Filter GitHub global or organization webhook events (console) - AWS CodeBuild

Filter GitHub global or organization webhook events (console)

When creating a GitHub project through the console, select the following options to create a GitHub global or organization webhook within the project. For more information about global and organization GitHub webhooks, see GitHub global and organization webhooks.

  1. Open the AWS CodeBuild console at

  2. Create a build project. For information, see Create a build project (console) and Run a build (console).

    • In Source:

      • For Source provider, choose GitHub or GitHub Enterprise.

      • For Repository, choose GitHub scoped webhook.

        The GitHub repository will automatically be set to CODEBUILD_DEFAULT_WEBHOOK_SOURCE_LOCATION, which is the required source location for global and organization webhooks.


        If you are using organization webhooks, make sure that CodeBuild has permissions to create organization level webhooks within GitHub. If you're using an existing OAuth connection, you may need to regenerate the connection in order to grant CodeBuild this permission. Alternatively, you can create the webhook manually using the CodeBuild manual webhooks feature. Note that if you have an existing GitHub OAuth token and would like to add additional organization permissions, you can revoke the OAuth token's permission and reconnect the token through the CodeBuild console.

      The configuration of GitHub scoped webhook.
    • In Primary source webhook events:

      • For Scope type, choose Organization level if you're creating an organization webhook or Enterprise level if you're creating a global webhook.

      • For Name, enter either the enterprise or organization name, depending on if the webhook is a global or organization webhook.

        If the project's source type is GITHUB_ENTERPRISE, you also need to specify a domain as part of the webhook organization configuration. For example, if the URL of your organization is, then the domain is


        This name cannot be changed after the webhook has been created. To change the name, you can delete and re-create the webhook. If you want to remove the webhook entirely, you can also update the project source location to a GitHub repository.

        The configuration of global or organization webhooks.
      • (Optional) In Webhook event filter groups, you can specify which events you would like to trigger a new build. You can also specify REPOSITORY_NAME as a filter to only trigger builds on webhook events from specific repositories.

        A filter that only triggers builds on webhook events from specific repositories.

        You can also set the event type to WORKFLOW_JOB_QUEUED to set up self-hosted GitHub Actions runners. For more information, see Tutorial: Configure a CodeBuild-hosted GitHub Actions runner.

  3. Continue with the default values and then choose Create build project.