AWS Support examples using AWS CLI - AWS Command Line Interface

This documentation is for Version 1 of the AWS CLI only. For documentation related to Version 2 of the AWS CLI, see the Version 2 User Guide.

AWS Support examples using AWS CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Command Line Interface with AWS Support.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use add-attachments-to-set.


To add an attachment to a set

The following add-attachments-to-set example adds an image to a set that you can then specify for a support case in your AWS account.

aws support add-attachments-to-set \ --attachment-set-id "as-2f5a6faa2a4a1e600-mu-nk5xQlBr70-G1cUos5LZkd38KOAHZa9BMDVzNEXAMPLE" \ --attachments fileName=troubleshoot-screenshot.png,data=base64-encoded-string


{ "attachmentSetId": "as-2f5a6faa2a4a1e600-mu-nk5xQlBr70-G1cUos5LZkd38KOAHZa9BMDVzNEXAMPLE", "expiryTime": "2020-05-14T17:04:40.790+0000" }

For more information, see Case management in the AWS Support User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use add-communication-to-case.


To add communication to a case

The following add-communication-to-case example adds communications to a support case in your AWS account.

aws support add-communication-to-case \ --case-id "case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47" \ --communication-body "I'm attaching a set of images to this case." \ --cc-email-addresses "" \ --attachment-set-id "as-2f5a6faa2a4a1e600-mu-nk5xQlBr70-G1cUos5LZkd38KOAHZa9BMDVzNEXAMPLE"


{ "result": true }

For more information, see Case management in the AWS Support User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-case.


To create a case

The following create-case example creates a support case for your AWS account.

aws support create-case \ --category-code "using-aws" \ --cc-email-addresses "" \ --communication-body "I want to learn more about an AWS service." \ --issue-type "technical" \ --language "en" \ --service-code "general-info" \ --severity-code "low" \ --subject "Question about my account"


{ "caseId": "case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47" }

For more information, see Case management in the AWS Support User Guide.

  • For API details, see CreateCase in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use describe-attachment.


To describe an attachment

The following describe-attachment example returns information about the attachment with the specified ID.

aws support describe-attachment \ --attachment-id "attachment-KBnjRNrePd9D6Jx0-Mm00xZuDEaL2JAj_0-gJv9qqDooTipsz3V1Nb19rCfkZneeQeDPgp8X1iVJyHH7UuhZDdNeqGoduZsPrAhyMakqlc60-iJjL5HqyYGiT1FG8EXAMPLE"


{ "attachment": { "fileName": "troubleshoot-screenshot.png", "data": "base64-blob" } }

For more information, see Case management in the AWS Support User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use describe-cases.


To describe a case

The following describe-cases example returns information about the specified support case in your AWS account.

aws support describe-cases \ --display-id "1234567890" \ --after-time "2020-03-23T21:31:47.774Z" \ --include-resolved-cases \ --language "en" \ --no-include-communications \ --max-item 1


{ "cases": [ { "status": "resolved", "ccEmailAddresses": [], "timeCreated": "2020-03-23T21:31:47.774Z", "caseId": "case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47", "severityCode": "low", "language": "en", "categoryCode": "using-aws", "serviceCode": "general-info", "submittedBy": "", "displayId": "1234567890", "subject": "Question about my account" } ] }

For more information, see Case management in the AWS Support User Guide.

  • For API details, see DescribeCases in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use describe-communications.


To describe the latest communication for a case

The following describe-communications example returns the latest communication for the specified support case in your AWS account.

aws support describe-communications \ --case-id "case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47" \ --after-time "2020-03-23T21:31:47.774Z" \ --max-item 1


{ "communications": [ { "body": "I want to learn more about an AWS service.", "attachmentSet": [], "caseId": "case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47", "timeCreated": "2020-05-12T23:12:35.000Z", "submittedBy": "Amazon Web Services" } ], "NextToken": "eyJuZXh0VG9rZW4iOiBudWxsLCAiYm90b190cnVuY2F0ZV9hbW91bnQEXAMPLE==" }

For more information, see Case management in the AWS Support User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use describe-services.


To list AWS services and service categories

The following describe-services example lists the available service categories for requesting general information.

aws support describe-services \ --service-code-list "general-info"


{ "services": [ { "code": "general-info", "name": "General Info and Getting Started", "categories": [ { "code": "charges", "name": "How Will I Be Charged?" }, { "code": "gdpr-queries", "name": "Data Privacy Query" }, { "code": "reserved-instances", "name": "Reserved Instances" }, { "code": "resource", "name": "Where is my Resource?" }, { "code": "using-aws", "name": "Using AWS & Services" }, { "code": "free-tier", "name": "Free Tier" }, { "code": "security-and-compliance", "name": "Security & Compliance" }, { "code": "account-structure", "name": "Account Structure" } ] } ] }

For more information, see Case management in the AWS Support User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use describe-severity-levels.


To list the available severity levels

The following describe-severity-levels example lists the available severity levels for a support case.

aws support describe-severity-levels


{ "severityLevels": [ { "code": "low", "name": "Low" }, { "code": "normal", "name": "Normal" }, { "code": "high", "name": "High" }, { "code": "urgent", "name": "Urgent" }, { "code": "critical", "name": "Critical" } ] }

For more information, see Choosing a severity in the AWS Support User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use describe-trusted-advisor-check-refresh-statuses.


To list the refresh statuses of AWS Trusted Advisor checks

The following describe-trusted-advisor-check-refresh-statuses example lists the refresh statuses for two Trusted Advisor checks: Amazon S3 Bucket Permissions and IAM Use.

aws support describe-trusted-advisor-check-refresh-statuses \ --check-id "Pfx0RwqBli" "zXCkfM1nI3"


{ "statuses": [ { "checkId": "Pfx0RwqBli", "status": "none", "millisUntilNextRefreshable": 0 }, { "checkId": "zXCkfM1nI3", "status": "none", "millisUntilNextRefreshable": 0 } ] }

For more information, see AWS Trusted Advisor in the AWS Support User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use describe-trusted-advisor-check-result.


To list the results of an AWS Trusted Advisor check

The following describe-trusted-advisor-check-result example lists the results of the IAM Use check.

aws support describe-trusted-advisor-check-result \ --check-id "zXCkfM1nI3"


{ "result": { "checkId": "zXCkfM1nI3", "timestamp": "2020-05-13T21:38:05Z", "status": "ok", "resourcesSummary": { "resourcesProcessed": 1, "resourcesFlagged": 0, "resourcesIgnored": 0, "resourcesSuppressed": 0 }, "categorySpecificSummary": { "costOptimizing": { "estimatedMonthlySavings": 0.0, "estimatedPercentMonthlySavings": 0.0 } }, "flaggedResources": [ { "status": "ok", "resourceId": "47DEQpj8HBSa-_TImW-5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZEXAMPLE", "isSuppressed": false } ] } }

For more information, see AWS Trusted Advisor in the AWS Support User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use describe-trusted-advisor-check-summaries.


To list the summaries of AWS Trusted Advisor checks

The following describe-trusted-advisor-check-summaries example lists the results for two Trusted Advisor checks: Amazon S3 Bucket Permissions and IAM Use.

aws support describe-trusted-advisor-check-summaries \ --check-ids "Pfx0RwqBli" "zXCkfM1nI3"


{ "summaries": [ { "checkId": "Pfx0RwqBli", "timestamp": "2020-05-13T21:38:12Z", "status": "ok", "hasFlaggedResources": true, "resourcesSummary": { "resourcesProcessed": 44, "resourcesFlagged": 0, "resourcesIgnored": 0, "resourcesSuppressed": 0 }, "categorySpecificSummary": { "costOptimizing": { "estimatedMonthlySavings": 0.0, "estimatedPercentMonthlySavings": 0.0 } } }, { "checkId": "zXCkfM1nI3", "timestamp": "2020-05-13T21:38:05Z", "status": "ok", "hasFlaggedResources": true, "resourcesSummary": { "resourcesProcessed": 1, "resourcesFlagged": 0, "resourcesIgnored": 0, "resourcesSuppressed": 0 }, "categorySpecificSummary": { "costOptimizing": { "estimatedMonthlySavings": 0.0, "estimatedPercentMonthlySavings": 0.0 } } } ] }

For more information, see AWS Trusted Advisor in the AWS Support User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use describe-trusted-advisor-checks.


To list the available AWS Trusted Advisor checks

The following describe-trusted-advisor-checks example lists the available Trusted Advisor checks in your AWS account. This information includes the check name, ID, description, category, and metadata. Note that the output is shortened for readability.

aws support describe-trusted-advisor-checks \ --language "en"


{ "checks": [ { "id": "zXCkfM1nI3", "name": "IAM Use", "description": "Checks for your use of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). You can use IAM to create users, groups, and roles in AWS, and you can use permissions to control access to AWS resources. \n<br>\n<br>\n<b>Alert Criteria</b><br>\nYellow: No IAM users have been created for this account.\n<br>\n<br>\n<b>Recommended Action</b><br>\nCreate one or more IAM users and groups in your account. You can then create additional users whose permissions are limited to perform specific tasks in your AWS environment. For more information, see <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Getting Started</a>. \n<br><br>\n<b>Additional Resources</b><br>\n<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">What Is IAM?</a>", "category": "security", "metadata": [] } ] }

For more information, see AWS Trusted Advisor in the AWS Support User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use refresh-trusted-advisor-check.


To refresh an AWS Trusted Advisor check

The following refresh-trusted-advisor-check example refreshes the Amazon S3 Bucket Permissions Trusted Advisor check in your AWS account.

aws support refresh-trusted-advisor-check \ --check-id "Pfx0RwqBli"


{ "status": { "checkId": "Pfx0RwqBli", "status": "enqueued", "millisUntilNextRefreshable": 3599992 } }

For more information, see AWS Trusted Advisor in the AWS Support User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use resolve-case.


To resolve a support case

The following resolve-case example resolves a support case in your AWS account.

aws support resolve-case \ --case-id "case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47"


{ "finalCaseStatus": "resolved", "initialCaseStatus": "work-in-progress" }

For more information, see Case management in the AWS Support User Guide.

  • For API details, see ResolveCase in AWS CLI Command Reference.