Interpreting PKCS #11 library error codes for AWS CloudHSM Client SDK 3 - AWS CloudHSM

Interpreting PKCS #11 library error codes for AWS CloudHSM Client SDK 3

Specifying in the template a PKCS #11 library attribute that is not supported by a specific key results in an error. The following table contains error codes that are generated when you violate specifications:

Error Code Description
CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT You receive this error when you specify an attribute in the attribute template, where the attribute complies with the PKCS #11 specification, but is not supported by CloudHSM.
CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID You receive this error when you retrieve value for an attribute, which complies with the PKCS #11 specification, but is not supported by CloudHSM.
CKR_ATTRIBUTE_INCOMPLETE You receive this error when you do not specify the mandatory attribute in the attribute template.
CKR_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY You receive this error when you specify a read-only attribute in the attribute template.