Step 2: Basic tour of the IDE - AWS Cloud9

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Step 2: Basic tour of the IDE

This part of the tutorial introduces some of the ways that you can use the AWS Cloud9 IDE to create and test applications.

  • You can use an editor window to create and edit code.

  • You can use a terminal window or a Run Configuration window to run your code without debugging it.

  • You can use the Debugger window to debug your code.

Perform these three tasks using JavaScript and the Node.js engine. For instructions on using other programming languages, see Tutorials for AWS Cloud9.

Get your environment ready

Most of the tools that you need to run and debug JavaScript code are already installed for you. However, you need one additional Node.js package for this tutorial. Install it as follows.

  1. On the menu bar at the top of the AWS Cloud9 IDE, choose Window, New Terminal or use an existing terminal window.

  2. In the terminal window, which is one of the tabs in the bottom portion of the IDE, enter the following.

    npm install readline-sync

    Verify that the result is similar to the following. If npm WARN messages are also displayed, you can ignore them.

    + readline-sync@1.4.10 added 1 package from 1 contributor and audited 5 packages in 0.565s found 0 vulnerabilities

Write code

Begin by writing some code.

  1. On the menu bar, choose File, New File.

  2. Add the following JavaScript to the new file.

    var readline = require('readline-sync'); var i = 10; var input; console.log("Hello Cloud9!"); console.log("i is " + i); do { input = readline.question("Enter a number (or 'q' to quit): "); if (input === 'q') { console.log('OK, exiting.') } else{ i += Number(input); console.log("i is now " + i); } } while (input != 'q'); console.log("Goodbye!");
  3. Choose File, Save, and then save the file as hello-cloud9.js.

Run your code

Next, you can run your code.

Depending on the programming language that you're using, there might be multiple ways that you can run code. This tutorial uses JavaScript, which you can run using a terminal window or a Run Configuration window.

To run the code using a Run Configuration window
  1. On the menu bar, choose Run, Run Configurations, New Run Configuration.

  2. In the new Run Configuration window (one of the tabs in the bottom portion of the IDE), enter hello-cloud9.js in the Command field, and then choose Run.

  3. Make sure that the Run Configuration prompt is active, and then interact with the application by entering a number at the prompt.

  4. View the output from your code in the Run Configuration window. It is similar to the following.

Run code in a Run Configuration.
To run the code using a terminal window
  1. Go to the terminal window that you used earlier (or open a new one).

  2. In the terminal window, enter ls at the terminal prompt, and verify that your code file is in the list of files.

  3. Enter node hello-cloud9.js at the prompt to start the application.

  4. Interact with the application by entering a number at the prompt.

  5. View the output from your code in the terminal window. It is similar to the following.

Run code in a Run Configuration.

Debug your code

Finally, you can debug your code by using the Debugger window.

  1. Add a breakpoint to your code at line 10 (if (input === 'q')) by choosing the margin next to line 10. A red circle is displayed next to that line number, as follows.

    Adding a breakpoint to the code.
  2. Open the Debugger window by choosing the Debugger button on the right side of the IDE. Alternatively, choose Window, Debugger on the menu bar.

    Then, put a watch on the input variable by choosing Type an expression here in the Watch Expressions section of the Debugger window.

    Debugger window, set watch
  3. Go to the Run Configuration window that you used earlier to run the code. Choose Run.

    Alternately, you can open a new Run Configuration window and start running the code. Do so by choosing Run, Run With, Node.js from the menu bar.

  4. Enter a number at the Run Configuration prompt and see that the code pauses at line 10. The Debugger window shows the value that you entered in Watch Expressions.

    Program stops at breakpoint
  5. In the Debugger window, choose Resume. This is the blue arrow icon that's highlighted in the previous screenshot.

  6. Select Stop in the Run Configuration window to stop the debugger.

    Deleting an environment in the environment details page

Next Step

Step 3: Clean up