Install the Key storage provider (KSP) for AWS CloudHSM Client SDK 5
Use the following sections to install the Key storage provider (KSP) for AWS CloudHSM Client SDK 5.
To run a single HSM cluster with Client SDK 5, you must first manage
client key durability settings by setting
to True
For more information, see Key
Synchronization and Client SDK 5 Configure Tool.
To install and configure the Key Storage Provider (KSP)
Install the Key Storage Provider (KSP) for Windows Server on x86_64 architecture, open PowerShell as an administrator and run the following command:
PS C:\>
wget -Outfile C:\AWSCloudHSMKSP-latest.msi
PS C:\>
Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList '/i C:\AWSCloudHSMKSP-latest.msi /quiet /norestart /log C:\client-install.txt' -Wait
Use the configure tool to specify the location of the issuing certificate. For instructions, see Specify the location of the issuing certificate.
To connect to your cluster, see Bootstrap the Client SDK.
You can find the Key Storage Provider (KSP) files in the following locations:
Windows binaries:
C:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM
Windows configuration scripts and log files: