View or edit a package group - CodeArtifact

View or edit a package group

You can view a list of all package groups, view details of a specific package group, or edit a package group's details or configuration using the CodeArtifact console or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

View or edit a package group (console)

  1. Open the AWS CodeArtifact console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Domains, and then choose the domain that contains the package group you want to view or edit.

  3. Choose Package groups, and choose the package group you want to view or edit.

  4. In Details, view information about the package group including its parent group, description, ARN, contact email, and package origin controls.

  5. In Subgroups, view a list of package groups that have this group as a parent group. The package groups in this list can inherit settings from this package group. For more information, see Package group hierarchy and pattern specificity.

  6. In Packages, view the packages that belong to this package group based on the package group definition. In the Strength column, you can see the strength of the package association. For more information, see Package group hierarchy and pattern specificity.

  7. To edit package group information, choose Edit package group.

    1. In Information, update the package group's description or contact information. You cannot edit a package group's definition.

    2. In Package group origin controls, update the package group's origin control settings, which determine how associated packages can enter repositories in the domain. For more information, see Package group origin controls.

View or edit a package group (AWS CLI)

Use the following commands to view or edit package groups with the AWS CLI. If you haven't, configure the AWS CLI by following the steps in Setting up with AWS CodeArtifact.

To view all package groups in a domain, use the list-package-groups command.

aws codeartifact list-package-groups \ --domain my_domain \ --domain-owner 111122223333

To view details about a package group, use the describe-package-group command. For more information about package group definitions, see Package group definition syntax and examples.

aws codeartifact describe-package-group \ --domain my_domain \ --domain-owner 111122223333 \ --package-group '/nuget/*'

To view the child package groups of a package group, use the list-sub-package-groups command.

aws codeartifact list-sub-package-groups \ --domain my_domain \ --domain-owner 111122223333 \ --package-group '/nuget/*' \

To view the package group that is associated to a package, use the get-associated-package-group command. You must use the normalized package name and namespace for the NuGet, Python, and Swift package formats. For more information about how the package names and namespaces are normalized, see the NuGet, Python, and Swift name normalization documentation.

aws codeartifact get-associated-package-group \ --domain my_domain \ --domain-owner 111122223333 \ --format npm \ --package packageName \ --namespace scope

To edit a package group, use the update-package-group command. This command is used to update a package group's contact information or description. For information about package group origin control settings, and adding or editing them, see Package group origin controls. For more information about package group definitions, see Package group definition syntax and examples

aws codeartifact update-package-group \ --domain my_domain \ --package-group '/nuget/*' \ --domain-owner 111122223333 \ --contact-info \ --description "updated package group description"