Retry builds automatically in AWS CodeBuild
You can use the AWS CodeBuild console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs to automatically retry your builds in AWS CodeBuild. With auto-retry enabled,
CodeBuild will automatically call RetryBuild
using the project's service role after a failed build up to a specified limit. For example, if the
auto-retry limit is set to two, CodeBuild will call the RetryBuild
API to automatically retry your build for up to two additional times.
CodeBuild does not support auto-retry for CodePipeline.
Retry a build automatically (console)
Open the AWS CodeBuild console at
. -
Choose Create project. For information, see Create a build project (console) and Run a build (console).
In Environment:
For Auto-retry limit, enter the maximum number of auto-retries desired after a failed build.
In Environment, choose Additional configuration.
Continue with the default values and then choose Create build project.
Retry a build automatically (AWS CLI)
Run the create-project command:
aws codebuild create-project \ --name "
" \ --auto-retry-limit<auto-retry-limit>
\ --source "<source>
" \ --artifacts {<artifacts>
} \ --environment "{\"type\": \"environment-type>
\",\"image\": \"image-type>
\",\"computeType\": \"compute-type>
\"}" \ --service-role "service-role>
"In the preceding command, replace the following placeholders:
: Set the auto-retry limit to the maximum number of auto-retries desired after a failed build. -
, andservice-role>
: Set your desired project configuration settings.
Automatically retry a build (AWS SDKs)
For more information about using AWS CodeBuild with the AWS SDKs, see the AWS SDKs and tools reference.