-playback-restriction-policy", "latencyMode": "LOW", "containerFormat": "TS", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": false, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "type": "STANDARD", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "AB1C2defGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaCBDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": false, "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "authorized": false, "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Undesired Content and Viewers in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

Example 5: To update a channel's configuration to disable playback restriction

The following update-channel example updates the channel configuration for a specified channel ARN to disable playback restriction. This does not affect an ongoing stream of this channel; you must stop and restart the stream for the changes to take effect.

aws ivs update-channel \ --arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh' \ --playback-restriction-policy-arn ''


{ "channel": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "name": "test-channel-with-playback-restriction-policy", "latencyMode": "LOW", "containerFormat": "TS", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": false, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "type": "STANDARD", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "AB1C2defGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaBCDeFghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": false, "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "authorized": false, "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Undesired Content and Viewers in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

Example 6: To update a channel's configuration to enable multitrack

The following update-channel example updates the channel configuration for a specified channel ARN to enable multitrack. This does not affect an ongoing stream of this channel; you must stop and restart the stream for the changes to take effect.

aws ivs update-channel \ --arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh' \ --container-format 'FRAGMENTED_MP4' \ --multitrack-input-configuration '{"enabled": true,"maximumResolution": "FULL_HD","policy": "ALLOW"}'


{ "channel": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "containerFormat": "FRAGMENTED_MP4", "name": "test-channel-with-multitrack", "latencyMode": "LOW", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": true, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "type": "STANDARD", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "AB1C2defGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaCBDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": false, "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "authorized": false, "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Undesired Content and Viewers in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

Example 7: To update a channel's configuration to disable playback restriction

The following update-channel example updates the channel configuration for a specified channel ARN to disable multitrack. This does not affect an ongoing stream of this channel; you must stop and restart the stream for the changes to take effect.

aws ivs update-channel \ --arn 'arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh' \ --container-format 'TS' \ --multitrack-input-configuration '{"enabled": false}'


{ "channel": { ""arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:channel/abcdABCDefgh", "containerFormat": "TS", "name": "test-channel-with-multitrack", "latencyMode": "LOW", "multitrackInputConfiguration": { "enabled": false, "maximumResolution": "FULL_HD", "policy": "ALLOW" }, "type": "STANDARD", "playbackRestrictionPolicyArn": "", "recordingConfigurationArn": "", "srt": { "endpoint": "", "passphrase": "AB1C2defGHijkLMNo3PqQRstUvwxyzaCBDEfghh4ijklMN5opqrStuVWxyzAbCDEfghIJ" }, "ingestEndpoint": "", "insecureIngest": false, "playbackUrl": "", "preset": "", "authorized": false, "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Undesired Content and Viewers in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.

  • For API details, see UpdateChannel in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-playback-restriction-policy.


To update a playback restriction policy

The following update-playback-restriction-policy example updates the playback restriction policy with the specified policy ARN to disable strict origin enforcement. This does not affect an ongoing stream of the associated channel; you must stop and restart the stream for the changes to take effect.

aws ivs update-playback-restriction-policy \ --arn "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ" \ --no-enable-strict-origin-enforcement


{ "playbackRestrictionPolicy": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789012:playback-restriction-policy/ABcdef34ghIJ", "allowedCountries": [ "US", "MX" ], "allowedOrigins": [ "", "" ], "enableStrictOriginEnforcement": false, "name": "test-playback-restriction-policy", "tags": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } } }

For more information, see Undesired Content and Viewers in the IVS Low-Latency User Guide.