Configuration options for debugging serverless applications - AWS Cloud9

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Configuration options for debugging serverless applications

With inline actions, you can easily find and define properties for invoking Lambda functions directly or with the SAM template. You can also define properties for "lambda" (how the function runs), "sam" (how the AWS SAM CLI builds the application), and "aws" (how AWS connection information is provided).

AWS SAM: Direct Lambda handler invoke / Template-based Lambda invoke
Property Description


Specifies which extension manages the launch configuration. Always set to aws-sam to use the AWS SAM CLI to build and debug locally.


Specifies a reader-friendly name to appear in the Debug launch configuration list.


Specifies the type of configuration to be performed by the designated extension (aws-sam). Always set to direct-invoke to start the Lambda function.


Specifies the entry point for invoking the resource.

For invoking the Lambda function directly, set values for the following invokeTarget fields:

  • target – Set to code.

  • lambdaHandler – The name of the Lambda function handler to invoke.

  • projectRoot – The path for the application file containing the Lambda handler.

For invoking the Lambda resources with the SAM template, set values for the following invokeTarget fields:

  • target – Set to template.

  • templatePath – The path to the SAM template file.

  • logicalId – The resource name of the AWS::Lambda::Function or AWS::Serverless::Function to invoke. You can find the resource name in the YAML-formatted SAM template.

Lambda ("lambda") properties
Property Description


Passes operational parameters to your function. For example, if you're writing to an Amazon S3 bucket, configure the bucket name as an environment variable. Do not hard code the bucket name that you're writing to.


Provides two options for the event payload that you provide to your Lambda function as input.

  • "json": JSON-formatted key-value pairs that define the event payload.

  • "path": A path to the file that's used as the event payload.


Specifies megabytes of memory provided for running an invoked Lambda function.


Specifies the runtime used by the Lambda function. For more information, see AWS Lambda runtimes.


Sets the time allowed, in seconds, before the debug session times out.

The AWS Toolkit extension uses the AWS SAM CLI to build and debug serverless applications locally. You can configure the behavior of AWS SAM CLI commands using properties of the "sam" configuration in the launch.json file.

AWS SAM CLI ("sam") properties
Property Description Default value


Configures how the sam build command builds your Lambda source code. To view build options, see sam build in the AWS Serverless Application Model Developer Guide.

Empty string


Indicates whether to build your function inside an AWS Lambda-like Docker container.



Specifies the name or ID of an existing Docker network that the Lambda Docker containers should connect to, along with the default bridge network. If not specified, the Lambda containers only connect to the default bridge Docker network.

Empty string


Additional local invoke arguments.

Empty string


Specifies whether the command should skip pulling down the latest Docker image for Lambda runtime.



Customizes your SAM template by using parameters to input customer values to it. For more information, see Parameters in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.


AWS connection ("aws") properties
Property Description Default value


Selects a specific profile (for example, profile:default) from your credential file to get AWS credentials.

The AWS credentials provided by your existing shared AWS config file or shared AWS credentials file.


Sets the AWS Region of the service (for example, us-east-1).

The default AWS Region associated with the active credentials profile.