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A shared environment is an AWS Cloud9 development environment that multiple users were invited to participate in. This topic provides instructions for sharing an environment in AWS Cloud9 and how to participate in a shared environment.
To invite a user to participate in an environment that you own, follow one of these sets of procedures. Choose based on the type of user that you want to invite.
If you are a user in the same AWS account as the environment you should Invite a User in the Same Account as the Environment.
If you are an AWS Cloud9 administrator in the same AWS account as the environment, specifically the AWS account root user, an administrator user or a user with the AWS managed policy
attached, then you should invite the AWS Cloud9 administrator yourself, see Invite a User in the Same Account as the Environment, or have the AWS Cloud9 administrator invite themself (or others in the same AWS account), see Have an AWS Cloud9 Administrator in the Same Account as the Environment Invite Themself or Others.
Shared Environment use cases
A shared environment is good for the following use cases:
Pair programming (also known as peer programming): This is where two users work together on the same code in a single environment. In pair programming, typically one user writes code while the other user observes the code being written. The observer gives immediate input and feedback to the code writer. These positions frequently switch during a project. Without a shared environment, teams of pair programmers typically sit in front of a single machine. Only one user at a time can write code. With a shared environment, both users can sit in front of their own machine. Moreover, they can write code at the same time, even if they are in different physical offices.
Computer science classes: This is useful when teachers or teaching assistants want to access a student's environment. Doing so can be for review a student's homework or fix issues with their environment in real time. Students can also work together with their classmates on shared homework projects, writing code together in a single environment in real time. They can do this even though they might be in different locations using different computer operating systems and web browser types.
Any other situation where multiple users need to collaborate on the same code in real time.
About environment member access roles
Before you share an environment or participate in a shared environment in AWS Cloud9, you should understand the access permission levels for a shared environment. We call these permission levels environment member access roles.
A shared environment in AWS Cloud9 offers three environment member access roles: owner, read/write, and read-only.
An owner has full control over an environment. Each environment has one and only one owner, who is the environment creator. An owner can do the following actions.
Add, change, and remove members for the environment
Open, view, and edit files
Run code
Change environment settings
Chat with other members
Delete existing chat messages
In the AWS Cloud9 IDE, an environment owner is displayed with Read+Write access.
A read/write member can do the following actions.
Open, view, and edit files
Run code
Change various environment settings from within the AWS Cloud9 IDE
Chat with other members
Delete existing chat messages
In the AWS Cloud9 IDE, read/write members are displayed with Read+Write access.
A read-only member can do the following actions.
Open and view files
Chat with other members
Delete existing chat messages
In the AWS Cloud9 IDE, read-only members are displayed with Read Only access.
Before a user can become an environment owner or member, that user must meet one of the following criteria.
The user is an AWS account root user.
The user is an administrator user. For more information, see Creating Your First IAM Admin User and Group in the IAM User Guide.
The user is a user who belongs to an IAM group, a user who assumes a role, or a federated user who assumes a role, and that group or role has the AWS managed policy
, to be a member only) attached. For more information, see AWS Managed (Predefined) Policies.-
To attach one of the preceding managed policies to an IAM group, you can use the AWS Management Console or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) as described in the following procedures.
You can create a role in IAM with one of the preceding managed policies for a user or a federated user to assume. For more information, see Creating Roles in the IAM User Guide. To have a user or a federated user assume the role, see coverage of assuming roles in Using IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide.
Attach an AWS managed policy for AWS Cloud9 to a group using the console
The following procedure outlines how to attach an AWS managed policy for AWS Cloud9 to a group using the console.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console, if you are not already signed in.
For this step, we recommend you sign in using IAM administrator-level credentials in your AWS account. If you can't do this, check with your AWS account administrator.
Open the IAM console. To do this, in the console navigation bar, choose Services. Then choose IAM.
Choose Groups.
Choose the name of the group.
On the Permissions tab, for Managed Policies, choose Attach Policy.
In the list of policy names, choose one of the following boxes.
AWSCloud9User (preferred) or AWSCloud9Administrator to enable each user in the group to be an environment owner
AWSCloud9EnvironmentMember to enable each user in the group to be a member only
(If you don't see one of these policy names in the list, type the policy name in the Search box to display it.)
Choose Attach policy.
Attach an AWS managed policy for AWS Cloud9 to a group using the AWS CLI
If you're using AWS managed temporary credentials, you can't use a terminal session in the AWS Cloud9 IDE to run some or all of the commands in this section. To address AWS security best practices, AWS managed temporary credentials don’t allow some commands to be run. Instead, you can run those commands from a separate installation of the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
Run the IAM attach-group-policy
command to attach the AWS managed
policy for AWS Cloud9 to the group. Specify the group name and the Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
of the policy:
aws iam attach-group-policy --group-name MyGroup --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/POLICY_NAME
In the preceding command, replace MyGroup
with the name of the group.
with the name of one of the following AWS managed
(preferred) orAWSCloud9Administrator
to enable each user in the group to be an environment owner -
to enable each user in the group to be a member only
Invite a user in the same account as the
Use the instructions in this section to share an AWS Cloud9 development environment that you own in your AWS account with a user in that same account.
Suppose that the user that you want to invite isn't one of the following types of users. Make sure the user that you want to invite already has the corresponding environment member access role. For instructions, see About Environment Member Access Roles.
The AWS account root user.
An Administrator user.
A user who belongs to an IAM group, a user who assumes a role, or a federated user who assumes a role, and that group or role has the AWS managed policy
Open the environment that you own and want to invite the user to, if the environment isn't already open.
In the menu bar in the AWS Cloud9 IDE, do one of the following.
Choose Window, Share.
Choose Share (located next to the Preferences gear icon).
In the Share this environment dialog box, for Invite Members, type one of the following.
To invite an IAM user, enter the name of the user.
To invite the AWS account root user, enter
. Replace123456789012
with your AWS account ID. -
To invite a user with an assumed role or a federated user with an assumed role, enter
. Replace123456789012
with your AWS account ID,MyAssumedRole
with the name of the assumed role. ReplaceMyAssumedRoleSession
with the session name for the assumed role.
To make this user a read-only member, choose R. To make this user read/write, choose RW.
Choose Invite.
If you make this user a read/write member, a dialog box is displayed, containing information about possibly putting your AWS security credentials at risk. The following information provides more background about this issue.
You should share an environment only with those you trust.
A read/write member may be able to use the AWS CLI, the AWS CloudShell, or AWS SDK code in your environment to take actions in AWS on your behalf. Furthermore, if you store your permanent AWS access credentials within the environment, that member could potentially copy those credentials and use them outside of the environment.
Removing your permanent AWS access credentials from your environment and using temporary AWS access credentials instead does not fully address this issue. It lessens the opportunity of the member to copy those temporary credentials and use them outside of the environment (as those temporary credentials will work only for a limited time). However, temporary credentials still enable a read/write member to take actions in AWS from the environment on your behalf.
Contact the user to let them know they can open this environment and begin using it.
Have an AWS Cloud9 administrator in the same
account as the Environment invite themself or others
If you're using AWS managed temporary credentials, you can't use a terminal session in the AWS Cloud9 IDE to run some or all of the commands in this section. To address AWS security best practices, AWS managed temporary credentials don’t allow some commands to be run. Instead, you can run those commands from a separate installation of the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
The following types of users can invite themselves (or other users in the same AWS account) to any environment in the same account.
The AWS account root user.
An administrator user.
A user who belongs to an IAM group, a user who assumes a role, or a federated user who assumes a role, and that group or role has the AWS managed policy
Suppose that the invited user isn't one of the preceding types of users. Make sure that user already has the corresponding environment member access role. For instructions, see About Environment Member Access Roles.
To invite the user, use the AWS CLI or the AWS CloudShell to run the AWS Cloud9
aws cloud9 create-environment-membership --environment-id 12a34567b8cd9012345ef67abcd890e1 --user-arn USER_ARN --permissions PERMISSION_LEVEL
In the preceding command, replace 12a34567b8cd9012345ef67abcd890e1
with the
ID of the environment. Replace PERMISSION_LEVEL
with read-write
. And, replace USER_ARN
with one of the
To invite an IAM user, enter
. Replace123456789012
with your AWS account ID and replaceMyUser
with the name of the user. -
To invite the AWS account root user, enter
. Replace123456789012
with your AWS account ID. -
To invite a user with an assumed role or a federated user with an assumed role, enter
. Replace123456789012
with your AWS account ID. ReplaceMyAssumedRole
with the name of the assumed role. And, replaceMyAssumedRoleSession
with the session name for the assumed role.
For example, to invite the AWS account root user for account ID
to an environment with ID
as a read/write member, run the following
aws cloud9 create-environment-membership --environment-id 12a34567b8cd9012345ef67abcd890e1 --user-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root --permissions read-write
If you're using the AWS CloudShell, omit the aws
prefix from the preceding