The quorum category in CloudHSM CLI - AWS CloudHSM

The quorum category in CloudHSM CLI

In the CloudHSM CLI, quorum is a parent category for a group of commands that, when combined with quorum, creates a command specific to quorum authentication, or M of N operations. Currently, this category consists of the token-sign sub-category which consists of its own commands. Click the link below for details.

Admin Services: Quorum authentication is used for admin privileged services like creating users, deleting users, changing user passwords, setting quorum values, and deactivating quorum and MFA capabilities.

Crypto User Services: Quorum authentication is used for crypto-user privileged services associated with a specific key like signing with a key, sharing/unsharing a key, wrapping/unwrapping a key, and setting a key's attribute. The quorum value of an associated key is configured when the key is generated, imported, or unwrapped. The quorum value must be equal to or less than the number of users that the key is associated with, which includes users that the key is shared with and the key owner.

Each service type is further broken down into a qualifying service name, which contains a specific set of quorum supported service operations that can be performed.

Service name Service type Service operations
user Admin
  • user create

  • user delete

  • user change-password

  • user change-mfa

quorum Admin
  • quorum token-sign set-quorum-value

cluster1 Admin
  • cluster mtls register-trust-anchor

  • cluster mtls deregister-trust-anchor

  • cluster mtls set-enforcement

key-management Crypto User
  • key wrap

  • key unwrap

  • key share

  • key unshare

  • key set-attribute

key-usage Crypto User
  • key sign

[1] Cluster service is exclusively available on hsm2m.medium

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