AWS Cloud9 is no longer available to new customers. Existing customers of
AWS Cloud9 can continue to use the service as normal.
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Customize your user settings
These sections describe the kinds of user settings that you can change in the User Settings pane on the Preferences tab:
- Reset to Factory Settings
If you choose the Reset to Default button, AWS Cloud9 resets all of your user settings to the AWS Cloud9 default user settings. To confirm, choose Reset settings.
You can't undo this action.
- Warn Before Exiting
Whenever you attempt to close the IDE, AWS Cloud9 asks you to confirm that you want to exit.
User interface
- Enable UI Animations
AWS Cloud9 uses animations in the IDE.
- Use an Asterisk (*) to Mark Changed Tabs
AWS Cloud9 adds an asterisk (*) to tabs that have changes but their content isn't saved yet.
- Display Title of Active Tab as Browser Title
AWS Cloud9 changes the title of the associated web browser tab to the title of the active tab (for example, Untitled1, hello.js, Terminal, Preferences).
- Automatically Close Empty Panes
Whenever you reload an environment, AWS Cloud9 automatically closes any panes it considers are empty.
- Environment Files Icon and Selection Style
The icon AWS Cloud9 uses for environment files, and the file selection behaviors AWS Cloud9 uses.
Valid values include:
Default – AWS Cloud9 uses default icons and default file selection behaviors.
Alternative – AWS Cloud9 uses alternative icons and alternative file selection behaviors.
- Disable collaboration security warning
When a read/write member is added to an environment, AWS Cloud9 doesn't display the security warning dialog box.
- Show Authorship Info
AWS Cloud9 underlines text that's entered by other environment members with related highlights in the gutter.
Tree and Go panel
- Scope Go to Anything to Favorites
Go to File in the Go window displays results scoped only to Favorites in the Environment window.
- Enable Preview on Tree Selection
AWS Cloud9 displays the chosen file with a single click instead of a double click.
- Hidden File Pattern
The types of files for AWS Cloud9 to treat as hidden.
- Reveal Active File in Project Tree
AWS Cloud9 highlights the active file in the Environment window.
- Download Files As
The behavior for AWS Cloud9 to use when downloading files.
Valid values include the following:
auto – AWS Cloud9 downloads files without modification.
tar.gz – AWS Cloud9 downloads files as compressed TAR files.
zip – AWS Cloud9 downloads files as .zip files.
Find in Files
- Search In This Path When 'Project' Is Selected
On the find in files bar, when Project is selected for the search scope, the path to search in.
- Show Full Path in Results
Displays the full path to each matching file in the Search Results tab.
- Clear Results Before Each Search
Clears the Search Results tab of the results of any previous searches before the current search begins.
- Scroll Down as Search Results Come In
Scrolls the Search Results tab to the bottom of the list of results as search results are identified.
- Open Files when Navigating Results with (Up and Down)
As the up and down arrow keys are pressed in the Search Results tab within the list of results, opens each matching file.
Meta Data
- Maximum of Undo Stack Items in Meta Data
The maximum number of items that AWS Cloud9 keeps in its list of actions that can be undone.
- Auto-Merge Files When a Conflict Occurs
AWS Cloud9 attempts to automatically merge files whenever a merge conflict happens.
- Text Color
The color of text in Terminal tabs.
- Background Color
The background color in Terminal tabs.
- Selection Color
The color of selected text in Terminal tabs.
- Font Family
The text font style in Terminal tabs.
- Font Size
The size of text in Terminal tabs.
- Antialiased Fonts
AWS Cloud9 attempts to smooth the display of text in Terminal tabs.
- Blinking Cursor
AWS Cloud9 continuously blinks the cursor in Terminal tabs.
- Scrollback
The number of lines that you can scroll up or back through in Terminal tabs.
- Use AWS Cloud9 as the Default Editor
Uses AWS Cloud9 as the default text editor.
- Text Color
The color of text in tabs that display output.
- Background Color
The background color of text in tabs that display output.
- Selection Color
The color of selected text in tabs that display output.
- Warn Before Closing Unnamed Configuration
AWS Cloud9 prompts you to save any unsaved configuration tab before it's closed.
- Preserve log between runs
AWS Cloud9 keeps a log of all attempted runs.
Code editor (Ace)
- Auto-pair Brackets, Quotes, etc.
AWS Cloud9 attempts to add a matching closing character for each related starting character that is typed in editor tabs, such as for brackets, quotation marks, and braces.
- Wrap Selection with Brackets, Quote, etc.
AWS Cloud9 attempts to insert a matching closing character at the end of text in editor tabs after the text is selected and a related started character is typed, such as for brackets, quotation marks, and braces.
- Code Folding
AWS Cloud9 attempts to show, expand, hide, or collapse sections of code in editor tabs according to related code syntax rules.
- Fade Fold Widgets
AWS Cloud9 displays code folding controls in the gutter whenever you pause the mouse over those controls in editor tabs.
- Copy With Empty Selection
AWS Cloud9 enables you to Copy and or Cut text and this option determines if empty text will be copied to the clipboard.
- Full Line Selection
AWS Cloud9 selects an entire line that's triple-clicked in editor tabs.
- Highlight Active Line
AWS Cloud9 highlights the entire active line in editor tabs.
- Highlight Gutter Line
AWS Cloud9 highlights the location in the gutter next to the active line in editor tabs.
- Show Invisible Characters
AWS Cloud9 displays what it considers to be invisible characters in editor tabs, for example, carriage returns and line feeds, spaces, and tabs.
- Show Gutter
AWS Cloud9 displays the gutter.
- Show Line Numbers
The behavior for displaying line numbers in the gutter.
Valid values include the following:
Normal – Display line numbers.
Relative – Display line numbers relative to the active line.
None – Hide line numbers.
- Show Indent Guides
AWS Cloud9 displays guides to more easily visualize indented text in editor tabs.
- Highlight Selected Word
AWS Cloud9 selects an entire word that's double-clicked in an editor tab.
- Scroll Past the End of the Document
The behavior for allowing the user to scroll past the end of the current file in editor tabs.
Valid values include the following:
Off – Do not allow any scrolling past the end of the current file.
Half Editor Height – Allow scrolling past the end of the current file to up to half the editor's screen height.
Full Editor Height – Allow scrolling past the end of the current file to up to the editor's full screen height.
- Animate Scrolling
AWS Cloud9 applies animation behaviors during scrolling actions in editor tabs.
- Font Family
The style of font to use in editor tabs.
- Font Size
The size of the font to use in editor tabs.
- Antialiased Fonts
AWS Cloud9 attempts to smooth the display of text in editor tabs.
- Show Print Margin
Displays a vertical line in editor tabs after the specified character location.
- Mouse Scroll Speed
The relative speed of mouse scrolling in editor tabs. Larger values result in faster scrolling.
- Cursor Style
The style and behavior of the pointer in editor tabs.
Valid values include:
Ace – Display the pointer as a vertical bar that is relatively wider than Slim.
Slim – Display the pointer as a relatively slim vertical bar.
Smooth – Display the pointer as a vertical bar that is relatively wider than Slim and that blinks more smoothly than Slim.
Smooth and Slim – Display the pointer as a relatively slim vertical bar that blinks more smoothly than Slim.
Wide – Display the pointer as a relatively wide vertical bar.
Merge Undo Deltas
Always – Allow merge conflicts to be reverted.
Never – Never allow merge conflicts to be reverted.
Timed – Allow merge conflicts to be reverted after a specific period.
- Enable Wrapping For New Documents
AWS Cloud9 wraps code in new files.
- Complete As You Type
AWS Cloud9 attempts to display possible text completions as you type.
- Complete On Enter
AWS Cloud9 attempts to display possible text completions after you press Enter.
- Highlight Variable Under Cursor
AWS Cloud9 highlights all references in code to the selected variable.
- Use Cmd-Click for Jump to Definition
AWS Cloud9 goes to any original definition for code that's selected while pressing and holding Command for Mac or Ctrl for Windows.
Hints and warnings
- Enable Hints and Warnings
AWS Cloud9 displays applicable hint and warning messages.
- Show Available Quick Fixes on Click
AWS Cloud9 displays a tool tip with refactoring suggestions when you click on a keyword within your code.
- Ignore Messages Matching Regex
AWS Cloud9 doesn't display any messages that match the specified regular expression. For more information, see Writing a regular expression pattern
in the JavaScript Regular Expressions topic on the Mozilla Developer Network.
Run and debug
- Save All Unsaved Tabs Before Running
Before running the associated code, AWS Cloud9 attempts to save all unsaved files with open tabs.
- Preview Running Apps
AWS Cloud9 attempts to display a preview of the output for the code in the active tab whenever the Preview button is chosen.
- Default Previewer
The format AWS Cloud9 uses to preview code output.
Valid values include:
Raw – Attempt to display code output in a plain format.
Browser – Attempt to display code output in a format that's preferred for web browsers.
- When Saving Reload Previewer
The behavior AWS Cloud9 uses for previewing code output whenever a code file is saved.
Valid values include the following:
Only on Ctrl-Enter – Attempt to preview code output whenever Ctrl+Enter is pressed for the current code tab.
Always – Attempt to preview code output whenever a code file is saved.
- Automatically Build Supported Files
AWS Cloud9 attempts to automatically build the current code if a build action is started and the code is in a supported format.