Set up a group GitLab webhook - AWS CodeBuild

Set up a group GitLab webhook

The high-level steps to set up a group GitLab webhook are as follows. For more information about group GitLab webhooks, see GitLab group webhooks.

  1. Set your project's source location to CODEBUILD_DEFAULT_WEBHOOK_SOURCE_LOCATION.

  2. In the webhook's scope configuration, set the scope to GITLAB_GROUP.

  3. Specify a name as part of the webhook's scope configuration. For group webhooks, this is the group name.


    If the project's source type is GITLAB_SELF_MANAGED, you will also need to specify a domain as part of the webhook scope configuration.

  4. (Optional) If you would only like to receive webhook events for specific repositories within your organization or enterprise, you can specify REPOSITORY_NAME as a filter when creating the webhook.

  5. When creating a group webhook, ensure that CodeBuild has permissions to create group level webhooks within GitLab. To do so, you can use CodeBuild OAuth though CodeConnections. For more information, see GitLab access in CodeBuild.

    Note that group webhooks work with any of the existing GitLab webhook event types.