Generate a quorum token using CloudHSM CLI - AWS CloudHSM

Generate a quorum token using CloudHSM CLI

Use the quorum token-sign generate command in CloudHSM CLI to generate a token for a quorum authorized service.

There is a limit to obtaining one active token per user per service on an HSM cluster for services user and quorum.


Only admins can generate a service token.

Admin Services: Quorum authentication is used for admin privileged services like creating users, deleting users, changing user passwords, setting quorum values, and deactivating quorum and MFA capabilities.

Each service type is further broken down into a qualifying service name, which contains a specific set of quorum supported service operations that can be performed.

Service name Service type Service operations
user Admin
  • user create

  • user delete

  • user change-password

  • user change-mfa

quorum Admin
  • quorum token-sign set-quorum-value

cluster1 Admin
  • cluster mtls register-trust-anchor

  • cluster mtls deregister-trust-anchor

  • cluster mtls set-enforcement

[1] Cluster service is exclusively available on hsm2m.medium

User type

The following users can run this command.

  • Admin

  • Crypto user (CU)


aws-cloudhsm > help quorum token-sign generate Generate a token Usage: quorum token-sign generate --service <SERVICE> --token <TOKEN> Options: --cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID> Unique Id to choose which of the clusters in the config file to run the operation against. If not provided, will fall back to the value provided when interactive mode was started, or error --service <SERVICE> Service the token will be used for Possible values: - user: User management service is used for executing quorum authenticated user management operations - quorum: Quorum management service is used for setting quorum values for any quorum service - cluster: Cluster management service is used for executing quorum for cluster wide configuration managements like mtls enforcement, mtls registration and mtls deregistration - registration: Registration service is used for registering a public key for quorum authentication --token <TOKEN> Filepath where the unsigned token file will be written -h, --help Print help


This command will write one unsigned token per HSM in your cluster to the file specified by token.

Example : Write one unsigned token per HSM in your cluster
aws-cloudhsm > quorum token-sign generate --service user --token /home/tfile { "error_code": 0, "data": { "filepath": "/home/tfile" } }



The ID of the cluster to run this operation on.

Required: If multiple clusters have been configured.


Specifies the quorum authorized service for which to generate a token. This parameter is required.

Valid values

  • user: The user management service that is used for executing quorum authorized user management operations.

  • quorum: The quorum management service that is used for setting quorum authorized quorum values for any quorum authorized service.

  • cluster: The cluster management service that is used for executing quorum for cluster wide configuration managements like mtls enforcement, mtls registration and mtls deregistration.

  • registration: Generates an unsigned token for use in registering a public key for quorum authorization.

Required: Yes


Filepath where the unsigned token file will be written.

Required: Yes

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