In addition to the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) that you use for managing your AWS resources, AWS CloudHSM offers command-line tools for creating and managing hardware security module (HSM) users and keys on your HSMs. In AWS CloudHSM, you use the familiar CLI to manage your cluster, and the CloudHSM command-line tools to manage your HSM.
These are the various command-line tools:
- To manage HSMs and clusters
CloudHSMv2 commands in AWS CLI and HSM2 PowerShell cmdlets in the AWSPowerShell module
These tools get, create, delete, and tag AWS CloudHSM clusters and HSMs:
To use the commands in CloudHSMv2 commands in CLI, you need to install and configure AWS CLI.
HSM2 PowerShell cmdlets in the AWSPowerShell module
are available in a Windows PowerShell module and a cross-platform PowerShell Core module.
- To manage HSM users
Use CloudHSM CLI to create users, delete users, list users, change user passwords, and update user multi-factor authentication (MFA). It is not included in the AWS CloudHSM client software. For guidance on installing this tool, see Install and configure CloudHSM CLI.
- Helper Tools
Two tools help you to use AWS CloudHSM tools and software libraries:
The configure tool updates your CloudHSM client configuration files. This allows AWS CloudHSM to synchronize the HSMs in a cluster.
AWS CloudHSM offers two major versions, and Client SDK 5 is the latest. It offers a variety of advantages over Client SDK 3 (the previous series).
pkpspeed measures the performance of your HSM hardware independent of software libraries.
- Tools for previous SDKs
Use the key management tool (KMU) create, delete, import, and export symmetric keys and asymmetric key pairs:
key_mgmt_util. This tool is included in the AWS CloudHSM client software.
Use the CloudHSM management tool (CMU) to create and delete HSM users, including implementing quorum authentication of user management tasks
cloudhsm_mgmt_util. This tool is included in the AWS CloudHSM client software.
The following topics further describe the command-line tools available for managing and using AWS CloudHSM.