Getting started using the console - CodeArtifact

Getting started using the console

Run the following steps to get started with CodeArtifact using the AWS Management Console. This guide uses the npm package manager, if you are using a different package manager, you will need to modify some of the following steps.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS CodeArtifact console at For more information, see Setting up with AWS CodeArtifact.

  2. Choose Create repository.

  3. In Repository name, enter my-repo.

  4. (Optional) In Repository Description, enter an optional description for your repository.

  5. In Public upstream repositories, select npm-store to create a repository connected to npmjs that is upstream from your my-repo repository.

    CodeArtifact assigns the name npm-store to this repository for you. All packages available in the upstream repository npm-store are also available to its downstream repository, my-repo.

  6. Choose Next.

  7. In AWS account, choose This AWS account.

  8. In Domain name, enter my-domain.

  9. Expand Additional configuration.

  10. You must use an AWS KMS key (KMS key) to encrypt all assets in your domain. You can use an AWS managed key or a KMS key that you manage:

    • Choose AWS managed key if you want to use the default AWS managed key.

    • Choose Customer managed key if you want to use a KMS key that you manage. To use a KMS key that you manage, in Customer managed key ARN, search for and choose the KMS key.

    For more information, see AWS managed key and Customer managed key in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

  11. Choose Next.

  12. In Review and create, review what CodeArtifact is creating for you.

    • Package flow shows how my-domain, my-repo, and npm-store are related.

    • Step 1: Create repository shows details about my-repo and npm-store.

    • Step 2: Select domain shows details about my-domain.

    When you're ready, choose Create repository.

  13. On the my-repo page, choose View connection instructions, and then choose npm.

  14. Use the AWS CLI to run the login command shown under Configure your npm client using this AWS CLI CodeArtifact command.

    aws codeartifact login --tool npm --repository my-repo --domain my-domain --domain-owner 111122223333

    You should receive output confirming your login succeeded.

    Successfully configured npm to use AWS CodeArtifact repository Login expires in 12 hours at 2020-10-08 02:45:33-04:00

    If you receive the error Could not connect to the endpoint URL, make sure that your AWS CLI is configured and that your Default region name is set to the same Region where you created your repository, see Configuring the AWS Command Line Interface.

    For more information, see Configure and use npm with CodeArtifact

  15. Use the npm CLI to install an npm package. For example, to install the popular npm package lodash, use the following command.

    npm install lodash
  16. Return to the CodeArtifact console. If your my-repo repository is open, refresh the page. Otherwise, in the navigation pane, choose Repositories, and then choose my-repo.

    Under Packages, you should see the npm library, or package, that you installed. You can choose the name of the package to view its version and status. You can choose its latest version to view package details such as dependencies, assets, and more.


    There may be a delay between when you install the package and when it is ingested into your repository.

  17. To avoid further AWS charges, delete the resources that you used during this tutorial:


    You cannot delete a domain that contains repositories, so you must delete my-repo and npm-store before you delete my-domain.

    1. From the navigation pane, choose Repositories.

    2. Choose npm-store, choose Delete, and then follow the steps to delete the repository.

    3. Choose my-repo, choose Delete, and then follow the steps to delete the repository.

    4. From the navigation pane, choose Domains.

    5. Choose my-domain, choose Delete, and then follow the steps to delete the domain.